PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.

  • I noticed a very small amount of people putting up a ruckus because, and I'm guessing, they aren't good with battling other players on an even playing field (Yes SoT is an even playing field. It all comes down to experience and how well your tactics are.) The whole concept of this game from the very first ad was no micro-transactions and items to give others a step above the rest.

    Many argue that SoT was never a PvP or PvE game or vice versa. The final answer is that this is a PvP game in a PvE world. You got other ships with real players sailing about the world on their own agenda and then you got quest with enemy NPCs and patrolling threats such as the Megalodon. With these known FACTS it is and accepted as a PvP system in a PvE world.

    Now with that being said, some would argue that system preference would allow for better tactics and straight up fighting and I'd have to agree. I'm experiencing this first hand. Never will I go back to play SoT on console, but this is only a factor of input devices...

    Now just because you have poor tactics and end up losing your battles a lot more frequently than others doesn't mean the game was "imbalanced." What it means is that you have poor strategies and give excuses as to why you lost.

    So if you stockpiled gunpowder and knew a ship was coming directly for you yet you ended up sinking and also stated 3 of your additional crew members were on land at the time, then that sounds like you're not very good of a player to begin with...

  • 62
  • Well if you yourself realize that different platforms offer different playing experiences than you can't say that the game is balanced. SoT is everything but balanced or in an even playing field, the only situation that this is true is if all crews in a fight have the same number of crewmates and they are all in the same platform, any other variation SoT is not balanced.

    I will say that SoT if fair, because despite different odds or different controls you always will have an opportunity to outplay your opponents, regardless of crew size or platform, this is basically why I defend this game's pvp current state, though I do advocate for improvements for xbox players and an increase in variety of tools for players to use in pvp/pve to add more depth to the battles.

  • @ninestackerace While I agree with the simplicity of what you’re saying, it goes a lot deeper than what you’ve mentioned. For example; the CCB’s, the CCB’s are a prime example of how the level playing-field has been ruined by random loot found in game. If a ship has been in the server longer, they likely have more CCB’s than you. Simple as that.

    Other than that, it is worth mentioning that there is a clear disadvantage to the majority of console players. When matched against a pc player, you can not only have surperior aim, you can also hear people in game chat whilst in an Xbox party through the app. A clear advantage that Xbox players just don’t have.

  • @ninestackerace I haven't visited the forum in months, glad to see we're still talking about the same things.

    There is no doubt an imbalance between PC and Xbox, this can not be questioned by anyone that has played on both platforms. I think they've made great strides in diminishing this imbalance, but the greatest advantage PC players have is aim accuracy. The only solution to this is to add aim assist for consoles, which is really no solution at all. So, like OP is saying, get over it and play smart.

  • PvP is poorly implemented...

    Currently, the game is an arena. A really big one. There is no depth to the sandbox or to the PvE components. But there are mechanics in the game that take a lot of time investment to get done, require cooperation, while PvP you have to go out of your way to kill someone, can be done without much effort and ultimately serves mostly to undermine someone's progress vs some friendly fun fighting for loot.

    There is some truth to the opinion that pvp is ruining the experience... its not because it exists it just doesn't work well with certain aspects of the pve and can be a frustrating experience for many people.

  • @savagetwinky if u dont want PvP just avoid it, thats really easy, ur ship is a Fortress and savezone for everyone and anything on it as long as U are on ur ship, but first u need master the game mechanics of ur ship, thats it. Just a couple of days of training...

  • @zannarii said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky if u dont want PvP just avoid it, thats really easy, ur ship is a Fortress and savezone for everyone and anything on it as long as U are on ur ship, but first u need master the game mechanics of ur ship, thats it. Just a couple of days of training...

    What makes you think I don't want to pvp? Did you even read what I said?

  • I do not see how a pirate game can run without pvp. If the game is not balanced because of the PC, just make cross play optional.

  • @savagetwinky
    I have my thoughts too about Reapers Mark..and they are positive !
    Could Reapers Mark be a TEST for a temporary & mandatory "Wanted Pirate title" ?
    I suggested some ideas here, i hope you like them too.
    @ciotta saidRoyal Navy/Marine - New Faction suggestion, quest line, endgame and more...

    The Marine!

  • @lleorb in my opinion most xbox Players have an Advantage over pc players, a big tv,...
    Everything else is about input device, Kb mouse/ controller...
    If ur are on pc u need buy a new graphic card 250€
    If ur are on xbox u need buy Keyboard and mouse 30€
    Thats it...

  • @ciotta AH, I had been wondering the same, whether we might get some kind of forced Reaper's Mark for those engaging in uprovoked attacks... kind of like a black spot

  • @savagetwinky ok, maybe explain a bit more detailed what kind of problem u got in PvP? Got a story or better a situation to explain?

  • @zannarii When I say that PC has more advantage over xbox, I am referring to mouse precision. I can work quietly with other Xbox players but when it comes to the PC most of the time I end up losing just because of the precision of the mouse.

    -Any advantage that xbox has under pc is not gameplay but something external such as the price

  • @zannarii said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky ok, maybe explain a bit more detailed what kind of problem u got in PvP? Got a story or better a situation to explain?

