Help me understand what the issues would be of introducing PvE servers...

  • @admiral-rrrsole "How many hours per day did this guy "the other day" (game is one moth old now) take to reach "Legendary Pirate" status without cheating?"

    Dunno, but i still believe him, given i was slacking off, and i'm almost there, myself... around 4-5 hours per day on my end, until i started slacking off even more. I have no job, and basically no life, so i have more than enough time to just play SoT 24/7. xD

    So if i wasn't slacking off the way i am, i would've been pirate legend before that guy i met anyway... approx a week.... You are right in that progress speed slows down significantly, but the 30 first levels are done super fast, so the most time consuming period is the 20 last levels, which take several days by themselves, so in total, if you're a jobless hardcore gamer, it takes about a week to get legendary... That is, WITH PvP involved.

    For the average casual gamer, minimum one and a half week or more, i'm guessing, WITH PvP...

    This time is drastically reduced if PvP is no longer involved, because then there is no risk to your treasure, so you don't spend much time protecting your booty, you can just sail around with a ship of 100+ chests after a full days work and just cash all that in before you go to sleep... 3 days of that kind of gameplay and pirate legend is achieved easily. :P

    With PvP involved you have to occasionally take several visits to outpost and cash in what you have so you don't lose treasure if enemy pirates show up, in addition to several PvP fights taking hours before anyone sinks, PvP consumes so much time, you wouldn't believe it. xD

    "The question comes down to solid game hours. Not everybody has that luxury due to commitments and priorities.."

    Well seeing as PvP takes up a significant amount of your daily play time, removing PvP obviously speeds up your progression towards Pirate Legend rather dramatically. :P

    This isn't a game you can just play an hour a day and expect to get pirate legend at the same time as everybody else... Only the most dedicated players can become legend... Sadly your available hours per day to play this game isn't exactly relevant to begin with.

    You paid for this game, meaning you paid for the challenge it has... Well the challenge is getting to pirate legend... You are not entitled an easier route to pirate legend just because you personally don't have enough available hours per day to keep up with everybody else.

    And you are not entitled to protection from other pirates... in a pirate game. xD

    "I'm sorry but it was not a lie. Maybe I could have worded it differently, if I didn't say "actual rep count" to spell it out clear enough for all to understand I apologize."

    I think you meant to say "i didn't level up once, from an entire days worth of work". :P

    "We mostly talk in full numbers and not fractions."

    Actually, we're talking XP... Which is progress towards a LEVEL... This is basic gaming terms. Both, fyi, are progress, in general. ;)

    "Give PvPers a rep to call their own."

    There are suggestions floating around regarding a PvP faction... but do you really want PvPer's to be guaranteed loot? Then it REALLY wouldn't matter who you attack, a ship is a ship, and gives at least a minimum gain in that case... Meaning PvPers would be even more aggressive than they are currently. xD

    "Fair enough you get the gold rewards by stealing but shouldn't also steal the rep rewards."

    Well yes it should, that's your punishment for not being prepared to deal with enemy players, you snooze you lose... Simple as that.

    If there wasn't any real punishment for the losers, they wouldn't be encouraged to put up a fight.

    It's a GAME, not an interactive novel... There is no such thing as smooth sailing, if you fail, you are punished for it... So don't fail, the entire point of games in general is to try to WIN. xD

    "Also take into consideration of us randoms who get stuck with those who are AFK the whole time, others with mic issues and even some who refuse to communicate or simply don't have mics."

    Indeed, time to make some friends, yes? Just play casually until you meet some like-minded individuals, in any game, add them to steam and xbox friends list, play games together, voice chat and play SoT together! :D

    I was born into a gaming family, so i have no shortage of good players to play with, in addition to a few friends i've made who also are gamers. So i'm sorted. :)

    "Not to forget those who throw your loot overboard or powder keg your hull even though we are supposed to be a crew, a team.."

    Those are called griefers, take a picture if you can and submit a ticket to rare, and they will handle it.

    "It's really two different games when you have / haven't communication and a well-oiled pre established crew."

    Hence why you need to make friends, and get good! :D

    I had to do that in Overwatch competitive, it appears you have to do it on SoT. No biggie! ;3

  • @ve111a Just like they will never add AI ships, right?

