The Hungering Deep coming May 29th

  • Love it! Love it! Love it! I'm liking the 'old sea dog with a tale' angle of the video... A tall tale, easy to be disbelieved, but with a grain of truth due to the twinkle in his eye...
    I look forward to more SoT lore being introduced in similar ways- pretty please!!!
    What will we get in just under 2 weeks time? I dunno... But, I'm excited to see what we get- and really hope it's implemented well, otherwise the forums are going to be Hell...

  • @coffeeart687098 I also love the character and the voice over work too, such a unique way to tease and announce the expansion.

  • @scoobywrx555 said in The Hungering Deep coming May 29th:

    New achievements maybe? Like the 'Smile you son of a...' kill a shark with a boom barrel achievement?

    This^ Soo much this

  • @fishst1ck said in The Hungering Deep coming May 29th:

    @ve111a that hook is already in game.

    Really what one I don't remember it.

  • @ve111a Not sure what it's called, believe it's the Rotten Bilge Rat Hook. The set also comes with a nice Shovel Peg leg.

  • @fishst1ck said in The Hungering Deep coming May 29th:

    @ve111a Not sure what it's called, believe it's the Rotten Bilge Rat Hook. The set also comes with a nice Shovel Peg leg.

    Ohhhh ok I'll take a look when I'm in next lol. Too many to keep track of.

  • @skagsmasha a dit dans The Hungering Deep coming May 29th :

    All speculation from a CG "teaser"... a lot to unpack hey??

    It's not CG... It's just animated but it's in engine...

    But the 2 masts ship will not come now if it's in work in progress, but in the next DLC. And I'd prefer to have a bigger ship to make much more epic combats !

  • Sail undisturbed? I look forward to seeing what that little tidbit means :-D

  • ME

  • If they add crabs I'm hoping they act as little AI that stun you for a sec.

    They're small and unnoticeable unless paying attention. If you walk over one they pinch onto your hand causing your pirate to stop and start waving their hand trying to unlatch them (If anyone remembers the Mousers from the Ninja Turtles arcade game)

  • Yet again the community predicted Rare's inability to share gameplay footage or even detail features like every other game does because they know they've slacked off again and made almost nothing. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this game, I'm pirate legend and closing in on level 10 athena BUT the fact that I and many others love this game doesn't excuse it from criticism and yet again they are not telling us anything until the last minute because they know it's either 1. not fun, 2. almost no new content, 3. terribly balanced or broken to hell. I look forward to being proven wrong may 29th but if i'm not then at least i didn't get my hopes up. Mini Rant over

  • @edgarjaffington said in The Hungering Deep coming May 29th:

    Yet again the community predicted Rare's inability to share gameplay footage or even detail features like every other game does because they know they've slacked off again and made almost nothing. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this game, I'm pirate legend and closing in on level 10 athena BUT the fact that I and many others love this game doesn't excuse it from criticism and yet again they are not telling us anything until the last minute because they know it's either 1. not fun, 2. almost no new content, 3. terribly balanced or broken to hell. I look forward to being proven wrong may 29th but if i'm not then at least i didn't get my hopes up. Mini Rant over

    Excellent display of pessimistic optimism!

  • Didn’t Rare say something like “...the item can be used to bring crews together...” or something?
    Harpoons Confirmed

    Also, Possibly a crew could vote people in the brigg to be sacrificed to the monster? What I would really like to see would be a “walk the plank” interaction for the person being sacrificed. These probably won’t be added into the game but it would be REALLY cool if the person would get swallowed by Leviathan/Megalodon jumping out of the depths of the ocean before the person walking the plank even hits the water. Like I said, would be cool, but most likely won’t be added.

  • alt text

  • @bola-satanica написал в The Hungering Deep coming May 29th:

    Now i want 2 peglegs on my pirate.

    yeah, thought about it too. And tattoos

  • No. Not Megalodon or Leviathan or a crab.