    My problem with PvP is it doesn't happen all that naturally. You have to go out of your way for a fight 99% (assuming your the aggressive type) of the time and it mostly feels like griefing because it wasn't a shared target... you just nuked someone that had X amount of time invested into gathering supplies, mid athenas forcing them to restart if they lose crates, blocking them from finishing an event etc... and might not even have loot... or a couple of seafarer's chest, but you already invested 15-20 minutes sailing to them so you might as well kill them and take it.

    It doesn't feel like we are fighting over loot. Part of that is the game sets up PvE mostly as an independent experience which other players involvement is only happenstance. I just don't see PvP as a well thought out feature with respect to some of the PvE... or PvE mechanics with respect to PvP.

    @ciotta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    I have my thoughts too about Reapers Mark..and they are positive !
    Could Reapers Mark be a TEST for a temporary & mandatory "Wanted Pirate title" ?
    I suggested some ideas here, i hope you like them too.
    @ciotta saidRoyal Navy/Marine - New Faction suggestion, quest line, endgame and more...

    The Marine!

    No, that keeps the PvP in as some side thing where you have to go out of your way to find it. I want PvP to be more incorporated into the base experience while voyaging. A redesign of the voyages could easily accomplish this... just make them shared on the server. So If I pick up a voyage at a trader, someone could pick the same one up. Then you can just tweak the amount of targets voyages have or how many distinct voyages are available at any given time would change how often players funnel to the same targets. The forts are a good example of what happens at 1 target, current voyages are basically what it looks like with infinite targets.

    Once the targets are shared and there is a limited number of how much you can collect, it changes the way you perceive loot. Because when you're picking it up uncontested you're taking someone else's opportunity. It builds the framework around the loot to be more like capture the flag and less like an MMO's farm X amount of wolf pelts. This game isn't an MMO, it doesn't have a deep PvE... or a deep sandbox. There is no point for an "end game". We just need the current system to be more engaging more often and that almost entirely depends on player interaction... so make more contention points for players... or world events that require some sort of co-operation where its near impossible for a single crew to achieve.

  • @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:
    and might not even have loot... or a couple of seafarer's chest, but you already invested 15-20 minutes sailing to them so you might as well kill them and take it.

    It doesn't feel like we are fighting over loot. Part of that is the game sets up PvE mostly as an independent experience which other players involvement is only happenstance. I just don't see PvP as a well thought out feature with respect to some of the PvE... or PvE mechanics with respect to PvP.

    There's the problem with ur argument. U think pvpers are pvping for loot. We don't care about the loot, we care about the fight.

    If ur pvping for loot ur doing it wrong. Pvp for the fight. Loot is a byproduct.

    I can't count the amount of people that yell "but we don't have anything" as we trade cannon balls. I don't want anything from them other than a fun immersive fight. If u don't want to fight then scuttle and I'll look for my next target.

  • @zannarii said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @lleorb in my opinion most xbox Players have an Advantage over pc players, a big tv,...
    Everything else is about input device, Kb mouse/ controller...
    If ur are on pc u need buy a new graphic card 250€
    If ur are on xbox u need buy Keyboard and mouse 30€
    Thats it...

    alt text

  • @blackbeard-lufy He is wrong pmsl that’s not how it works on console at all xD

  • 3 months ago, i upgraded my phone and got a free xbox with it. Havent played games in about 20 years so as you can imagine I aint that great. Ive got loads of games but this is the only one I play. The reason is this- because i cant predict what is going to happen, that makes it exciting and fun. I like it because its as real as fantasy can get. By that i mean its a fantasy environment with some fundamental realities and they are:

    1. Im chucked together with other people whos thoughts, plans and agendas i can not predict
    2. These people may be better or worst than me ( though probably better) and i cant tell until its too late
    3. I will experience every humanistic trait e.g kindness, empathy, anger, hate etc without any concept as to why or when
    4. I will experience pure imbalance left, right and centre e.g sometimes I will have the upper hand and sometimes I wont and it will never be fair it will be just as chance, opportunity, luck or judgement dictate it

    Essentially, thats life!! Isnt that a fun thing to have in a game. My thoughts are simple, if this were real this is how it would be as the pirates would be human and this is the nature of humans.
    In futherance to this, I have an xbox, pc folk may have an advantage, I dont know and I dont really care If it becomes that much of an issue I will have to get a pc or play something else.
    I guess what im saying in a really long a***d way is if it dont work for you why play it? I dont get it.

  • @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    There's the problem with ur argument. U think pvpers are pvping for loot. We don't care about the loot, we care about the fight.

    If ur pvping for loot ur doing it wrong. Pvp for the fight. Loot is a byproduct.

    Given the entire setup for the game, it shouldn't be though. He's right that PvP should be integrated into the PvE more - and the PvE should be overhauled completely. It would create higher stakes for both and that would be more interesting than the current setup.

  • @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:
    and might not even have loot... or a couple of seafarer's chest, but you already invested 15-20 minutes sailing to them so you might as well kill them and take it.

    It doesn't feel like we are fighting over loot. Part of that is the game sets up PvE mostly as an independent experience which other players involvement is only happenstance. I just don't see PvP as a well thought out feature with respect to some of the PvE... or PvE mechanics with respect to PvP.