  • @holezinya They also said they weren't going to add AI ships and that every boat you see will be another player...

    Kinda threw that out the window with expansions, eh?

  • I solo a sloop most of the time and actively look for other ships. I don't even pick up quests any more. I can go for pretty long periods of time without seeing anyone. All this talk of "every time I go to an outpost or" every time i do a skull fort" or "always getting attacked" is a load of c**p. I don't think you could constantly get ganked if you tried. Suck it up and keep an eye out and you will all be just fine.

  • @dairadh said in Help me understand what the issues would be of introducing PvE servers...:

    @sweltering-nick Let's hope that the current balance of PvE/PvP won't destroy the game, and by that I mean PvE players leaving because bored of being used as livestock to give fun to PvP players. :o

    PVE players leaving the game instead of constantly whining about PVP in a PVP game called Sea of THIEVES will not ruin the game, it will only make it better. What will ruin the game is if Rare caves in to you and tries to please everyone. The sooner the PVE players realize and accept this the better. The devs can move forward with like-minded players instead of having to waste time figuring out how to appease a group that was not their intended target to begin with. I know that is a bitter pill to swallow but it's the truth.
    EDIT : And right now there is balance. It's so easy to avoid PVP it just baffles me when people complain about it. What the PVE community wants isn't balance, its PVE servers and safe zones and rewards for taking the easy route. That is NOT balance. I know I sound like a jerk, but i am not the one asking Rare to reinvent their game for me.

  • @dj-deadscope
    I solo a sloop most of the time. I have teamed up with other sloops a couple times now and done Skull forts. Not everyone is a "grieving t**t". Killing someone isn't griefing, taking loot isn't griefing, the only examples of griefing I have seen described are people on Galleons throwing loot overboard and putting people in the brig that don't deserve it. Don't confuse PVP with griefing.

  • @dj-deadscope said in Help me understand what the issues would be of introducing PvE servers...:

    I'm on the fence about PvE servers because while I get the reasoning behind it, I know my 8 year old daughter would love to be able to peacefully sail from island to island and collect animals.

    As it is though I won't let her near the game because I know that the first time she caught a pig, some k**b would would sink her ship, steal her pig, scream out obsenities and make her cry.

    With all due respect, it is a game rated for teens. The guy attacking her probably doesnt realize its a child. It's not the "k***s" fault.

  • @sweltering-nick Thank you. You handled your last reply with more dignity and I respect that. I even upped it. ;)
    It appears we both have a better understanding of what each other means / meant.

    Just a heads-up of why I am on the defensive. If you don't care to read it, skip to the last line, no love lost. ;)
    The game is rated PG (parental guidance), in Australia at least, which means some of us bought this game for our kids.
    It is PvE / PvP (or PvPvE) as some like to call it.
    The youngest age I have heard of playing this game is 4 years old. They play SoT together as a young family. A young father and his three kids. They should not be forced or expected to play by anybody else ideas of how we must all play it.

    I personally bought this because my autistic son had watched nothing but youtube videos of SoT for weeks if not months before I ever heard anything about the game.
    Although I'm a seasoned gamer and PC nut (programmer, websites, making user-made maps & cars, etc) since before Windows 95 I am turning 56 this year.
    Old, almost blind and with much slower reflects. Yeah, it happens. I don't wish it upon anyone. lol

    I really had no interest in the game other than my son wanted it more than anything. We hadn't bought anything new in a long time and I thought to treat us both with SoT.
    Within the first three hours we were repeatedly spawn killed, by some jerk stationed at our sloop's ammo crate, until I suggested that we both leave the game.

    My son now refuses to play SoT, EVER!!

    Here in Australia the game cost $99.95 for each installment. That's basically $50 (2 installments) over the exchange rate (AUS $75.11 each) for no apparent reason. On top of that I bought two HDDs to install Win 10 on both whilst leaving our Win7 drives in tact.

    All-in-all one hell of a big investment for a pensioner. Just so some jerk can get his rocks off by repeatedly killing two noobs at an outpost.
    We had already cashed-in our loot. It was pointless.

    In all marketing footage that I've seen of the game basically shows the riddle solving and treasure maps with battles against other ships if you choose to do so.
    Unfortunately everyone shoots at first sight. Which is not by design, just player attitude or mentality.

