Battle Royale Mini Game (player made. NOT a new game mode)

  • So here I go with a fun idea for a mini game crews can play with each other when not on voyages or fighting over fort booty.

    Pirate Royale
    This honor rules styled mini game can be played with 2-6 crews. Crews pick a large island for the battle to take place and each ship acquires a gun powder barrel. Ships are parked on opposite ends of the island and as evenly spaced as possible if you somehow manage to get 6 crews involved.

    Select your load outs/fill up on nanners and crews agree on a time for the battle to start. Each crew places their gun powder barrel in the lower deck and at the time the battle is to start detonate their barrels. All crew jump into cannons and launch themselves onto islands before their ships sink.

    At this point there are no respawns due to ships being sunk and limited ammo and bananas unless looted from island. Last crew standing wins.

    Simple enough and if you manage to get the whole server involved would make for one awesome island battle.

    [Mod Edit - Derogatory Language]

  • 30
    1. How would you get anybody to agree to that?
    2. This is a PvPvE game, don't forget about the PvE part of it!
      (Note: In no way am I advocating for only PvE, but there must be a balance between PvE and PvP)
    3. Please don't make it Fortnite or PUBG! this game is unique, let's keep it that way!
    4. What is stopping people from mermaiding away?
    5. Is there going to be a reward?
    6. What happens if another crew has to do a voyage at that island?
  • @el-dunco whilst not a bad idea, I don't think this needs to be yet another game with Battle Royale mode. And even if it was to have one, why make it exactly the same as every other one?

    If you're gonna do a Battle Royale in SoT, then use the mechanics that we play sea of thieves for!

    10 crews, and ocean filled with only small islands and many rocks. You start with only a ship, and must dock on the islands in order to resupply your ammo, planks, and bananas. This way, the majority of combat would be ship based, making it starkly different from every other Battle Royale games, and actually worth the time to implement.

    At the moment you are asking for more fortnite. So go play fortnite basically.

  • You guys are reading wayyy too much into this. I am in no way asking for a new game mode. This is a proposed thing to do while in the game between 2 or more crews. You don't have to play, its just something that can be done at the moment when crews are bored and already teamed up.

    Crews already meet up and do silly things together. This is just another one of those things to do using the mechanics already in place on the game.

    -drunken relay races
    -trinket hide and seek
    -duck-with-a-gunpowder-barrel shooting game

    There are lots of different games we crews have come up with to pass the time. You just gotta meet the right crew.

  • @drewbob7 said in Battle Royale Mini Game:

    1. How would you get anybody to agree to that?
    2. This is a PvPvE game, don't forget about the PvE part of it!
      (Note: In no way am I advocating for only PvE, but there must be a balance between PvE and PvP)
    3. Please don't make it Fortnite or PUBG! this game is unique, let's keep it that way!
    4. What is stopping people from mermaiding away?
    5. Is there going to be a reward?
    6. What happens if another crew has to do a voyage at that island?
    1. Try getting out of party chat and communicating with other crews
    2. Okay, I can tell you aren't getting what I'm proposing now
    3. Yeah, you're totally oblivious
    4. Seriously, I don't think you actually read the post.
    5. I hate this community...
    6. Sounds like a personal problem and good luck to them
  • @thewolfman321 said in Battle Royale Mini Game:

    @el-dunco whilst not a bad idea, I don't think this needs to be yet another game with Battle Royale mode. And even if it was to have one, why make it exactly the same as every other one?

    If you're gonna do a Battle Royale in SoT, then use the mechanics that we play sea of thieves for!

    10 crews, and ocean filled with only small islands and many rocks. You start with only a ship, and must dock on the islands in order to resupply your ammo, planks, and bananas. This way, the majority of combat would be ship based, making it starkly different from every other Battle Royale games, and actually worth the time to implement.

    At the moment you are asking for more fortnite. So go play fortnite basically.

    alt text

  • @el-dunco

    1. Okay, that makes sense
    2. You are proposing a battle royale mini game
    3. How am I oblivious?
    4. I did, and it said nothing about mermaiding away!
    5. I was just asking what incentive you would have to partake and win in this mini game.
    6. You are not helping your point by saying that
  • @drewbob7 Just forget I said anything man. I pitched this to the wrong people

  • @el-dunco okay, but i'm just providing my opinion on your idea!

  • @drewbob7 no worries. Just think there was a failure to communicate and I need some coffee

  • @el-dunco Maybe change the title to something along the lines of 'Let's make our own mini battle royale on the server' or something....?

  • Battle Royale is the trend everyone is throwing into their game to copy Fortnite and Pubg. Personally I cannot stand it, but if we were gonna have it why not have it be about sea combat?