    There's the problem with ur argument. U think pvpers are pvping for loot. We don't care about the loot, we care about the fight.

    If ur pvping for loot ur doing it wrong. Pvp for the fight. Loot is a byproduct.

    I can't count the amount of people that yell "but we don't have anything" as we trade cannon balls. I don't want anything from them other than a fun immersive fight. If u don't want to fight then scuttle and I'll look for my next target.

    So what your saying is exactly the problem, the game doesn't need structure just murder people endlessly because of fun... This would be like saying your playing soccer wrong by trying to go for the ball. Just murder the goalee!

    The loot was supposed to give PvP some structure, and PvP some depth to the PvE. You need both of those for the PvPvE to work well. I love fighting for the fight but... but it still needs the structure... or the McGuffin to make it a game and not just a way to make people unhappy.

  • @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:
    and might not even have loot... or a couple of seafarer's chest, but you already invested 15-20 minutes sailing to them so you might as well kill them and take it.

    It doesn't feel like we are fighting over loot. Part of that is the game sets up PvE mostly as an independent experience which other players involvement is only happenstance. I just don't see PvP as a well thought out feature with respect to some of the PvE... or PvE mechanics with respect to PvP.

    There's the problem with ur argument. U think pvpers are pvping for loot. We don't care about the loot, we care about the fight.

    If ur pvping for loot ur doing it wrong. Pvp for the fight. Loot is a byproduct.

    I can't count the amount of people that yell "but we don't have anything" as we trade cannon balls. I don't want anything from them other than a fun immersive fight. If u don't want to fight then scuttle and I'll look for my next target.

    So what your saying is exactly the problem, the game doesn't need structure just murder people endlessly because of fun... This would be like saying your playing soccer wrong by trying to go for the ball. Just murder the goalee!

    The loot was supposed to give PvP some structure, and PvP will as add some depth to the PvE. You need both of those for the PvPvE to work well. I love fighting for the fight but... but it still needs the structure... or the McGuffin to make it a game and not just a way to make people unhappy.

    My macguffin is an epic fight. That ship on horizon might be a bunch of seasoned players or some noobs.. I don't know this until I initiated the fight. So right now I sink everyone I see hoping for an epic fight.

    I had an epic last night with another sloop. Neither of us could sink each other we ended up docking up and having a blast duelling each other. That is what I'm looking for. If some carebear ships have to be sunk to find that macguffin then fine. But that doesn't make me a griefer.

  • @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:
    and might not even have loot... or a couple of seafarer's chest, but you already invested 15-20 minutes sailing to them so you might as well kill them and take it.

    It doesn't feel like we are fighting over loot. Part of that is the game sets up PvE mostly as an independent experience which other players involvement is only happenstance. I just don't see PvP as a well thought out feature with respect to some of the PvE... or PvE mechanics with respect to PvP.

    There's the problem with ur argument. U think pvpers are pvping for loot. We don't care about the loot, we care about the fight.

    If ur pvping for loot ur doing it wrong. Pvp for the fight. Loot is a byproduct.

    I can't count the amount of people that yell "but we don't have anything" as we trade cannon balls. I don't want anything from them other than a fun immersive fight. If u don't want to fight then scuttle and I'll look for my next target.

    So what your saying is exactly the problem, the game doesn't need structure just murder people endlessly because of fun... This would be like saying your playing soccer wrong by trying to go for the ball. Just murder the goalee!

    The loot was supposed to give PvP some structure, and PvP will as add some depth to the PvE. You need both of those for the PvPvE to work well. I love fighting for the fight but... but it still needs the structure... or the McGuffin to make it a game and not just a way to make people unhappy.

    My macguffin is an epic fight. That ship on horizon might be a bunch of seasoned players or some noobs.. I don't know this until I initiated the fight. So right now I sink everyone I see hoping for an epic fight.

    I had an epic last night with another sloop. Neither of us could sink each other we ended up docking up and having a blast duelling each other. That is what I'm looking for. If some carebear ships have to be sunk to find that macguffin then fine. But that doesn't make me a griefer.

    I understand, it still makes for a bad PvP game which is why most PvP sandboxes fail or a game ends up with an arena PvP component. PvP just doesn't work without some structure to what the players are fighting for.

  • @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:
    and might not even have loot... or a couple of seafarer's chest, but you already invested 15-20 minutes sailing to them so you might as well kill them and take it.

    It doesn't feel like we are fighting over loot. Part of that is the game sets up PvE mostly as an independent experience which other players involvement is only happenstance. I just don't see PvP as a well thought out feature with respect to some of the PvE... or PvE mechanics with respect to PvP.

    There's the problem with ur argument. U think pvpers are pvping for loot. We don't care about the loot, we care about the fight.

    If ur pvping for loot ur doing it wrong. Pvp for the fight. Loot is a byproduct.

    I can't count the amount of people that yell "but we don't have anything" as we trade cannon balls. I don't want anything from them other than a fun immersive fight. If u don't want to fight then scuttle and I'll look for my next target.

    So what your saying is exactly the problem, the game doesn't need structure just murder people endlessly because of fun... This would be like saying your playing soccer wrong by trying to go for the ball. Just murder the goalee!