    Fair winds and happy sailing to you. :o)

  • A lot of the game would have to be altered to ensure pvp isnt possible. Interacting with other crew's ships, gunpowder barrels, "rules" for loot, it would take a lot of work. Time better spent on new content if you ask me...

  • Lets say they put up a PvE server, what's there to stop me from going on your boat and stealing your loot? Or perhaps take the helm, drop the anchor and what not.

  • @holezinya Oh, I was sure my sentence was correct... sorry. :o I meant that making fun of weaker players is something pirates would probably do. It was intended as a funny comment. I failed the fun and understandable parts. x)

    As I said somewhere else (maybe in this thread), many PvE players don't really have problems with PvP (unless it's too prevailing). What bother us (I'm talking about those I saw comments from and those I spoke with, because I'm in no way the spokeperson for all PvE players) is that although they advertised a game with exploration, social interactions, riddles, sailing and ships battles, they never said the PvP part of the game would be this heavy.

    I don't blame RARE. You can never know in advance what the players, once the playerbase is big, will do ; a game in alpha/beta/whatever is different from a full released game with its servers full with a lot of players. Numbers and time change many things, here it is the balance between PvE and PvP.

    Many of us, players who don't especially like PvP, thought there was going to be PvP, yes, but not as much as there currently is, and we never thought the PvP would take this shape, nor that the friendly interactions would be almost impossible due to hostility and fear between players (for good reasons).

    @SuicidalPanda02 A feature locking treasures on board to the crew of this ship ? A feature locking the helm, anchor etc... to the crew of the ship ? It took me 3s. to come up with these ideas.
    Which doesn't mean it will be easy or fast to implement, don't get me wrong (I'm not a programmer so I don't have a clue about how hard that would be), but you don't need to be a genius to find solutions, so the dev can probably work something out.

  • To me, the reasoning goes something like this.

    Rare has intended to create a game with elements that brings people together in specific parts of the game-world. Whether that is a random island, a shipwreck, a skull-fort or an outpost; there are genuine spots of interest in the game-world which brings people together.

    What the players do with each other is entirely up to us. Because the organic and natural way for us to interact in a setting like this is chaotic, it's exciting. In a situation where anything can happen, making the right choice at the right time can be exhilarating and fun.

    This is the type of experience that RARE has intended to create, where each time you come across another player, it's entirely up to the two of you whether you engage in friendly banter, or friendly exchange of cannon-fire. The fact that loot is not inherently personal means that greed has a very intense effect on the players too.

    There's nothing prohibiting players from playing the game in a purely pvp or pve fashion, but you're encouraged to interact with other players in any way you want.

    There are a myriad of other games that offer the PvE-grind experience OP mentions, and there are other pure PVP games out there too. But the Sea of Thieves we've currently got is the intended experience RARE has crafted. And it will change over-time, according to the teams vision, but for now this is what they're delivering. You can buy into that, or leave it.

    For me: I'm happy. I'm the player that shoots first and loots later. Just yesterday me and my mate claimed a skull-fort after a 1-hour-long battle with a galleon in our sloop, after they had tried being all friendly with us. Nah mate, that loot be ours, and ye'll have it over our dead bodies.

  • @waylios said in Help me understand what the issues would be of introducing PvE servers...:

    @ve111a Just like they will never add AI ships, right?

    @waylios said in Help me understand what the issues would be of introducing PvE servers...:

    @holezinya They also said they weren't going to add AI ships and that every boat you see will be another player...

    Kinda threw that out the window with expansions, eh?

    where was this officially announced? If you are just basing it off the update called "cursed sails" that could be anything. That could be a storm that follows your ship causing skeletons to spawn on your ship or sea creatures to attack or to have creatures from the deep trying to board you. We can't speculate until it's in the patch notes.

  • @dairadh My point was that it's not as easy as just slapping a server online where players can't kill each other. It would require balancing like everything else. And what seems easy may be a pain to implement (like you said).

    For example those suggestions that you gave would kinda kill spontaneous co-operative play, lets say I'm solo slooping and I meet someone on my travels and we team up on either ones sloop. This would out right not be possible because either he or me would have nothing to do.

  • @sweltering-nick said in Help me understand what the issues would be of introducing PvE servers...:

    @admiral-rrrsole "How many hours per day did this guy "the other day" (game is one moth old now) take to reach "Legendary Pirate" status without cheating?"

