What's the difference between "killing in-game" vs "aggression" in GAMING?

  • *Here's a Discussion version regarding Some ways to Avert Aggression/Piratey Attacks in this game...

    Here's are some points made so far...

    @longingfern4785 said in Some ways to Avert Aggression/Piratey Attacks in this game:

    Ok, very nice. But you have noticed, this game is pirate game?
    It's not about aggression, but about robbing stuff from others.
    I do not judge you by your verbal / accustic approach. But I DO want your stuff anyway.
    Please don't take it personal. I am neither aggressive, nor do I have a problem with you specific. Just need to rob the stuff!

    @captnjaq said in Some ways to Avert Aggression/Piratey Attacks in this game:

    @longingfern4785, I can understand your point because I've even said "Pirate Game" when alot of early players were concerned/complaining that they didn't want to get PvPed all the time when they logged into this game for solo runs or voyaging with chums or even their kids. ...I even pointed out that it's a sea of THIEVES.

    But all because I try to avoid confrontation, that doesn't mean I'm not prepared or expecting to be aggresively attacked by someone who's doing what their fiesty piratey heart is telling them to do.

    If the game allows me to not attack and I actually don't want to attack at that give moment or that session entirely, then I try creative ways to avert it. R')

    @john-hatter said in Some ways to Avert Aggression/Piratey Attacks in this game:

    I've always played with a more 'smuggler' mindset. Pride myself on moving about without incident or notice. Moving me wares. If someone attacks me then I best protect the goods. I enjoy the challenge of out sailing a pursuer. It all works out.
    What I HATE lately is people acting like this isn't an acceptable way to play. Like I'm forcing the world around me to be passive with me. No @!$# there's pvp in the game...but I've been avoiding all of you just fine since launch and no one's complained!! No one is forcing people to give out hugs when they encounter people but no one is forcing me to kill everyone I encounter either.

    @longingfern4785 said in Some ways to Avert Aggression/Piratey Attacks in this game:

    @captnjaq Your initial post just sounds like you connect PvP with aggression.
    If people play a 5vs5 ego shooter in the internet, they don't do so because of aggression. It's for the fun. It's the same as kids playing tag in the park.

    I don't see a controversy in playing PvP (even within a WW2-themed game) and being a pacifist. There is a HUGE difference between playing and killing.

    Have at it, mates R')

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  • ...No thanks. I'll choose where I'd like to contribute.

  • @john-hatter said in What's the difference between "killing in-game" vs "aggression" in SEA OF THIEVES?:

    ...No thanks. I'll choose where I'd like to contribute.

    Uhh… what? What's the point of this post?

  • I do connect PvP with Aggression, @longingfern4785 . A player is attacking someone else. Yet it's not a controversy, it's a challenge to play a violent game without trying to kill animals, enemies, or other pirates and just try to be helpful.

    That was my take away after my #EndTheViolence #EnactTheKindess Pacifist 7-Day Run. Luckily, I was able to coincide it with the Skull Thrones Adventures and it paid to be friendly, helpful, and not aggressive.

    The game changes (any game) when you start hearing say, "Kill Him Kill Him." "I died." "My boat died." "We slaughtered them."

    I am also aware that not IRL violent/aggressive people play Battle Royales or FPS and vice versa.

    :: Add-On ::
    But I think it's how the gameplay is presented, whether with humanoids, 1st person POV, blood-or-no-blood, and how death/termination is conveyed -- the point of which the player has shifted from spectator to participant.

  • @Blam320
    This thread is a swift(rather premature) attempt to prevent another thread from derailing into madness/getting locked.

    As such I have no desire to have my post dissected and the parts not seen as 'on topic' booted to another topic in order for me (and others) to...discuss.

    If I want my words on a topic I will do so myself.

  • I have no idea whats going on here. The beauty of SoT is that you can do what you want. It's an open world seabox. You can set a code for you and your crew to live by but like in life you can't control what others do so you need to be ready. Hope for the best plan for the worst. Personally I love the PvP aspect and me and my crew have gotten a lot of experience from it that we don't fear anything now and have no problem defending what's our and taking whats yours. We aren't "aggressive" or "hostile" we are pirates that live by our code.