    The loot was supposed to give PvP some structure, and PvP will as add some depth to the PvE. You need both of those for the PvPvE to work well. I love fighting for the fight but... but it still needs the structure... or the McGuffin to make it a game and not just a way to make people unhappy.

    My macguffin is an epic fight. That ship on horizon might be a bunch of seasoned players or some noobs.. I don't know this until I initiated the fight. So right now I sink everyone I see hoping for an epic fight.

    I had an epic last night with another sloop. Neither of us could sink each other we ended up docking up and having a blast duelling each other. That is what I'm looking for. If some carebear ships have to be sunk to find that macguffin then fine. But that doesn't make me a griefer.

    I understand, it still makes for a bad PvP game which is why most PvP sandboxes fail or a game ends up with an arena PvP component. PvP just doesn't work without some structure to what the players are fighting for.

    Sounds like we're both hunting for an epic fight. Ur just searching for an additional goal, which is not necessary ( imho) needed in a sand box game. My goal is fun I don't need structure to have fun that's why I love sand box games.

  • @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:
    and might not even have loot... or a couple of seafarer's chest, but you already invested 15-20 minutes sailing to them so you might as well kill them and take it.

    It doesn't feel like we are fighting over loot. Part of that is the game sets up PvE mostly as an independent experience which other players involvement is only happenstance. I just don't see PvP as a well thought out feature with respect to some of the PvE... or PvE mechanics with respect to PvP.

    There's the problem with ur argument. U think pvpers are pvping for loot. We don't care about the loot, we care about the fight.

    If ur pvping for loot ur doing it wrong. Pvp for the fight. Loot is a byproduct.

    I can't count the amount of people that yell "but we don't have anything" as we trade cannon balls. I don't want anything from them other than a fun immersive fight. If u don't want to fight then scuttle and I'll look for my next target.

    So what your saying is exactly the problem, the game doesn't need structure just murder people endlessly because of fun... This would be like saying your playing soccer wrong by trying to go for the ball. Just murder the goalee!

    The loot was supposed to give PvP some structure, and PvP will as add some depth to the PvE. You need both of those for the PvPvE to work well. I love fighting for the fight but... but it still needs the structure... or the McGuffin to make it a game and not just a way to make people unhappy.

    My macguffin is an epic fight. That ship on horizon might be a bunch of seasoned players or some noobs.. I don't know this until I initiated the fight. So right now I sink everyone I see hoping for an epic fight.

    I had an epic last night with another sloop. Neither of us could sink each other we ended up docking up and having a blast duelling each other. That is what I'm looking for. If some carebear ships have to be sunk to find that macguffin then fine. But that doesn't make me a griefer.

    I understand, it still makes for a bad PvP game which is why most PvP sandboxes fail or a game ends up with an arena PvP component. PvP just doesn't work without some structure to what the players are fighting for.

    Sounds like we're both hunting for an epic fight. Ur just searching for an additional goal, which is not necessary ( imho) needed in a sand box game. My goal is fun I don't need structure to have fun that's why I love sand box games.

    I'm not looking for an additional goal, I'm looking for a game that isn't structured around aimlessly combing a map and murdering everyone on it.

    And 3 months ago I made that exact same argument... then I realized what keeps people engaged in PvP long term is structure and a common goal of what players will be fighting for... A death match isn't fun if only 1/6th of the players are playing it.

  • @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:
    and might not even have loot... or a couple of seafarer's chest, but you already invested 15-20 minutes sailing to them so you might as well kill them and take it.

    It doesn't feel like we are fighting over loot. Part of that is the game sets up PvE mostly as an independent experience which other players involvement is only happenstance. I just don't see PvP as a well thought out feature with respect to some of the PvE... or PvE mechanics with respect to PvP.

    There's the problem with ur argument. U think pvpers are pvping for loot. We don't care about the loot, we care about the fight.

    If ur pvping for loot ur doing it wrong. Pvp for the fight. Loot is a byproduct.

    I can't count the amount of people that yell "but we don't have anything" as we trade cannon balls. I don't want anything from them other than a fun immersive fight. If u don't want to fight then scuttle and I'll look for my next target.

    So what your saying is exactly the problem, the game doesn't need structure just murder people endlessly because of fun... This would be like saying your playing soccer wrong by trying to go for the ball. Just murder the goalee!

    The loot was supposed to give PvP some structure, and PvP will as add some depth to the PvE. You need both of those for the PvPvE to work well. I love fighting for the fight but... but it still needs the structure... or the McGuffin to make it a game and not just a way to make people unhappy.

    My macguffin is an epic fight. That ship on horizon might be a bunch of seasoned players or some noobs.. I don't know this until I initiated the fight. So right now I sink everyone I see hoping for an epic fight.

    I had an epic last night with another sloop. Neither of us could sink each other we ended up docking up and having a blast duelling each other. That is what I'm looking for. If some carebear ships have to be sunk to find that macguffin then fine. But that doesn't make me a griefer.

    I understand, it still makes for a bad PvP game which is why most PvP sandboxes fail or a game ends up with an arena PvP component. PvP just doesn't work without some structure to what the players are fighting for.

    Sounds like we're both hunting for an epic fight. Ur just searching for an additional goal, which is not necessary ( imho) needed in a sand box game. My goal is fun I don't need structure to have fun that's why I love sand box games.