    Dunno, but i still believe him, given i was slacking off, and i'm almost there, myself... around 4-5 hours per day on my end, until i started slacking off even more. I have no job, and basically no life, so i have more than enough time to just play SoT 24/7. xD

    So if i wasn't slacking off the way i am, i would've been pirate legend before that guy i met anyway... approx a week.... You are right in that progress speed slows down significantly, but the 30 first levels are done super fast, so the most time consuming period is the 20 last levels, which take several days by themselves, so in total, if you're a jobless hardcore gamer, it takes about a week to get legendary... That is, WITH PvP involved.

    For the average casual gamer, minimum one and a half week or more, i'm guessing, WITH PvP...

    This time is drastically reduced if PvP is no longer involved, because then there is no risk to your treasure, so you don't spend much time protecting your booty, you can just sail around with a ship of 100+ chests after a full days work and just cash all that in before you go to sleep... 3 days of that kind of gameplay and pirate legend is achieved easily. :P

    With PvP involved you have to occasionally take several visits to outpost and cash in what you have so you don't lose treasure if enemy pirates show up, in addition to several PvP fights taking hours before anyone sinks, PvP consumes so much time, you wouldn't believe it. xD

    "The question comes down to solid game hours. Not everybody has that luxury due to commitments and priorities.."

    Well seeing as PvP takes up a significant amount of your daily play time, removing PvP obviously speeds up your progression towards Pirate Legend rather dramatically. :P

    This isn't a game you can just play an hour a day and expect to get pirate legend at the same time as everybody else... Only the most dedicated players can become legend... Sadly your available hours per day to play this game isn't exactly relevant to begin with.

    You paid for this game, meaning you paid for the challenge it has... Well the challenge is getting to pirate legend... You are not entitled an easier route to pirate legend just because you personally don't have enough available hours per day to keep up with everybody else.

    And you are not entitled to protection from other pirates... in a pirate game. xD

    "I'm sorry but it was not a lie. Maybe I could have worded it differently, if I didn't say "actual rep count" to spell it out clear enough for all to understand I apologize."

    I think you meant to say "i didn't level up once, from an entire days worth of work". :P

    "We mostly talk in full numbers and not fractions."

    Actually, we're talking XP... Which is progress towards a LEVEL... This is basic gaming terms. Both, fyi, are progress, in general. ;)

    "Give PvPers a rep to call their own."

    There are suggestions floating around regarding a PvP faction... but do you really want PvPer's to be guaranteed loot? Then it REALLY wouldn't matter who you attack, a ship is a ship, and gives at least a minimum gain in that case... Meaning PvPers would be even more aggressive than they are currently. xD

    "Fair enough you get the gold rewards by stealing but shouldn't also steal the rep rewards."

    Well yes it should, that's your punishment for not being prepared to deal with enemy players, you snooze you lose... Simple as that.

    If there wasn't any real punishment for the losers, they wouldn't be encouraged to put up a fight.

    It's a GAME, not an interactive novel... There is no such thing as smooth sailing, if you fail, you are punished for it... So don't fail, the entire point of games in general is to try to WIN. xD

    "Also take into consideration of us randoms who get stuck with those who are AFK the whole time, others with mic issues and even some who refuse to communicate or simply don't have mics."

    Indeed, time to make some friends, yes? Just play casually until you meet some like-minded individuals, in any game, add them to steam and xbox friends list, play games together, voice chat and play SoT together! :D

    I was born into a gaming family, so i have no shortage of good players to play with, in addition to a few friends i've made who also are gamers. So i'm sorted. :)

    "Not to forget those who throw your loot overboard or powder keg your hull even though we are supposed to be a crew, a team.."

    Those are called griefers, take a picture if you can and submit a ticket to rare, and they will handle it.

    "It's really two different games when you have / haven't communication and a well-oiled pre established crew."

    Hence why you need to make friends, and get good! :D

    I had to do that in Overwatch competitive, it appears you have to do it on SoT. No biggie! ;3

    It's very telling that you think people that like the idea of a PVE-entric experience are content to play without challenge. NPC patrols or enemies can still be possible - stop acting like people just want to be the only one(s) in the game world.

