Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4

  • @logansdadtoo In regards to PTT it's the last point you said.

  • @FunkyAriberto Ships stuff is 300k per item

  • They should add push to talk on xbox one.

  • @sshteeve said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    "Trading companies now inform you when you have reached the voyage purchase limit for the day (Refreshes at 6am in-game time)."

    there's a limit to the number of times you can buy quests? Is this to stop people constantly rerolling trade quests to get the one they want (i.e golden animals?)

    Early Access

    they should wipe all save data to make it fair

  • Hi, I've a problem. After this Patch game don't work, it's showing me a grey screen with picture on the middle and then game crash, without any information about the error.

    Pls help me!!!

  • @jammyd22
    so kind of pointless then really!

  • They should add push to talk on xbox one.

  • @logansdadtoo It has always been if you talk, your crew can hear you from any distance and others can hear you depending on proximity. If you want to only talk to your crew use party chat thru the xbox app or other 3rd party app. eg Discord

  • @jackthehammock From what ive seen if your boat has too many holes and can't sink it will flip it into the sky and flip over. Thats always been the case for me cause im a terrible driver and always get stuck on random small islands i didnt see

  • @dekaboko
    I thought it was to make the communication a bit more on par with pc.
    As they can be in party chat (discord etc) but still also hear game chat & use PTT to communicate in game chat all at the same time.
    Xbox cannot, so i thought implementing PTT on xbox would give us a similar function, but sadly not :(

  • The ship crew RESPAWN distance is fine. Either way they've spawned me across the map before and I came back regardless to the ship and island I was sunk at. I think ppl should be asking if you sink a ship and kill a crew that crew gets sent to another server.

  • @cattaleyaathena said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @sshteeve said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    "Trading companies now inform you when you have reached the voyage purchase limit for the day (Refreshes at 6am in-game time)."

    there's a limit to the number of times you can buy quests? Is this to stop people constantly rerolling trade quests to get the one they want (i.e golden animals?)

    Early Access

    they should wipe all save data to make it fair


  • @sshteeve said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @cattaleyaathena said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @sshteeve said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    "Trading companies now inform you when you have reached the voyage purchase limit for the day (Refreshes at 6am in-game time)."

    there's a limit to the number of times you can buy quests? Is this to stop people constantly rerolling trade quests to get the one they want (i.e golden animals?)

    Early Access

    they should wipe all save data to make it fair


    Early access, also known as early funding, alpha-access, or paid-alpha, is a funding model in the video game industry by which consumers can pay for a game in the various development cycles

  • @redjokergames
    Had the same Bug during the Scale tests, and several times on launch..
    It helped to just download ANY free app (e.g. Netflix) from the MS-Store. Kinda weird, but you might try it...

  • Only want be able to kick out from my session the annoying people that's only want take advantage from my loot after hours of dedication.

  • @twitchtv-mohky said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    The most annoying problems don't get adressed??

    1. The Push-to-talk-issue 'has been fixed' but its still here... ?!?
    2. The respawn distance of ships sunk hasn't been changed ?!?
    3. Still no private sessions/kick option for random people joining your session ?!?
    4. The 'only-one-weapon' bug hasn't been fixed

    instead they fixed some floating candles... really? come on

    agreed - and still havent fixed the issue where ships torpedo into the ocean and the game freezes (for all crewmates) not a connection issue

  • @kuro-sappy said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    Only want be able to kick out from my session the annoying people that's only want take advantage from my loot after hours of dedication.

    it is everyone's right to go for a nap watch a movie tv show go for dinner etc you name it while you and your crew carry them because this is drm only and there are no private servers or friend only crews teams etc
    you also cannot access the galleon ship after a $100 purchase with out forming a raid prior

    for $100 this be your grand ship

    if someone sank my sloop I would say thank you you did me a favor I never really liked that raft anyways

    they should introduce fire for lighting ships on fire with torches or cannons soaked in something flammable to sink ships with

  • @twitchtv-mohky I tried it and it dosen't work :(

  • Thought I'd letit be known that the skulls can fall off into the sea if you put them on the shelf I even locked a guy in the brigg cause i thought he threw it overboard

  • @theziggyjames said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    Thought I'd letit be known that the skulls can fall off into the sea if you put them on the shelf I even locked a guy in the brigg cause i thought he threw it overboard

  • @khaleesibot BUG w*f map quest crashh plss helppp

  • @xcapt-han-solox Still people expecting content when a roadmap has been presented already, oh hum.

