Please bring HDR to PC!

  • Anyone who have played this in HDR on Xbox knows how incredible the HDR implementation in this game is. The game on Xbox One X with HDR just looks so much better then what even the most powerful PC can manage with the best IPS monitor.

    So I ask you Rare. Please bring HDR to PC also. More and more HDR monitors are coming out and many are playing on both a monitor and TV setup.

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  • @binaryplayerone said in Please bring HDR to PC!:

    Anyone who have played this in HDR on Xbox knows how incredible the HDR implementation in this game is. The game on Xbox One X with HDR just looks so much better then what even the most powerful PC can manage with the best IPS monitor.

    So I ask you Rare. Please bring HDR to PC also. More and more HDR monitors are coming out and many are playing on both a monitor and TV setup.

    Are you sure about that? Got a screenshot to show?

  • @fantome-of-blue said in Please bring HDR to PC!:

    Are you sure about that? Got a screenshot to show?

    You cant see it if you dont have a HDR display. But the difference is BIG. I play Sea of Thieves on both a Xbox One X in 4K HDR. And on a GTX1080 powered PC on a SDR display.

    And Sea of Thieves is just so incredible much better in HDR. Because of the cartoonish style and color palett the HDR truly makes the game look fantastic. Everything pops so much more. You can see the sun breaking trough the waves and ocean in a way you just cant see in SDR on even the most powerful PC you can build...

    PC only players are really missing out on some spectacular visuals.

  • Eh, my rig has 32gigs on the graphics card, and I can run 3d on it … I think I got the HDR Ghostbusters bluray, and it displays okay.

    I see glow on the sand when looking outside the tavern, sunrays through the masts and trees, overcast effects (though I think they turned those off in the last update for some reason...not sure why)… the whole shootin' match. Even light rays underwater, and simulated iris when going from light to dark areas and back again.

    I'm not sure what more I could be seeing in terms of effects.

  • It's not worth it, barely anyone has an HDR monitor at this point. I'm not talking about the niche group that have 144+hz 1440P monitors but this is a niche of a niche at this point.

    HDR is on a case by case basis, some games implement it well, others do not. God of War for example has great HDR, Ni No Kuni 2 has horrible HDR despite being a bright and colorful game.

  • @fantome-of-blue said in Please bring HDR to PC!:

    Eh, my rig has 32gigs on the graphics card, and I can run 3d on it … I think I got the HDR Ghostbusters bluray, and it displays okay.

    I see glow on the sand when looking outside the tavern, sunrays through the masts and trees, overcast effects (though I think they turned those off in the last update for some reason...not sure why)… the whole shootin' match. Even light rays underwater, and simulated iris when going from light to dark areas and back again.

    I'm not sure what more I could be seeing in terms of effects.

    32GB on a GPU. a one of a kind GPU then.... :D

    Joke aside.

    I dont think you quite realize what HDR is. I recommend you do some reading or watch some YouTube explanation videos before continuing this discussion.

    And it's worth mentioning that HDR in movies is often not that good. And the difference on HDR in movies and in games is big. Games have a way of enhancing the benefit of HDR that only the best HDR implemented movies can measure up to. And there are surprisingly few good HDR movies.

  • @eatdamuffin said in Please bring HDR to PC!:

    It's not worth it, barely anyone has an HDR monitor at this point. I'm not talking about the niche group that have 144+hz 1440P monitors but this is a niche of a niche at this point.

    HDR is on a case by case basis, some games implement it well, others do not. God of War for example has great HDR, Ni No Kuni 2 has horrible HDR despite being a bright and colorful game.

    It's true that HDR is not big on PC atm. But it's slowly getting there. And many have moved away from the desktop gaming environment to the living room. And there's allot of 4K HDR TV's in circulation now...

    Sea of Thieves have one of the best HDR implementation in games. Anyone who have tried this game in HDR know's exactly what I'm talking about. Digital Foundry have a video on it also that's worth checking out.

    So even tho HDR is not that wide spread on PC right now. I really hope Rare have the time,resources and will to add HDR to PC at one time. Rather sooner then later... :P

    Because it is really like seeing to different games....only reason I play on my PC is when my wife occupies the TV or I want some 60+fps mouse & keyboard action.

  • HDR is mainly down to windows and gpu drivers tbh. You can enable HDR in windows settings if you have a display which supports it connected.

  • @warmedxmints said in Please bring HDR to PC!:

    HDR is mainly down to windows and gpu drivers tbh. You can enable HDR in windows settings if you have a display which supports it connected.

    The game still need to support it.

  • Yeah looks leaps and bound better on Xbox One X then my PC. Love my mouse, keyboard and 120 fps but that HDR got me all sweaty under the collar.