    Some people just don't like playing with jerks. Not every PVP'er is a jerk of course but there is a fair amount of jerkiness that goes with it - unless you think the spawn camping/scuttle fix was implemented for no reason at all.

  • @merlin-mav-k said in Help me understand what the issues would be of introducing PvE servers...:

    @sweltering-nick said in Help me understand what the issues would be of introducing PvE servers...:

    @admiral-rrrsole "How many hours per day did this guy "the other day" (game is one moth old now) take to reach "Legendary Pirate" status without cheating?"

    Dunno, but i still believe him, given i was slacking off, and i'm almost there, myself... around 4-5 hours per day on my end, until i started slacking off even more. I have no job, and basically no life, so i have more than enough time to just play SoT 24/7. xD

    So if i wasn't slacking off the way i am, i would've been pirate legend before that guy i met anyway... approx a week.... You are right in that progress speed slows down significantly, but the 30 first levels are done super fast, so the most time consuming period is the 20 last levels, which take several days by themselves, so in total, if you're a jobless hardcore gamer, it takes about a week to get legendary... That is, WITH PvP involved.

    For the average casual gamer, minimum one and a half week or more, i'm guessing, WITH PvP...

    This time is drastically reduced if PvP is no longer involved, because then there is no risk to your treasure, so you don't spend much time protecting your booty, you can just sail around with a ship of 100+ chests after a full days work and just cash all that in before you go to sleep... 3 days of that kind of gameplay and pirate legend is achieved easily. :P

    With PvP involved you have to occasionally take several visits to outpost and cash in what you have so you don't lose treasure if enemy pirates show up, in addition to several PvP fights taking hours before anyone sinks, PvP consumes so much time, you wouldn't believe it. xD

    "The question comes down to solid game hours. Not everybody has that luxury due to commitments and priorities.."

    Well seeing as PvP takes up a significant amount of your daily play time, removing PvP obviously speeds up your progression towards Pirate Legend rather dramatically. :P

    This isn't a game you can just play an hour a day and expect to get pirate legend at the same time as everybody else... Only the most dedicated players can become legend... Sadly your available hours per day to play this game isn't exactly relevant to begin with.

    You paid for this game, meaning you paid for the challenge it has... Well the challenge is getting to pirate legend... You are not entitled an easier route to pirate legend just because you personally don't have enough available hours per day to keep up with everybody else.

    And you are not entitled to protection from other pirates... in a pirate game. xD

    "I'm sorry but it was not a lie. Maybe I could have worded it differently, if I didn't say "actual rep count" to spell it out clear enough for all to understand I apologize."

    I think you meant to say "i didn't level up once, from an entire days worth of work". :P

    "We mostly talk in full numbers and not fractions."

    Actually, we're talking XP... Which is progress towards a LEVEL... This is basic gaming terms. Both, fyi, are progress, in general. ;)

    "Give PvPers a rep to call their own."

    There are suggestions floating around regarding a PvP faction... but do you really want PvPer's to be guaranteed loot? Then it REALLY wouldn't matter who you attack, a ship is a ship, and gives at least a minimum gain in that case... Meaning PvPers would be even more aggressive than they are currently. xD

    "Fair enough you get the gold rewards by stealing but shouldn't also steal the rep rewards."

    Well yes it should, that's your punishment for not being prepared to deal with enemy players, you snooze you lose... Simple as that.

    If there wasn't any real punishment for the losers, they wouldn't be encouraged to put up a fight.

    It's a GAME, not an interactive novel... There is no such thing as smooth sailing, if you fail, you are punished for it... So don't fail, the entire point of games in general is to try to WIN. xD

    "Also take into consideration of us randoms who get stuck with those who are AFK the whole time, others with mic issues and even some who refuse to communicate or simply don't have mics."

    Indeed, time to make some friends, yes? Just play casually until you meet some like-minded individuals, in any game, add them to steam and xbox friends list, play games together, voice chat and play SoT together! :D

    I was born into a gaming family, so i have no shortage of good players to play with, in addition to a few friends i've made who also are gamers. So i'm sorted. :)

    "Not to forget those who throw your loot overboard or powder keg your hull even though we are supposed to be a crew, a team.."

    Those are called griefers, take a picture if you can and submit a ticket to rare, and they will handle it.