    It's OBVIOUSLY going to be a giant parrot that has no eyes and attacks other pirates because it's jealous that we have eyes.


  • Anyone know if we will be getting new ships with bigger crew sizes? I really wish for a 5-6 man ship that's massive, but would it be more likely that they'd throw in a new ship fit for 3 people?

  • @masterkillerx Not in this update nope... but a new boat has been teased for a Summer update!

  • Honestly not expecting much at this point. For a game that is all about end game. What is there even to do end game other than sink people and do legendary quests. Turning in loot has no point except the little amount of gold you receive for the hours you wasted. Not trying to troll honestly just not expecting much from HD especially after the transition from beta to 60$ title.

  • @oni2anza said in The Hungering Deep coming May 29th:

    So far there is a lot to unpack from this trailer. This post is a lot of speculation but here is just a small list of little things that could also be included other than the obvious leviathan/megalodon. I have included time stamps.

    new chest? - 0:07 on the right
    crabs for merchant quests? - 0:09 on the left
    dual peg legs/hooks - 0:11
    jewelry - 0:22 earing
    harpoon - 0:33
    3 man ships with two masts - 0:55
    drums - 0:55 left musician
    parrots - 1:25

    anything I missed?

    That chest is a cannonball crate, there are representations of all types of merch stuff.
    Theres also a guitar/banjo in the boat scene.
    A new shanty.
    Possibly fishing (would go with harpoons).
    Oh and don't forget the Megalodon.
    there might be others that i missed but yeah, cant wait!

  • It's amazing what kind of stuff you all saw in that trailer.
    I was just seeing an old pirate speaking and some old wallpainting.

    Hope there will be all that much stuff.
    Kinda bored of doing the same stuff all over again.

  • Loved the Trailer.. was very well done, Can not wait till more of the Lore of SoT is revealed

    Keep up the great work Rare!

    The hungering deep looks like its going to be one heck of an adventure


  • @fraggle13
    That chest tattoo. Must have it

  • @pikaaroon aye we can Plunder ships from outposts then!

  • I thought I recognised Merrick!

  • Do you know what I really love about Sea of Thieves? you know when you see a preview video or advert for a game, there is always a little disclaimer at the bottom of the screen saying something along the lines that the video content does not represent in game graphics, well you cant say that about Sea of Thieves, every promotional image/video you have seen (except any live action video) is exactly what you get in game, I'm so excited to see what comes next with Hungering Deep and all the other announced content, thanks Rare for a fantastic game that has brought my family so much fun and joy.

  • Broke my heart to see those fancy spices go up in flames

  • @fraggle13 The banjo/guitar is just the hurdy gurdy. It is next to the concertina (squeeze box) which makes me believe Rare is showing the two instruments currently in-game and teasing the up-coming third (DRUMS!).

  • Wall painting confirmed! Art classes at Golden Sands next Saturday.

  • @oni2anza could be, however they hurdy gurdy has the crank on its side and that guy is strumming.....or thats the way it looks to me :P cant wait!

  • Do we have a TIME for when on May 29th the update will drop at? And how big the file is for download?

  • @cerberusx32 Ahoy matey!

    If I were to guess I would say it probably follows the usual Tuesday maintenance and update plan... down for a few hours in the morning and then back up around 2-3pm GMT.

  • @musicmee said in The Hungering Deep coming May 29th:

    @cerberusx32 Ahoy matey!

    If I were to guess I would say it probably follows the usual Tuesday maintenance and update plan... down for a few hours in the morning and then back up around 2-3pm GMT.

    So I'm in USA CST -6 in Chicago, Illinois. So that time would be like, 9am my time when the update would drop then right?

  • @cerberusx32 That sounds about right, yup! I can't wait to see the new content and story!

  • @musicmee Same, I'm overwhelmed with joy and anticipation waiting for THD to drop

    screams like giddy school girl

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