About Last Night

  • Fun times! Sloop on sloop violence is never the answer. HAHA!! We had a sloop chasing us. We turned in our most expensive skull and they fired on us! How rude! HA! They continue to chase us and about 5 minutes of them chasing us we decided to engage. My first cannonball knocked their Captain off the wheel, but not the ship sadly. I kept firing at their deck hoping to kill or knock one of them off. No such luck. They continued to chase. We turned to engage again and this time they had wind and we didn't so they rammed us. One boarded and I hit him with my cutlass once and he was DED. (no I did not spell that wrong). I was so proud of myself that I did not die nor took damage. Might mean I was only a lil more skilled than him? I mean we all know I suck at combat. HAHA!

    After killing him I went down to repair the 2 holes. Came back up and they were still chasing us. How exciting! We live for being chased. :) We decide to turn and engage and all of my shots hit their hull and I killed one of them. We break off to repair the one hole they put into the bck of our hull. They continue to chase us and then all of a sudden they stopped and sunk. They tried to board us, but we were in full billow.

    We start to sail west and we see them again. They give chase, but they are way behind as they tried to cut us off and we just kept going straight and now they were in headwind. Then an aggressive megalodon shows up and takes a couple of bites out of our sloop, 8 holes to be exact. We head to the nearest island to get the megalodon to back off. Then we lost sight of the sloop.

    All in all it was a fun night that resulted in me not dying and me not looking like a noob. HAHA!!

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  • @purplemajic that’s a great adventure! I had a solo sloop chase me after I went and got the booty off a sunken ship. I didn’t waste time to sail into the storm and try to lose him. I made it close to daggertooth and a megaladon came at me. Luckily he didn’t do any damage and I made it to the outpost. Turned in my chest I got and didn’t even slow my sloop down. Let it sink as he was almost there. He kept trying to say he was friendly and I met up with him. Said he was trying to tell me the whole time with a white flag flying and flashing his lantern. Then he pulled out his gun and tried to kill me. Missed his shot. I pulled out mine and killed him. Lol. I never trust pirates

  • Oh and I forgot! When they rammed us, their sloop went flying into the air like doing a backflip! I think that's why they sunk because we seen one fall from the ship while it was in the air. so, no one was on there to repair.

  • @purplemajic I love Poetic Justice!

  • @crazynsain Yeah, we don't trust others. If they say they are friendly we will be nice and not fire, but we will be watching them the entire time. But I did let my guard down the other night and we got our sloop kegged twice, but we didn't sink and finished the skull fort.

  • @purplemajic said in About Last Night:

    Fun times! Sloop on sloop violence is never the answer. HAHA!! We had a sloop chasing us. We turned in our most expensive skull and they fired on us! How rude! HA! They continue to chase us and about 5 minutes of them chasing us we decided to engage. My first cannonball knocked their Captain off the wheel, but not the ship sadly. I kept firing at their deck hoping to kill or knock one of them off. No such luck. They continued to chase. We turned to engage again and this time they had wind and we didn't so they rammed us. One boarded and I hit him with my cutlass once and he was DED. (no I did not spell that wrong). I was so proud of myself that I did not die nor took damage. Might mean I was only a lil more skilled than him? I mean we all know I suck at combat. HAHA!

    After killing him I went down to repair the 2 holes. Came back up and they were still chasing us. How exciting! We live for being chased. :) We decide to turn and engage and all of my shots hit their hull and I killed one of them. We break off to repair the one hole they put into the bck of our hull. They continue to chase us and then all of a sudden they stopped and sunk. They tried to board us, but we were in full billow.

    We start to sail west and we see them again. They give chase, but they are way behind as they tried to cut us off and we just kept going straight and now they were in headwind. Then an aggressive megalodon shows up and takes a couple of bites out of our sloop, 8 holes to be exact. We head to the nearest island to get the megalodon to back off. Then we lost sight of the sloop.

    All in all it was a fun night that resulted in me not dying and me not looking like a noob. HAHA!!

    Wow, your story sounds so similar to mine from 2 days ago. :O I'm posting my story next! xD

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