    "It's really two different games when you have / haven't communication and a well-oiled pre established crew."

    Hence why you need to make friends, and get good! :D

    I had to do that in Overwatch competitive, it appears you have to do it on SoT. No biggie! ;3

    It's very telling that you think people that like the idea of a PVE-entric experience are content to play without challenge. NPC patrols or enemies can still be possible - stop acting like people just want to be the only one(s) in the game world.

    Some people just don't like playing with jerks. Not every PVP'er is a jerk of course but there is a fair amount of jerkiness that goes with it - unless you think the spawn camping/scuttle fix was implemented for no reason at all.

    And your response is that you want to control these people and force them to behave the way you want? L**o.

    There is nothing in this world that is going to stop people from behaving like jerks to eachother... The only thing you can do, is to stop being so emotionally affected by it.

    Seeing as spawn camping is a valid PvP strategy to ensure victory, it goes without saying that you need a scuttle ship function so you don't get permanently stuck, allowing you to actually, properly lose, when you have lost... Has nothing to do with people behaving like jerks... Spawn camping is a natural part of PvP, regardless of what you personally feel about it. :)

    As for my idea of PvE players and why they want PvE only... You're right... Because it takes one to know one... I mean i don't shy away from PvP encounters, but i don't go seeking them out, i just try to take the easiest route towards Pirate Legend and that happens to be via PvE. Not to mention, in all the MMORPG's i play, PvE is all i do, because PvP is too difficult and unpredictable for me.

    Asking any PvE player why they don't PvP, and they reply with the exact same reason as me.

    I can, at this point confirm that PvE players just want to play easymode... Sadly SoT is not an MMORPG, it's more like an FPS arena game like TF2... The entire premise of the game is the PvP aspect, pirates... Wanting a way to skip it is exactly the same as wanting to skip the game itself, which defeats the purpose of playing the game... PvE mode makes this game redundant, it cannot be a pirate game, without PvP.

    Rare said they have no intention of adding AI ships, because they want players to understand that when there is a ship on the horizon, that is an enemy player crew... The design of the game relies on this.

    I don't play TF2 and start whining about the PvP because i want a PvE mode, that's not how this works... You may think of SoT as the fantasy pirate version of TF2, that should put things in perspective for you.

  • @sweltering-nick

    It really isn't this hard. If Rare wants to they can create mechanics that will not disrupt people that prefer the current state of PVP in the slightest. Why do people that place such a premium on PVP insist on being able to prey on players that would just rather not? Why not welcome an opportunity to be in a setting where every player shares your mentality and approach? If it's discrete (phases, instances, servers, etc.) how does a PVE eviron or having to actively flag intent, etc. affect what you want at all? Or is it just about ambushing a 9 year old playing with his Dad to teach them a lesson about the true nature of online gaming?

    Stop pretending like everyone in the game must adopt a very specific (and frankly, immature) young adult male version of online aggression, attitude and posture to properly enjoy this or any online game. That's the bottom line and if people think Rare only wants screaming streaming neckbeards and their ilk playing they are extremely shortsighted, not just about this game but the whole hobby.

  • The number one issue is that the game is designed so that other players are part of the content and excitement of the game. The intent of this game is to produce uncertainty and excitement through the chaotic interactions between other crews.
    Whether you, I, or anyone other than the developers like that is besides the point - that is what this game is designed to be. That is their vision, and they are going to see it play out.

    PvP is an ever-present potential obstacle in a SoT player's journey.
    We can ask, "Why can't we remove PvP?" and we can also ask "Why can't we remove travel time?" and "Why can't we remove storms?" and "Why can't we remove skeletons?" and so on and so forth...
    The answer is, because they are each integral parts of the game.

    Anyone that looked into this game, before buying it, knew this.

    I say all of this as someone who doesn't particularly care for PvP. So, claim whatever you will. I decided to give this game a chance, despite it's ever-present PvP design. And I've embraced it.

    We can absolutely argue whether removing PvP would make it more successful or not, but we're not the designers, we're not the developers, we're not the producers, and they've made something with intention. Hey, maybe one day they'll change it, if they decide to or if the market indicates they should, or whatever reasons they may have... but, as of right now, they designed a game that includes PvP as an integral aspect of the experience. Even just avoiding, and fleeing from, PvP makes it an integral aspect.
    This is what they wanted. And this is what we all bought.

