Pirate legend.

  • I am now the newest pirate legend in sea of thieves. My wife beat me by a couple of days just so happy that grind is over. I’m already a 4 in Athena now to take my time ang enjoy this game. Can’t wait for the forsaken shores on the 19th.

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  • @drewragu
    Awesome, congrats!! ☺

  • @drewragu Nice!

    That's super awesome to have a husband and wife Pirate Legend crew! You guys must be a force to be reckoned with!

    Good luck with those Athena voyages, and hopefully will see you two out on the seas very soon!

  • @drewragu Congratulations on becoming Pirate Legend Drew!

  • @drewragu Congrats!

    Do you find yourselves arguing over which direction to go when playing?

  • @octopus-lime no not really it’s more she just yells at me for every choice I make.

  • @drewragu said

    no not really it’s more she just yells at me for every choice I make.

    Ahhh A typical healthy marriage. :o)

    Congrats on the marriage reaching pirate legend.
    Wise move letting her beat you to it. Happy wife, happy life. ;o)

  • Wise move my FOOT she’s played without me over the summer while I had to work. But yeah it was probably for the better.

  • Congrats! :)

  • @drewragu haha i feel you! :p

    2 days ago, my wife called me on the phone.. i answered the phone while i was mid-fight with 2 other ships and yelled at her i was busy and i couldn't talk..

    Apperently that was not the right thing to do xD
    However, she knows me by now and was happy for me i was still so excited about the game :D

  • Same! I hit legend a week ago and now I just can’t wait for forsaken shores!!

  • @drewragu Congrats mate, heck of an achievement. And that you and the misses can enjoy the game and new title together (even if she crammed in the occasional extra gaming session without you) is awesome. Hope you have many more good times together on the sea....

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