Forsaken Shores Will be Delayed (Probably)

  • Well, we've all seen this Tweet from the Sea of Thieves Twitter:

    They say that Forsaken Shores may be delayed.
    Which means it probably will be, cause in this business you don't announce that something may be delayed if it's not going to be.

    So don't be surprised when it's delayed.

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  • Eh, could go either way. They're working through the weekend to hit that window, so I'll wait and see how it goes.

    I like to keep faith

  • @dr-peter-tezla IMO, as long as they deliver a nice clean build with minimal bugs, they can take all the time they need.

  • @xcalypt0x said in Forsaken Shores Will be Delayed (Probably):

    @dr-peter-tezla IMO, as long as they deliver a nice clean build with minimal bugs, they can take all the time they need.

    I gotz 2 agree with that! Heck, might as well hold it back til last day of sept like they did with the july dlc. I'd bet that probably this dlc is sooo buggy it's unplayable!

  • @dr-peter-tezla Yeah, not only a tweet but a forum post, as well. It will likely be delayed. Better delayed than broken.

  • @zodemere I'd be okay with that :) Although I am a little biased because I'm going to be busy around the original release time lol xD

  • @xcalypt0x said in Forsaken Shores Will be Delayed (Probably):

    @zodemere I'd be okay with that :) Although I am a little biased because I'm going to be busy around the original release time lol xD


  • @bran-the-ent
    My thinking as well.
    Better late and good than On time and broken.

  • They've said that if it's going to be delayed it's not going to be a huge delay. I think if they delay it it's going to be the 21st of September.

  • Just a reminder... we do have a massive discussion on the official thread over here:

  • @zodemere said in Forsaken Shores Will be Delayed (Probably):

    @xcalypt0x said in Forsaken Shores Will be Delayed (Probably):

    @dr-peter-tezla IMO, as long as they deliver a nice clean build with minimal bugs, they can take all the time they need.

    I gotz 2 agree with that! Heck, might as well hold it back til last day of sept like they did with the july dlc. I'd bet that probably this dlc is sooo buggy it's unplayable!

    If it were I doubt they'd think they could take care of it with working through the weekend.

  • I predicted this and everyone got mad. Delay to work our the bugs? Sure I'm fine with that, what I'm not fine with is the fact they put out a release date and their mediocre dev team can't get it together. Its absolutely predictable. What I'm also ticked off about is that even if they delay the game to smooth out the bugs, there are still going to be bugs. Because that's how RARE rolls

  • Disappointing, but necessary.

    Always good with trading some time for quality.

  • Maybe Rare are learning the trick of "under-promising and over-delivering". They might just surprise and delight us all by bringing it in, on time.

    But, then again, perhaps not. A few days is not bad, at all. I am constantly bemused by the whining of gamers who, most of whom I assume have spent many hours at a computer (or console) playing games, but who have never written one. For those folk, here is some recommended reading:

  • @e11evenbsouth said in Forsaken Shores Will be Delayed (Probably):

    that's how RARE rolls

    That's how development rolls

  • @tre-oni from a mediocre company

  • @e11evenbsouth said in Forsaken Shores Will be Delayed (Probably):

    @tre-oni from a mediocre company

    I guess every game dev in existence is mediocre then lol.

    Whatever it is you do, I doubt you do it flawlessly

  • @e11evenbsouth No one to my knowledge has ever created anything like Sea of Thieves so I'm not sure how you are forming your opinion. Also, agile is a fairly new model in game development and I know of no other developer that is adding new features to a live product at the clip Rare is doing currently.

  • The one thing Rare needs to do to look like game development gods, is to stop promising to release DLCs when their project teams promise to have them ready.

    If management and their development team can agree that 19th September is a fair and reasonable date for Code Completion, Rare should announce the release for November. They should give themselves one month for contingency and Pioneer testing, and then release in late October! A couple of weeks early!

    The trick would be to keep everyone focused on 19th September as the drop dead date, and not fall into the trap of thinking "we really have an extra 6 or 8 weeks". This should apply to management too, who should not be tempted to slip in an extra feature or two. This is called "scope creep" and it undermines the best laid plans.