  • @miles-traveler said in Battle Royale Mini Game:

    Battle Royale is the trend everyone is throwing into their game to copy Fortnite and Pubg. Personally I cannot stand it, but if we were gonna have it why not have it be about sea combat?

    I hear you about sea combat if this ever makes its way to SoT in a real format (though I like the OP’s idea and this can be done right now in game)

    But about BR in general I disagree. I feel like most people who are adamantly against it either, never win, or can’t get past that most times they won’t win. Games have been patting people on the back to much lately, I think good competition is the best type of game to play. Not to say feel good pat you on the back story based games don’t have their place. But tbh I think SoT is the former and would be better off that way than a casual open world pvp pirate game, just give us reasons within that narrative to work together and not be KOS trolls.

  • while a pirate themed battle royal game seems like a good idea (Maelstrom), im strictly against bringing battle royal into sea of thieves, or right now at least.

    i would accept a battle royal mode as a kind of time limited/weekly event or mode, but that's it. i dont want the devs to focus on just that part of the game like Fortnite's devs did.

    i want them to focus on the shared open world concept. it is unique and different, unlike what other games that are either too competitive PvP focused or a cash-grab battle royal game.

    basically, here is my stance: if they do make a battle royal mini game for SOT, and people complain that it is unbalanced and needs more development, i want rare to throw it away the entire concept and never do it again until their shared open world is perfect.

    right now, Treyarch has announced that COD BO 4, will not feature a single-player campaign mode because they want to spend more time on developing a battle royal mode. that is what the concept of Battle Royal is doing to this generation of gaming.

  • Stop with the battle royale garbage. If you want battle royale go play fortnite because that mode will never happen in this game. GET. OVER. IT.

  • @confusedgamer99, he ne'er asked for a new game mode...

    @el-Dunco, while this not be something I would do, 'cause BR no be for me, it sounds like somet'ing some players may enjoy. I get that yer not askin' for BR mode to be added, merely suggestin' how someone could use the game as it stands to play a BR style experience.

  • @confusedgamer99 Your gamer tag says it all.

  • @el-dunco wow haven’t heard that one before 😒

  • Please refrain from mocking other users and throwing around derogatory language, as it is a violation of the community rules. Further violations will result in threads/posts being deleted and possibly banning.

  • I like your idea!
    And I think it's the best possible way to scratch your Royale itch in SoT.

    I'll try it next time I befriend a crew.

  • @el-dunco said in Battle Royale Mini Game (player made. NOT a new game mode):

    @drewbob7 Just forget I said anything man. I pitched this to the wrong people

    Yeah, you put it in the "guides and tips" forum...

  • It sounds like a fun idea, but I wouldn't be willing to sink my own ship for it. Its a bit complicated to explain to another crew you happen to come across. I would edit it a little. I would keep the same setup minus the TNT. Players who die and respawn are just "out" and wait til the next round. That way you dont need to sink ships, and we dont gotta spend so much time setting up.

  • @drewbob7 said in Battle Royale Mini Game (player made. NOT a new game mode):

    1. I was just asking what incentive you would have to partake and win in this mini game.

    The incentive is having fun. Thats kinda the whole point in this game. You never just messed around with another crew before?

  • @matzor said in Battle Royale Mini Game (player made. NOT a new game mode):

    @el-dunco said in Battle Royale Mini Game (player made. NOT a new game mode):

    @drewbob7 Just forget I said anything man. I pitched this to the wrong people

    Yeah, you put it in the "guides and tips" forum...

    Woops I didn't even notice that :p

  • @iduskk I have, I has just wondering would each crew have to bet a chest or something on who would win

  • @drewbob7 said in Battle Royale Mini Game (player made. NOT a new game mode):

    @iduskk I have, I has just wondering would each crew have to bet a chest or something on who would win

    I mean you could. Thats up to you. Its not exactly required.

  • @iduskk yeah i was just wondering if the OP had the intention of this or not

  • @drewbob7 I mean if you wanna play it that way each crew could lay down a chest. Another thing you could do if you keep the ships active is play cature the flag with chests.

  • NEVER a BR mode please. BR is what you do when you Don't know what to do with your game and want to rely on a cash store. This game can stand on its own 2 feet and doesn't need a BR crutch.

  • No please, BR is a system that could be good but every game has attempted it has no idea what it should be about, or has any idea how to do it well.

    They are boring and repetitive loops of fighting 99 randos who only 5 of them have any idea what they are doing anyway... so just play deathmatch with people who know what they are doing and skip all the free kills that everyone gets their jollies off to.

5 out of 30