  • I may be done with this game and I absolutely love it. Here is why..... I was going for the 20 chest achievement and out of no where my ship sails away into the sky. Pc players have an advantage over xbox due to frame rate and load times and many other things. After I die I wait how ever long on the ship then sit in a black screen for another 15 to 20 seconds or longer before I spawn back in. With hard lined internet and download speed on xbox up to 175 mps thats b.s. Then today I anchored my ship with sails up and within 5 seconds someone was able to lift the anchor and drop sails then sail off with my ship. The math does not work out for that. How did the anchor and sails get taken care of in 5 seconds. Yes it's part of the game I get it. But if I'm standing beside my boat hear no anchor going up or hear anything at all then something is up. None of this is normal game play. I've seen the videos and read the forums where pc players are able to make things happen. Question is this. How are they not being caught? I have crazy pirate things happen in the game and I just get o we it and start a new mission. It's a game after all. But after all of these things I'm tired of it. I just want to play the game as intended without Simone having an unfair advantage. My load times to match up with others. My ship not to fly away with 15 chests on it. I just want it to work properly.

  • @hudson-rl i agree they should do it the same way Ark does. I think for Ark you click the back button and LB at the same time.

  • Patch did NOT fix the default weapon issue. Everytime i join a game or die my weapons swap.
    Game lags out more now after patch.
    Progress for factions does not increase after turning in items for any faction. I get the gold but doesnt show any faction xp progress.
    Please address.

  • @personalc0ffee so, how do I fix it?
    Why does it happen to most people I play with?

  • The cash-in music is back! Thanks. It makes a big difference.

  • Ship spawning distance seems the same as before.
    Weapon Skins keep resetting after doing anything that alters the state of my active voyage - annoying.
    Almondbeard still all too often.
    Edit: Oh, and my frames got worse, especially in rain they drop like crazy now :(

    Please add display of the current version number as I am not so sure my game is patched already...

  • @dakershe Nah mate, they changed. I've just spawned literally on the other side of the map after I got killed.

  • @rvallez The farthest I have respawned was 2-3 islands away from sinking location. Hence I wrote "seems the same"...

  • @dakershe That's weird. I was killed near Plunder Outpost then respawned in Sailor's Bounty.

  • @logansdadtoo said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    'Players will now correctly take damage from gunpowder kegs whilst underwater.'
    That changes things quite dramatically!!! Will have to be a lot more careful when attacking boats from below now ;)

    Controller Remapping - We've added push-to-talk to the list of actions players can rebind on controller.
    So does this mean that in game chat we have to push the PTT button to talk to everyone or does it only apply to enemy crews? ie my crew can hear me at all times, but i have to push the PTT button for an enemy crew to hear me. Or does it mean no one can hear me until i use the PTT button, then my crew & everyone (in proximity) can hear me?

    I’d just like to add, if they can map PTT to a controller, why has this feature not been added to Xbox? Perhaps this is the next logical step...

  • @khaleesibot i am happy with many of these changes but i am very unhappy with one of them and i figured cause its not on the list id bring it up. one of my favorite islands the sunken grove has been... changed it was my favorite island for one reason it had a hole in it just small enough for a sloop to go through it was really fun and extremely helpful as a tactic when running from other crews. but i came on yesterday and to my disgust rare have taken it upon themselves to block that small arch with rocks and yeah while this isn't that important to most people it was one of the things i really enjoyed cause the first time i went through it felt like i was pulling off and awesome maneuver and it gave me a feeling of pride to do it but now its plugged up it just kinda got to me because now ill never be able to do that again

  • @cpt-kris-draken Hey had the same thing happen to me! Your hot key for the menu is set to F on pc. I had to change it to G and I no longer froze up! I sent a support ticket anyways and they told me they are aware and working on the situation. Their fix recommendation was to reset key bindings :)

  • anyone adressed the AMD Driver issue? Its ruining the game for alot of people.

    after 1.0.4 the old crashes are back, so its not an AMD thing, pls give a statement about the status.

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