    I'm not looking for an additional goal, I'm looking for a game that isn't structured around aimlessly combing a map and murdering everyone on it.

    Isn't that what pirates used to do ? Comb the seas looking for victims to fight and plunder. I thinking ur looking for a naval.combat game with factions ie british French and Dutch.

    Pirates were savages that would kill and sink for the infamy.

  • @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:
    and might not even have loot... or a couple of seafarer's chest, but you already invested 15-20 minutes sailing to them so you might as well kill them and take it.

    It doesn't feel like we are fighting over loot. Part of that is the game sets up PvE mostly as an independent experience which other players involvement is only happenstance. I just don't see PvP as a well thought out feature with respect to some of the PvE... or PvE mechanics with respect to PvP.

    There's the problem with ur argument. U think pvpers are pvping for loot. We don't care about the loot, we care about the fight.

    If ur pvping for loot ur doing it wrong. Pvp for the fight. Loot is a byproduct.

    I can't count the amount of people that yell "but we don't have anything" as we trade cannon balls. I don't want anything from them other than a fun immersive fight. If u don't want to fight then scuttle and I'll look for my next target.

    So what your saying is exactly the problem, the game doesn't need structure just murder people endlessly because of fun... This would be like saying your playing soccer wrong by trying to go for the ball. Just murder the goalee!

    The loot was supposed to give PvP some structure, and PvP will as add some depth to the PvE. You need both of those for the PvPvE to work well. I love fighting for the fight but... but it still needs the structure... or the McGuffin to make it a game and not just a way to make people unhappy.

    My macguffin is an epic fight. That ship on horizon might be a bunch of seasoned players or some noobs.. I don't know this until I initiated the fight. So right now I sink everyone I see hoping for an epic fight.

    I had an epic last night with another sloop. Neither of us could sink each other we ended up docking up and having a blast duelling each other. That is what I'm looking for. If some carebear ships have to be sunk to find that macguffin then fine. But that doesn't make me a griefer.

    I understand, it still makes for a bad PvP game which is why most PvP sandboxes fail or a game ends up with an arena PvP component. PvP just doesn't work without some structure to what the players are fighting for.

    Sounds like we're both hunting for an epic fight. Ur just searching for an additional goal, which is not necessary ( imho) needed in a sand box game. My goal is fun I don't need structure to have fun that's why I love sand box games.

    I'm not looking for an additional goal, I'm looking for a game that isn't structured around aimlessly combing a map and murdering everyone on it.

    Isn't that what pirates used to do ? Comb the seas looking for victims to fight and plunder. I thinking ur looking for a naval.combat game with factions ie british French and Dutch.

    Pirates were savages that would kill and sink for the infamy.

    Pirates weren't playing a video game. If the people of the time period weren't oppressed by life itself [Mod edited]

  • @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:
    and might not even have loot... or a couple of seafarer's chest, but you already invested 15-20 minutes sailing to them so you might as well kill them and take it.

    It doesn't feel like we are fighting over loot. Part of that is the game sets up PvE mostly as an independent experience which other players involvement is only happenstance. I just don't see PvP as a well thought out feature with respect to some of the PvE... or PvE mechanics with respect to PvP.

    There's the problem with ur argument. U think pvpers are pvping for loot. We don't care about the loot, we care about the fight.

    If ur pvping for loot ur doing it wrong. Pvp for the fight. Loot is a byproduct.

    I can't count the amount of people that yell "but we don't have anything" as we trade cannon balls. I don't want anything from them other than a fun immersive fight. If u don't want to fight then scuttle and I'll look for my next target.

    So what your saying is exactly the problem, the game doesn't need structure just murder people endlessly because of fun... This would be like saying your playing soccer wrong by trying to go for the ball. Just murder the goalee!

    The loot was supposed to give PvP some structure, and PvP will as add some depth to the PvE. You need both of those for the PvPvE to work well. I love fighting for the fight but... but it still needs the structure... or the McGuffin to make it a game and not just a way to make people unhappy.

    My macguffin is an epic fight. That ship on horizon might be a bunch of seasoned players or some noobs.. I don't know this until I initiated the fight. So right now I sink everyone I see hoping for an epic fight.

    I had an epic last night with another sloop. Neither of us could sink each other we ended up docking up and having a blast duelling each other. That is what I'm looking for. If some carebear ships have to be sunk to find that macguffin then fine. But that doesn't make me a griefer.

    I understand, it still makes for a bad PvP game which is why most PvP sandboxes fail or a game ends up with an arena PvP component. PvP just doesn't work without some structure to what the players are fighting for.

    Sounds like we're both hunting for an epic fight. Ur just searching for an additional goal, which is not necessary ( imho) needed in a sand box game. My goal is fun I don't need structure to have fun that's why I love sand box games.

    I'm not looking for an additional goal, I'm looking for a game that isn't structured around aimlessly combing a map and murdering everyone on it.

    Isn't that what pirates used to do ? Comb the seas looking for victims to fight and plunder. I thinking ur looking for a naval.combat game with factions ie british French and Dutch.

    Pirates were savages that would kill and sink for the infamy.