  • @binaryplayerone Heh, well okay then, 32 gigs on a card with a GPU :)

    But, more seriously, streaming an HDR vid of this game to me looks like what I'm seeing on my installation. The glow of the suns reflection in the sand, the deep blacks, the haze and off color effects in the NE section of the map around Galleon's and Dagger. I think I'm probably playing in HDR.

    I guess older rigs with older graphics cards are probably seeing SDR.

  • @fantome-of-blue

    The game does not have HDR support on PC. That's why I made this post. No one on PC is getting the visual fidelity that Xbox One X and Xbox One owners get with HDR. So no you are not playing in HDR.

  • @personalc0ffee I think they have fixed that bug. Everything is working as it should on my systems in both SDR and HDR.

  • @personalc0ffee Strange. I've had no issues with it. I know Digital Foundry mentioned a HDR bug in their video about HDR in Sea of Thieves. But I've not had any issues. Not that I've registered that is. But defiantly not had a issue with things being to dark.

    Everything in HDR just pops and looks straight out fantastic! Cant wait to HDR becomes standard on all games be it consoles or PC.

  • Still nothing happened? It's almost 2019!

  • @xmalkerx found this: "PC's lack of traction in HDR is something of a vicious circle. Consider Sea of Thieves by Rare - it features one of the most striking HDR implementations we've ever seen, enhancing the game's distinctive visuals considerably. However, it's only an option for Xbox users - there's no HDR support whatsoever on the PC side. On checking in with the developer about this, we were told that the lack of compatible displays meant that implementing it wasn't a priority. It's an excuse that frustrates us because, of course, PC is just as compatible with living room HDR displays as the consoles, but the divide between the living room and the den/office - each with their own type of display - is still, clearly, a thing... for now, at least."

    Sad :(

  • @spec24
    Cheers for bringing some light into this matter. It‘s really a b****r, because the majority of AAA games come with it now on PC. And it really makes a difference when it‘s done right. Forza 4 i.e looks incredible with HDR.

  • The game looks good regardless if you have HDR or not.

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  • Indeed it does however 4K HDR on X1X takes it to another level. I am hoping for some further support (level sliders etc) in the future.

  • @fantome-of-blue I can't go back to SoT in SDR. It is a vast improvement and adds more to the experience than any other improvement PC can offer. It really should be available on Windows.

  • I'm not sure where this is coming from.
    I have 4k HDR 55" TV and X1X. HDR mutes everything out and turns it all dark. There's no "POP" in any color and as @PersonalC0ffee said, you can't see at night.

    What once was a beautiful vibrant blue ocean is now this dull water stuff I don't want to swim in.

    Post some side by side comparisons, now I'm curious.

  • @personalc0ffee
    Oh I did disable it.
    I meant for OP to post side by side of SDR/HDR from their X1X. Sorry. I was just acknowledging your comment about not being able to see in the dark.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Please bring HDR to PC!:

    @binaryplayerone Did they? I have heard nothing but complaints by people that have HDR that they can't see at night.

    i have found the sweet spot on my TCL that has helped out. really, the only problem I have now with darkness is in the wilds at night when it's cloudy. which is probably accurate.

  • @iisrgntwolfii said in Please bring HDR to PC!:

    I'm not sure where this is coming from.
    I have 4k HDR 55" TV and X1X. HDR mutes everything out and turns it all dark. There's no "POP" in any color and as @PersonalC0ffee said, you can't see at night.

    What once was a beautiful vibrant blue ocean is now this dull water stuff I don't want to swim in.

    Post some side by side comparisons, now I'm curious.

    sounds like your gamma might be off. SDR on my TCL p series looks good but flat and PC monitor like in comparison. The HDR is so much richer and you see way more color pop. My set was washed out and dark too initially... took weeks to get it sorted out.

  • Having just picked up a HDR monitor and seeing how nice Horizon 4 looks on it, I'm pretty bummed that this game doesn't have it on PC yet. It just seems like a waste for it to not be available.

  • @mad-jack-ketch

    That's some nice pictures! But think about how beautiful those images are and imagine it even better.

    In Sea of Thieves, HDR adds so much to the experience. Details that's not there in SDR. Like the sun illuminating trough the water making the ocean look even more real. To seeing the sun come up and light up the world in such strength and beauty it's almost like your there.

    And with the entire color palett in the game changing and just popping out of your TV.

    I play on both PC and Xbox One X and it's a game changer playing this in HDR. Like so many games these days.

    So it's a shame they have not added this to PC yet. Not many HDR monitors out but there is no problem using a PC on a TV...something I think many are doing...

  • @binaryplayerone I'm against it. Since the PCs are already better in combat mode, we want at least our consoles to show our dying more beautifully.

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