  • I will admit it would be quite fun devastating the PvE only players when they get bored and join a PvP server where people have been battling the whole time. The amount of "this is unfair" posts would explode as they wouldn't be able to accept that they have had zero preparation for what is about to happen when they join.

  • @merlin-mav-k

    "how does a PVE evrion or having to actively flag intent, etc. affect what you want at all?"

    I've explained why, several times, pay attention.

    "Stop pretending like everyone in the game must adopt a very specific (and frankly, immature) young adult male version of online aggression"

    PvP is competition by definition. If you personally find it to be "young adult male version of online aggression" then, my friend, you have personal issues of which has nothing to do with the real world. You are biased, and as a result, incapable of criticizing objectively.

    Females, and Males alike, enjoy competing against eachother to see who is the best. Your argument is pointless. This game is about competitive piracy... This is what the game is, regardless of what your personal idea of the game is.

    Because that's how the game is designed, end of story. : /

    And no, you don't have to adopt anything to enjoy this game, if you don't like this game, you are completely free to play ANYTHING ELSE YOU ACTUALLY DO ENJOY! Sheesh... This game isn't going to change genre just to cater to the delicate sensibilities of a minority that didn't look at what the game was before buying it.

    "That's the bottom line and if people think Rare only wants screaming streaming neckbeards and their ilk"

    Your bias against PvP players is so excessive, it's hilarious to watch you try to justify your arguments whilst trying to avoid looking like an emotionally sensitive crybaby... :P

    "playing they are extremely shortsighted, not just about this game but the whole hobby."

    Here's a little secret... SoT is an online game, do you know what that means?

    SoT is part of something called, the internet...

    Welcome to the internet!

    Here's another little secret, me friend: You cannot protect people from life itself, much less the internet, you can only prepare them... So trying to control people in order to protect them from life is a mission you are guaranteed to fail. You will be offended, you will be frustrated, question is, what are YOU going to do about it? Blame PvP and cry about it nonstop? Or are you going to emotionally prepare yourself for it so you aren't as affected by it when it actually happens? :P

    Last but not least, rewinding to the start of your comment:

    "It really isn't this hard. If Rare wants to they can create mechanics that will not disrupt people that prefer the current state of PVP in the slightest."

    No, Rare is a company of human beings, not Wizards, not Gods... They can not make anything happen without consequences for their actions... Thinking they are capable of doing anything to their game without any consequences is a completely unrealistic expectation, if they were capable of that, their game wouldn't have had an extreme amount of bugs and glitches at launch.

    What in the world makes you think they are capable of something like that?! ._.

    You can't just kick a football and expect it to remain stationary just because you want it to... Rare isn't capable of breaking the laws of physics... Every action produces an equal and opposite reaction, if you want the football to remain stationary after kicking it, you're gonna need to use something to keep it in place, which is gonna cost money, and is also likely going to make the football painful to kick, since all the force that would normally make the football move, now deflects back into your leg instead.

    That's just an analogy, the point is, they cannot introduce a PvE mode without damaging the PvP experience of the game, that is impossible.

  • @sweltering-nick

    I'm going to assume you are grown man. If you aren't you are talking to one. I'm not crying. I'm not afraid of PVP. It just appears you lack perspective. This game could improve pretty simply and in non disruptive ways and be more attractive and more accessible to more people. Right now there are elements that make people that came into the game with all the enthusiasm a dev could want walk away from it. Interactions in the game are not only the players. The devs can do things about it.

    I still love the game as it is but that's all.

  • How would you kill or sink someone stealing your loot? They would walk right off your boat and nothing you could do about it.

  • @merlin-mav-k said in Help me understand what the issues would be of introducing PvE servers...:


    I'm going to assume you are grown man. If you aren't you are talking to one. I'm not crying. I'm not afraid of PVP. It just appears you lack perspective. This game could improve pretty simply and non disruptive ways and be accessible to more people. That's all.

    Speaking of Perspective.

    Sea of Thieves is literally the fantasy pirate version of Team Fortress 2... Similar cartoony style, similar silliness, similar server population format (24 players per server), both games have PvP as one of the main integral aspects of the game, and they're both FPS games.