    -Solo sloops get a pass, You guys are ballsy and we respect that
    -duo sloops we will engage, If they have nothing we will repair them and gift them something for the damages
    -Galleons are the scourge of the seas and are to be sent to Davy Jones with a big boom.

    Follow your rules and #bemorepirate. You decide what pirate means.

  • There is an issue with this game in that someone can invest time and energy into acquiring some loot and have that time and effort taken by someone else.

    It feels like an injustice even if in reality you chose to engage in an essentially meaningless activity i.e. playing a video game and whatever in-game outcome you received for your time investment is equally meaningless in the context of your existence.

    But if you are on the taking end, the person who steals another's loot, it feels so good. Despite the fact that it's meaningless.

    I try to enjoy both, but let's be real here, no-one enjoys having the perceived rewards of their time, those precious seconds of our lives that we will never get back, taken from them.

    There's a dissonance and and harshness to this game that reminds me of gambling, and gives me a very similar, almost sick pleasure/discomfort rollercoaster, only it's one without the real world consequences.

  • Just saying, I like playing this game being sneaky, sleep onboard when people don't notice. Steal a couple stronghold skulls/chests every now and then from galleons and then go around after the sale to overhear their commentary. Passive Aggressive gameplay is pretty rewarding in this game lol

  • ... I went ahead and asked this thread could be moved to the Off Topic so ALL gaming can be applied in the discussion..

  • @john-hatter said in What's the difference between "killing in-game" vs "aggression" in GAMING?:

    This thread is a swift(rather premature) attempt to prevent another thread from derailing into madness/getting locked.

    As such I have no desire to have my post dissected and the parts not seen as 'on topic' booted to another topic in order for me (and others) to...discuss.

    If I want my words on a topic I will do so myself.

    You could have actually stated that to begin with. That would have prevented this minor misunderstanding.

  • @blam320
    I agree but acting quickly out of initial feelings towards what took place tends to overlook certain logical things. Hindsight being 20/20 and all.

  • @ve111a I have been having so many issues with sloops lately its crazy. Everytime me and my galleon crew gets on a sloop that we have decided to leave alone come to try to sink us. Its gotten to the point where I am ready to sink one as soon as I see one getting too close and I hate to do that because I have respect for the sloop, especially solo sloopers. We had to sink this one solo sloop three times the other night I was on because they kept coming back shooting cannons at us while we were at an island trying to do the commendations.

    As far as the topic of this post, I dont really understand it lol. Killing in game is aggression. I like PvP because its a great stress reliever. Some people PvP in this game just for the hell of it while others do it for the treasure. I only PvP in defense.

  • @COMBATxKITTY @ve111a:

    When it comes to PvP in SOT or any game, do you think it makes a difference if we're shooting at ship, mechas, humanoids, etc?

    Or if it's a 1st or 3rd person point of view?

  • @captnjaq said in What's the difference between "killing in-game" vs "aggression" in GAMING?:

    @COMBATxKITTY @ve111a:

    When it comes to PvP in SOT or any game, do you think it makes a difference if we're shooting at ship, mechas, humanoids, etc?

    Or if it's a 1st or 3rd person point of view?

    No, It's a target that will need to be neutralized for my goals to be accomplished. It could be baby pirates and if they had loot, I'm still gonna take it lol.

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  • @combatxkitty said in What's the difference between "killing in-game" vs "aggression" in GAMING?: I like PvP because its a great stress reliever.

    She gets it !

  • @vapor1080:

    Same. Just like with LOTRO, I'd log in and tell a friend, It's been a rough day. I just want to raid an Orc. But those are NPCs.

    But more or less, this topic interests me is that when POTCO/PiratesOnline was a thing was that Disney prevented players from shooting at Navy & EITC officers, prevented players from shooting and cutting fellow player, but when it cam to critters and cursed pirates, you could shoot, blow them up, cut them to no end.. Seemed like they made sure we didn't cross a line because the human angle..

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