  • @surveyorpete absolutely. There are bugs in every developers games. Yet they work them out prior to release. RARE takes two steps back when they announce a specific date. All they have to do it shut their mouth and say... new content coming out in "fall". Ahain that's rookie thinking. Just like the brig. They put the crows nest on the front mast. Really? No one caught the F up in that design flaw? We're talking about a dev team that went live. Attacked a brig at a skull fort and had one of the developers go to the door where u need the key and said, maybe the brig got all the loot. Really? The door wasnt unlocked and everyone knows that if u look from the skull fort floor you can see the treasure. Amatures
    I tell ya

  • @marsmayflower really? No dev team has created a game where you do missions? What's the difference? You throw an ocean in instead of land. All the Grand theft autos didnt to this? And on a massive level. Gta3 for ps2 had more content and was way bigger. You're talking games that are 18 years old that have less bugs. Dude, you get 3 mission types in this game. You get 3 ships. Bland, other games have way more models for vehicles and npc's. After events happen what happens? You go back to the 3 same missions. Not to mention RARE gave the pioneers and pirate legends the big middle finger.Does anyone do skelly ships anymore? Eh I dunno everytime I see a cloud it's up for the entire time I play(hours at a time). No one wants to do them, especially since RARE said they would be in the environment like the meg. You see how well that played out.

  • @e11evenbsouth said in Forsaken Shores Will be Delayed (Probably):

    @surveyorpete absolutely. There are bugs in every developers games. Yet they work them out prior to release. RARE takes two steps back when they announce a specific date. All they have to do it shut their mouth and say... new content coming out in "fall". Ahain that's rookie thinking. Just like the brig. They put the crows nest on the front mast. Really? No one caught the F up in that design flaw? We're talking about a dev team that went live. Attacked a brig at a skull fort and had one of the developers go to the door where u need the key and said, maybe the brig got all the loot. Really? The door wasnt unlocked and everyone knows that if u look from the skull fort floor you can see the treasure. Amatures
    I tell ya

    I've heard of this video from many peeps but never watched. Do u knoow where i could find it? I need a gud laugh!

    I think at this point that rare should refund everyone's $, put the game as a game preview for $30-$40 & re-release a year from now!

  • @zodemere I just tried looking for it. It's not on youtube they must not have put that one up. But the dev team also thru up an alliance flag and then proceeded to fire on the ship they just joined. And stole the key. Someone had to comment and tell the dev team to abandon the alliance. Its things like these. You created the darn game and you dont even know how things work. It was joe neate and that dude with the long hair. When the brig came back the dev team was like. Do you have the skull fort key? And the other ship said.....uh you have it, its behind the stairs on your brigantine. We've been watching your live stream hahaha

  • And you know what? it's fine if they delay it. It just means they want this update to be the best possible, to fix every bug they can find, and make it up to the community after barrels 2.0 and other numerous problems that they owned up to.

  • @e11evenbsouth said in Forsaken Shores Will be Delayed (Probably):

    We've been watching your live stream hahaha


  • @e11evenbsouth said in Forsaken Shores Will be Delayed (Probably):

    @zodemere I just tried looking for it. It's not on youtube they must not have put that one up. But the dev team also thru up an alliance flag and then proceeded to fire on the ship they just joined. And stole the key. Someone had to comment and tell the dev team to abandon the alliance. Its things like these. You created the darn game and you dont even know how things work. It was joe neate and that dude with the long hair. When the brig came back the dev team was like. Do you have the skull fort key? And the other ship said.....uh you have it, its behind the stairs on your brigantine. We've been watching your live stream hahaha

    Bahahaahahahaahahhahaaaaa!! I guess if i was them i wouldn't post that either.

  • @becausescience1 the problem is there will still be bugs, or they'll have to disable something because of the bugs

  • almost as if....they might have been ..... playing the game....and ENJOYING IT :O


  • @e11evenbsouth Of course there will still be bugs! Nevertheless, there won't be as much, and they probably won't be big ones either.

  • The video your talking about was posted, its from the second livestream.

  • @Tre-Oni Please refrain from name calling and derogatory language toward other players. It is a violation of our forum rules, and your post has been removed accordingly.

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