    That should put it in perspective for you... You can't come here and complain about PvP in a PvP game, that is straight up ridiculous. Same way complaining about PvP or PvE in a PvPvE game, is asinine.

    If the genre of the game isn't satisfying for you, why even buy the game? I generally don't like Sci-fi games, so... I don't buy sci-fi games... This is a Pirate game, PvPvE, if you don't like either of those, DON'T BUY THIS GAME! The devs will not alter the games core design just because you are bad at reading!!! o_.

  • I feel like the biggest problem with the PvE thing is that it would require forking the game code and having either a separate team working on it or to have the dev team working on both versions of the game at the same time.

    A PvE server would be a lot more technically complicated than people seem to think. Its not just a switch they throw on their end, its server code, game code, general balancing, matchmaking, server merging, theres a lot of stuff that would have to change. If a game is designed with that in mind from the beginning they can make it a lot easier, code with those switches there from the beginning. Retrofitting that kind of thing into the game would take a lot of time and effort, or it would require them to have two separate versions of the game in development at the same time.

  • @xtherandomonexx said in Help me understand what the issues would be of introducing PvE servers...:

    @hot-juicy-pie said in Help me understand what the issues would be of introducing PvE servers...:

    I mean if there's anything to take away from the recent vidoc, it's that they are looking for ways to encourage people to work together instead of always being on the offense.

    In the mean time, I'll just continue restricting my network settings so I only get dead servers no one can join.

    Wow. No wonder you want a PvE server. Pathetic.

    I don't want PvE servers. I just don't want crossplay. My method works for both.

  • I want to run into random people so I can sink them and get free loot.

    Why were pirates in history pirates. Not to pass kind greetings to the passing islanders

  • @merlin-mav-k said in Help me understand what the issues would be of introducing PvE servers...:

    Stop pretending like everyone in the game must adopt a very specific (and frankly, immature) young adult male version of online aggression, attitude and posture to properly enjoy this or any online game. .

    Well, hate to break it to you, but the game was designed this way.

    I'm still amazed how this argument get's brought up in this game. I can go for hours on end without engaging into any PVP if I don't want to by avoiding contact with other ships, it's not that hard. And I'm the kind of player that loves to hunt down other ships very often.

    Also, I still don't get how PVE players thought it was a great idea to fork over 60 bucks to play a game that was always going to be an open world PVPVE experience. Rare has always communicated that it would be like that, it's not like this is a surprise.

  • @hot-juicy-pie I honestly don't even remember what "your method" was, and I can't be a***d to find it. What are you referring to?

  • I have a few ideas on how to deal with the Pvp pve situation. We could either have islands that we have to pay for. Including all factions, or. We could just have. pve and pve servers but make it to where. It takes twice as long. And the missions are harder on them also pve wouldnt get skull forts So then with the taking twice as long. And no skull forts. I don't see a problem there being PVE. Servers.

  • @cloudforsaken pve and pvp servers.

  • @suicidalpanda02 ark survival evolved. has pvp and pve servers. GTA5 How is invite only sessions. And I'm sure there are more games that I can think of at the moment. I have these types of function. So why not this one?

  • @merlin-mav-k said in Help me understand what the issues would be of introducing PvE servers...:

    Here's the thing about video games. Devs can literally do (create) whatever they want! Sure there are challenges but as a medium is the very definition of freeform in what you can present, ask of the player and execute.

    Not only that but when it comes to PVE/PVP they wouldn't be inventing the wheel. They can have discrete servers or phased instances, a PVP flag system, hostile/patrolling NPCs to "replace" PVP'ers, etc.. Imagine a one of the outposts actually populated without can just as effectively be argued that PVP is stifling the game.

    I actually think most of the people in this game like the PVP aspect, it's often the manner in which PVP'ers conduct their business and their motivations that create headaches.

    Also - not everyone in this game is roid-aggressive young man with neckbeard. There are Dads playing with their kids that might love to go treasure hunting and not have the chest his 9 year old dug up robbed by some swearing maniac heaping lulz on them for falling to their ambush.

    There is room for all.

    Ẅhat you are asking for is not the game I purchased, and it is also not a game that I would have purchased either. I enjoy the gameś PvE/PvP as it is, and any changes will turn this game into a boring grind with no excitement or adrenaline rush.

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