    Pirates weren't playing a video game. If the people of the time period weren't oppressed by life itself [Mod edited]

    Huh? We're talking about a role playing video game. What are u talking about now?

  • @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:
    and might not even have loot... or a couple of seafarer's chest, but you already invested 15-20 minutes sailing to them so you might as well kill them and take it.

    It doesn't feel like we are fighting over loot. Part of that is the game sets up PvE mostly as an independent experience which other players involvement is only happenstance. I just don't see PvP as a well thought out feature with respect to some of the PvE... or PvE mechanics with respect to PvP.

    There's the problem with ur argument. U think pvpers are pvping for loot. We don't care about the loot, we care about the fight.

    If ur pvping for loot ur doing it wrong. Pvp for the fight. Loot is a byproduct.

    I can't count the amount of people that yell "but we don't have anything" as we trade cannon balls. I don't want anything from them other than a fun immersive fight. If u don't want to fight then scuttle and I'll look for my next target.

    So what your saying is exactly the problem, the game doesn't need structure just murder people endlessly because of fun... This would be like saying your playing soccer wrong by trying to go for the ball. Just murder the goalee!

    The loot was supposed to give PvP some structure, and PvP will as add some depth to the PvE. You need both of those for the PvPvE to work well. I love fighting for the fight but... but it still needs the structure... or the McGuffin to make it a game and not just a way to make people unhappy.

    My macguffin is an epic fight. That ship on horizon might be a bunch of seasoned players or some noobs.. I don't know this until I initiated the fight. So right now I sink everyone I see hoping for an epic fight.

    I had an epic last night with another sloop. Neither of us could sink each other we ended up docking up and having a blast duelling each other. That is what I'm looking for. If some carebear ships have to be sunk to find that macguffin then fine. But that doesn't make me a griefer.

    I understand, it still makes for a bad PvP game which is why most PvP sandboxes fail or a game ends up with an arena PvP component. PvP just doesn't work without some structure to what the players are fighting for.

    Sounds like we're both hunting for an epic fight. Ur just searching for an additional goal, which is not necessary ( imho) needed in a sand box game. My goal is fun I don't need structure to have fun that's why I love sand box games.

    I'm not looking for an additional goal, I'm looking for a game that isn't structured around aimlessly combing a map and murdering everyone on it.

    Isn't that what pirates used to do ? Comb the seas looking for victims to fight and plunder. I thinking ur looking for a naval.combat game with factions ie british French and Dutch.

    Pirates were savages that would kill and sink for the infamy.

    Pirates weren't playing a video game. If the people of the time period weren't oppressed by life itself and had democrats around for handouts they'd be living in their parent's basements instead of risking their lives to deliver gold and black people to the colonies.

    Huh? We're talking about a role playing video game. What are u talking about now?

    You're trying to suggest that this game should be based on how pirates behaved in real life. First off its a game. Secondly... there is no second its a game, it needs to be engaging and fun because it's a game. And because its a game with PvP... for longevities sake it needs to build some structure for the PvP and clear goals so people don't get frustrated because its a sandbox and you can kick everyone else's castles to "role play" being a terrible person.

  • @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:
    and might not even have loot... or a couple of seafarer's chest, but you already invested 15-20 minutes sailing to them so you might as well kill them and take it.

    It doesn't feel like we are fighting over loot. Part of that is the game sets up PvE mostly as an independent experience which other players involvement is only happenstance. I just don't see PvP as a well thought out feature with respect to some of the PvE... or PvE mechanics with respect to PvP.

    There's the problem with ur argument. U think pvpers are pvping for loot. We don't care about the loot, we care about the fight.

    If ur pvping for loot ur doing it wrong. Pvp for the fight. Loot is a byproduct.

    I can't count the amount of people that yell "but we don't have anything" as we trade cannon balls. I don't want anything from them other than a fun immersive fight. If u don't want to fight then scuttle and I'll look for my next target.

    So what your saying is exactly the problem, the game doesn't need structure just murder people endlessly because of fun... This would be like saying your playing soccer wrong by trying to go for the ball. Just murder the goalee!

    The loot was supposed to give PvP some structure, and PvP will as add some depth to the PvE. You need both of those for the PvPvE to work well. I love fighting for the fight but... but it still needs the structure... or the McGuffin to make it a game and not just a way to make people unhappy.

    My macguffin is an epic fight. That ship on horizon might be a bunch of seasoned players or some noobs.. I don't know this until I initiated the fight. So right now I sink everyone I see hoping for an epic fight.

    I had an epic last night with another sloop. Neither of us could sink each other we ended up docking up and having a blast duelling each other. That is what I'm looking for. If some carebear ships have to be sunk to find that macguffin then fine. But that doesn't make me a griefer.

    I understand, it still makes for a bad PvP game which is why most PvP sandboxes fail or a game ends up with an arena PvP component. PvP just doesn't work without some structure to what the players are fighting for.

    Sounds like we're both hunting for an epic fight. Ur just searching for an additional goal, which is not necessary ( imho) needed in a sand box game. My goal is fun I don't need structure to have fun that's why I love sand box games.

    I'm not looking for an additional goal, I'm looking for a game that isn't structured around aimlessly combing a map and murdering everyone on it.

