Barrels 2.0 isn’t that bad

  • It takes a little to get used to but calling it game breaking is such an over reaction. Thought I’d put in a post like this so it can be known not all of us are throwing are hands up having a little tantrum over a new UI that while a little clunky doesn’t change the game much at all for the worse. Cursed cannonballs are a blast. New items will be awesome. Everyone complains about no content then when we get a new system which may allow for more food types and ammo types people moan because the new UI isn’t perfect and people don’t like change. The UI will change. We will see it get better. Leaving a game over how you store items is moronic in my opinion.

    Online games ALWAYS CHANGE. MMOs are constantly reshifting armor sets, class abilities, and skills to create a more even and fresh game. Sea of thieves is not any different. It will change and evolve over time. If barrels 2.0 is game breaking for you I’d suggest not buying any more online games.

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  • @themilkman-vaec I second this entirely, it kinda freaked us at first, but actually it's so much easier to use than people think, just needs a few tweaks! Also we know Rare will listen and tweak quickly when necessary! So no problems with me.

  • Can it be fixed? Sure. Should it have been released the way it is now? No.
    It's that simple.

  • Biggest issue was them releasing it. It was rushed and slapped together with duct tape and chewing gum. But then when they were warned it wasn’t ready they just threw some glue on it and hoped it stick to the wall. At this point delay FS another week or two and get the basics fixed, then the inventory UI, then release FS.

  • @dutchyankee I'm truly confused at what you are saying here ? You'd sooner go to the dentist, and maybe end up having a tooth drilled, than cope with a short time of a game with a slight change that will be worked on ?? I'm certainly not trying to argue your thoughts, I just really don't know which way round you meant that.

  • @themilkman-vaec
    It is game breaking to the fact that simplicity is going to be overlooked for a clunky UI that takes away from the flow of the game. How many time have you drowned just checking the sunken ships for supplies? The different foods are not needed unless you make them equal healing across the board. If you don’t then the game is no longer an equal playing ground for all.

  • @inboundbomb I play every night, for hours on end, for fun and a chill... I am yet to have drowned checking barrels on a shipwreck, maybe our playstyles are different but, it does need a slight tweak, but it's certainly no game breaking feature, in my opinion.

  • @j4dio possibly so. Maybe you don’t go through all the barrels since you cannot see what is inside them. Plus after getting out of the inventory you have a controller input malfunction that will have you locked for a half second. It can be fixed but it breaks the fluidity of the game.

  • @j4dio
    I play all the time as well despite the pain that it cause me and most other players. Change is inevitable due to people not being to accept things as they are and have to give their own interpretation on how things should be.

  • @j4dio said in Barrels 2.0 isn’t that bad:

    @themilkman-vaec I second this entirely, it kinda freaked us at first, but actually it's so much easier to use than people think, just needs a few tweaks! Also we know Rare will listen and tweak quickly when necessary! So no problems with me.

    I third this lol. It was weird at first and i didnt like it, but I've been playing with it all week and i really like it now personally. And it's going to be even better when it gets tweaked. :)

  • The skeptic in me thinks that Rare released the broken update of Barrels 2.0 knowing there would be backlash but with some fixes already in the pipeline. They basically disguised the bad system by releasing it in a broken format and then saying "look we listen to feedback and we've fixed it". But it's still a bad system. It will be a fixed bad system but a bad system none the less.

    Why do I think this? Well because quite a few pioneers have indicated that they made all of these complaints and suggested solutions during testing but were ignored. Rare has now fixed a few of these problems in the week since it went public, but why didn't they fix it before release? Answer: because they wanted to appear to be a benevolent company that's guided by community feedback. If they just used a bit of common sense or listened to their testers they would't appear to be so incompetent in the first place.

  • Todays updates and changes have given me a fresh outlook on everything I had a problem with.

    I have not played since the UI was changed.

    Will dip my toe back in the water after the weekend. I would have started playing again tonight, but I am away until Monday.

  • @themilkman-vaec
    Couldn't agree more mate!
    People gotta learn to accept change.

  • I agree it is no biggie to have 2.0

  • Hey @themilkman-vaec, thank you for your feedback! As Barrels 2.0 is such a hot topic in the community, we have created a megathread to collate all your feedback. As a result, all threads are being locked and the conversation redirected to that topic.

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