    Isn't that what pirates used to do ? Comb the seas looking for victims to fight and plunder. I thinking ur looking for a naval.combat game with factions ie british French and Dutch.

    Pirates were savages that would kill and sink for the infamy.

    Pirates weren't playing a video game. If the people of the time period weren't oppressed by life itself and had democrats around for handouts they'd be living in their parent's basements instead of risking their lives to deliver gold and black people to the colonies.

    Huh? We're talking about a role playing video game. What are u talking about now?

    You're trying to suggest that this game should be based on how pirates behaved in real life. First off its a game. Secondly... there is no second its a game, it needs to be engaging and fun because it's a game. And because its a game with PvP... for longevities sake it needs to build some structure for the PvP and clear goals so people don't get frustrated because its a sandbox and you can kick everyone else's castles to "role play" being a terrible person.

    No I'm trying to suggest how pirates behave in movies and books.

    I hope the game doesn't become overly structured as u mentioned. I like the chaos of the current game. I do believe ur are searching for a game style that sea of thieves will never be. There will always be a player like me lurking on the server searching for a epic fight with no rewards tied to it. Good ole sandbox chaos.

  • @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:
    and might not even have loot... or a couple of seafarer's chest, but you already invested 15-20 minutes sailing to them so you might as well kill them and take it.

    It doesn't feel like we are fighting over loot. Part of that is the game sets up PvE mostly as an independent experience which other players involvement is only happenstance. I just don't see PvP as a well thought out feature with respect to some of the PvE... or PvE mechanics with respect to PvP.

    There's the problem with ur argument. U think pvpers are pvping for loot. We don't care about the loot, we care about the fight.

    If ur pvping for loot ur doing it wrong. Pvp for the fight. Loot is a byproduct.

    I can't count the amount of people that yell "but we don't have anything" as we trade cannon balls. I don't want anything from them other than a fun immersive fight. If u don't want to fight then scuttle and I'll look for my next target.

    So what your saying is exactly the problem, the game doesn't need structure just murder people endlessly because of fun... This would be like saying your playing soccer wrong by trying to go for the ball. Just murder the goalee!

    The loot was supposed to give PvP some structure, and PvP will as add some depth to the PvE. You need both of those for the PvPvE to work well. I love fighting for the fight but... but it still needs the structure... or the McGuffin to make it a game and not just a way to make people unhappy.

    My macguffin is an epic fight. That ship on horizon might be a bunch of seasoned players or some noobs.. I don't know this until I initiated the fight. So right now I sink everyone I see hoping for an epic fight.

    I had an epic last night with another sloop. Neither of us could sink each other we ended up docking up and having a blast duelling each other. That is what I'm looking for. If some carebear ships have to be sunk to find that macguffin then fine. But that doesn't make me a griefer.

    I understand, it still makes for a bad PvP game which is why most PvP sandboxes fail or a game ends up with an arena PvP component. PvP just doesn't work without some structure to what the players are fighting for.

    Sounds like we're both hunting for an epic fight. Ur just searching for an additional goal, which is not necessary ( imho) needed in a sand box game. My goal is fun I don't need structure to have fun that's why I love sand box games.

    I'm not looking for an additional goal, I'm looking for a game that isn't structured around aimlessly combing a map and murdering everyone on it.

    Isn't that what pirates used to do ? Comb the seas looking for victims to fight and plunder. I thinking ur looking for a naval.combat game with factions ie british French and Dutch.

    Pirates were savages that would kill and sink for the infamy.

    Pirates weren't playing a video game. If the people of the time period weren't oppressed by life itself and had democrats around for handouts they'd be living in their parent's basements instead of risking their lives to deliver gold and black people to the colonies.

    Huh? We're talking about a role playing video game. What are u talking about now?

    You're trying to suggest that this game should be based on how pirates behaved in real life. First off its a game. Secondly... there is no second its a game, it needs to be engaging and fun because it's a game. And because its a game with PvP... for longevities sake it needs to build some structure for the PvP and clear goals so people don't get frustrated because its a sandbox and you can kick everyone else's castles to "role play" being a terrible person.

    No I'm trying to suggest how pirates behave in movies and books.

    I hope the game doesn't become overly structured as u mentioned. I like the chaos of the current game. I do believe ur are searching for a game style that sea of thieves will never be. There will always be a player like me lurking on the server searching for a epic fight with no rewards tied to it. Good ole sandbox chaos.

    I'm not asking for heavy structure... I'm saying there has to be something because chaos isn't good if its based on the lack of structure scattering players across the map and being disinterested with each other... The loot was the catalyst for the chaos but now its just slight chaos and mildly amusing.

  • @ninestackerace said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    I noticed a very small amount of people putting up a ruckus because, and I'm guessing, they aren't good with battling other players on an even playing field (Yes SoT is an even playing field. It all comes down to experience and how well your tactics are.) The whole concept of this game from the very first ad was no micro-transactions and items to give others a step above the rest.

    Many argue that SoT was never a PvP or PvE game or vice versa. The final answer is that this is a PvP game in a PvE world. You got other ships with real players sailing about the world on their own agenda and then you got quest with enemy NPCs and patrolling threats such as the Megalodon. With these known FACTS it is and accepted as a PvP system in a PvE world.

    Now with that being said, some would argue that system preference would allow for better tactics and straight up fighting and I'd have to agree. I'm experiencing this first hand. Never will I go back to play SoT on console, but this is only a factor of input devices...

    Now just because you have poor tactics and end up losing your battles a lot more frequently than others doesn't mean the game was "imbalanced." What it means is that you have poor strategies and give excuses as to why you lost.

    So if you stockpiled gunpowder and knew a ship was coming directly for you yet you ended up sinking and also stated 3 of your additional crew members were on land at the time, then that sounds like you're not very good of a player to begin with...

    YUP! That about sums it up! Thank you!

  • @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:
    and might not even have loot... or a couple of seafarer's chest, but you already invested 15-20 minutes sailing to them so you might as well kill them and take it.

    It doesn't feel like we are fighting over loot. Part of that is the game sets up PvE mostly as an independent experience which other players involvement is only happenstance. I just don't see PvP as a well thought out feature with respect to some of the PvE... or PvE mechanics with respect to PvP.

    There's the problem with ur argument. U think pvpers are pvping for loot. We don't care about the loot, we care about the fight.

    If ur pvping for loot ur doing it wrong. Pvp for the fight. Loot is a byproduct.

    I can't count the amount of people that yell "but we don't have anything" as we trade cannon balls. I don't want anything from them other than a fun immersive fight. If u don't want to fight then scuttle and I'll look for my next target.

    So what your saying is exactly the problem, the game doesn't need structure just murder people endlessly because of fun... This would be like saying your playing soccer wrong by trying to go for the ball. Just murder the goalee!

    The loot was supposed to give PvP some structure, and PvP will as add some depth to the PvE. You need both of those for the PvPvE to work well. I love fighting for the fight but... but it still needs the structure... or the McGuffin to make it a game and not just a way to make people unhappy.

    My macguffin is an epic fight. That ship on horizon might be a bunch of seasoned players or some noobs.. I don't know this until I initiated the fight. So right now I sink everyone I see hoping for an epic fight.

    I had an epic last night with another sloop. Neither of us could sink each other we ended up docking up and having a blast duelling each other. That is what I'm looking for. If some carebear ships have to be sunk to find that macguffin then fine. But that doesn't make me a griefer.

    I understand, it still makes for a bad PvP game which is why most PvP sandboxes fail or a game ends up with an arena PvP component. PvP just doesn't work without some structure to what the players are fighting for.

    Doesn't work for who ? Anyone who plays a PVPVE game and wants a combination of the both will find exactly that right here. Anyone that wants just PVE is outta luck or needs to be good at evading other ships( and that is entirley possible).

  • @treefittymonsta said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    Isn't that what pirates used to do ? Comb the seas looking for victims to fight and plunder.

    In some cases (the 'plunder' bit being important), but also they would be being paid or licensed (letter of marque) to sink ships of some opposing fleet/country/company.

    Don't get me wrong, part of the appeal of this game for me is the ability to 'play it how you want', so if you want to roam around the seas sinking every ship you see just for the fun of it that is up to you, and tbh if there wasn't the chance of being sunk by some passing ship some of the PvE voyages would get tedious imho.

  • @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    I understand, it still makes for a bad PvP game which is why most PvP sandboxes fail or a game ends up with an arena PvP component. PvP just doesn't work without some structure to what the players are fighting for.

    But it's not a PvP sandbox game. It's a PvPvE sandbox game.

    If you want PvP only, prepare to sail and search. Don't expect everybody you come across to be PvP only as well or that they want to fight.

    If you want PvE only, make sure you're on lookout 24/7 and always have your guard up when you see another sail at the horizon.

    Maybe if you want structured PvP only, play a game that does that? I mean I'm not going to play GTA if I want race the entire night, despite GTA having races in it.

    The mix of PvP and PvE is perfectly fine, there are people like @treefittymonsta who just want to PvP and focus on that. They form the threat towards the PvE players, and that's exactly how the game was designed to be and it balances out.

    As @trickrtreat01 said:

    Anyone who plays a PVPVE game and wants a combination of the both will find exactly that right here.

  • @aarghmaargho said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    I understand, it still makes for a bad PvP game which is why most PvP sandboxes fail or a game ends up with an arena PvP component. PvP just doesn't work without some structure to what the players are fighting for.

    But it's not a PvP sandbox game. It's a PvPvE sandbox game.

    If you want PvP only, prepare to sail and search. Don't expect everybody you come across to be PvP only as well or that they want to fight.

    If you want PvE only, make sure you're on lookout 24/7 and always have your guard up when you see another sail at the horizon.

    Maybe if you want structured PvP only, play a game that does that? I mean I'm not going to play GTA if I want race the entire night, despite GTA having races in it.

    The mix of PvP and PvE is perfectly fine, there are people like @treefittymonsta who just want to PvP and focus on that. They form the threat towards the PvE players, and that's exactly how the game was designed to be and it balances out.

    As @trickrtreat01 said:

    Anyone who plays a PVPVE game and wants a combination of the both will find exactly that right here.

    Or they won't because certain aspects are poorly designed. Your explaination is another seemingly response that didn't actually read what I wrote. I agree its a PvPvE game... but they could just do better.

11 out of 62