This is an Idea about Endgame and PVP/Multi Crew Events more friends!

  • Ya know, I think I may have thought up an interesting solution. So I made a seperate post to make sure its not covered up. I hope thats okay

    Edit, It is not my intent to imply the game as is needs any tweaking in the gameplay and current pvp and questing. My intention is bringing an interesting way to get the groups of players that want to create guilds a away to do something great, without throwing off the balance as it is.

    PVE Queues and PVP Queues. Ya know, Events, Im using my 2000 hours in Star Trek Online as a guiding here.

    We could max party at 5. But, there were certain events that allowed up to 20 players. And you'd queue in together, as a "Fleet" in game, and the queue would tell you about 2 mins in advance, hey the event is about to start. I know this would take you a little outta game, but I think the pay off is worth it.
    It wouyld take around 20-60mins to handle this event, whether you were defending a starbase, or prottecting a convoy, the convoys would be spread out, so 5 ships per convoy, or the starbase was being attacked on all four sides and each group of ships took one quadrant.
    That could be a really interesting way to have an ingame event that we were able to have all our friend s together in. And really see a massive battle. Which this game really lends itsself to

    Edit To Clarify again, I do not want to change the ingame pvp as it is at all. Im saying if, you want to duke it out with your friends, or, If you want to duke it out with a group of friends, and set teams and have a skirmish, a queue up system would give you that oppurtunity. I am not saying the game needs any changing, this is EXTRA ~~~~**

    The same was used for PVP, you didnt run across them in the star system at random, you would, basically challeneg them through comms, and you would all warp into the same system and start the fight, and no others would warp in, it was your arean if you will. and when it was over, you went back to your daily routine, right where you were.

    I know its a different game, but, that was extremely rewarding, the Loot was evenly disperesed between all the captains that were involved, and some got more based on there actions/abillity not to die.

    So Basically to summarize

    I'd enjoy, an npc, that has events, that start every hour maybe? So, you'd need to be at x position at x time to begin right.

    Then it's an event, that other players from the game have also queued up for.

    Escort, 2 defenders boats, two attackers

    Defend an island from attackers , from either other players or npcs. (Skellies or red coats)

    And obviously skirmishes... cuz seriously, this is probably the most teamwork oriented game it would be a damn shame not to be able to organize skirmishes with up to 10 boats or something.

    X amount of gold required to start these, and level 50

    ***What about to start a pvp "match" the involved crews need to pay in, so its like a betting system. Required 10,000 gold per boat, Evennly taken from its crew. They can wager more if they wish.

    That way theres a reward for winning a PVP match. and allow the crews to set it up as they please.

    2 boats, 2 boat teams, 5 boats free for all ...

    Anything to allow us to set up skirmishes.

    This wouldnt remove players from the base game since, youd have to know each other.
    You cant just have and endless match making system thats on going.

    I mean skirmishes only type deal. there are Clans in this game, and Clans forming around this game, this could really be a draw for teamwork and grouping if there was enough competition and reward for teams to face others. Only through arranged channels!***

    Am I making sense? I think it would be a great way to allow groups to take down a common goal.. and not over power the regular day to day servers.

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  • I really do not like how PvP is right now in the beta sessions. But I do still hope we can come up with a matchmaking that brings together hardcore pvp player, moderate players and pure adventures without hard cuts between PvE and PvP areas.

    I think this event idea could become more immersive than you thought.
    Taking your example of protecting a convoy which would be a NPC ship I guess. A couple of ships on the server could be assigned to the attacking group, other the defending group. This way Solo Players do get a group and can try out some PvP and PvP players have to help newbies succeeding in this gamemode to win the match. Thanks to all the statistics Rare takes this can be arranged quiet fair I assume.

    You can of course opt-out of such an event. Or opt-in. This could be archived with a quest NPC where ou can apply for the quest without knowing your position. Then you go on sailing and a some point get a notification that the quest is starting in X minutes at position Y. Of course not straight forward but more like "A convony needs your help at Shipwreak bay!" or "A convoy with a lot of legendary chest is going from X to Y. Get the gold!"
    Or you opt-out and opt-in at this NPC for your gamertag, and next time you set sail you will have your last decission. This way you can disable it at all if ou do not like it or you enable it at all and do not have to take the decission in every session.

  • I think this is a nugget of an idea that could grow into a wonderful fleet pvp experience. I’m all for it.

  • @falkentavio My intent was not to say that the current game was bad at all. I do enjoy every bit of it as they have intended it. Im just thinking of a way to get bigger groups of friends together without throwing the balance as it is out the window.

  • Fleet PVP sounds really awesome. Kind of like a raid. I think it can be cool for PVEs as well. It's like the fleets in One Piece. Hahaha.

  • @Jdge439 I think this Idea could be awesome, could be a good chance to learn more as a bigger group, find some better loot in certain instances as well as maybe a good way to find more crewmates to sail with later on!

  • personaly i dont think the multi-ships party its a good idea, this kind of party will open doors for many issues inside the game play, like territory control and huge disavantage for those who wants to play alone or in small crews.

    my opinion is simple, if you want to build a fleet do it making deals with other crew in game and share your spoils of war, and thats it... the way the game was build is perfect and prevent many bad things.

  • @viruscool that's the point, to separate these events from the main gameplay. Again, I'm saying the game play is fantastic. This is simply extra.

    Although there are people who would enjoy it, myself included, having 3 ships side by side in main game will be op. So creating theses events would scratch that big fleet itch, but not kill single players games.

  • We'll probably see events or other modes happen in the months following the release, as Fornite did with the BR and the 50vs50 temporary event for example. I have no doubt Rare already thought of it.

  • I feel like this is a much better way to allow players to purposefully scrim against each other, and allowing them to team up to take on Timed events or other things like that, but leaving the base game as it is.

  • that's all gonna depend on final server size. I heard last scale they were doing 20 person server sizes, supposedly going to increase on this next beta. if it stays that low, i don't see it happening. Cant overpopulate or you wont be able to leave port without getting chased right away. granted it would be cool if you could make a server set up simply for fleet wars

  • @vertabreaker26 thats not at all what the post is about.
    Regular game and servers are the same as they are now.

    Events, Scrims, and etc can be Queues, you actually have to talk to an npc for or a menu, will not change the game as it is a bit, just be extra.

    I do not think the game as it is needs changing, I think extra can be added easily enough to allow for.:

    Hey, Ill bet you XXX gold, our crew can beat yours.
    Your on
    and you both get "teleported" to a scrim server. as if you met up to fight for something. when fight ends, you go back to regular overworld game..

    Or events acting the same, tere are regular overworld events, like the skull island but there are others,

    An ongoing event that you can say, hey guys you wanna go fight that one thing, its about a 20 player thing....
    and you all go together, leavbe regular over world, do the thing, then, back in regular over world...

    Make sense?

  • Just seems like u want the game to be more for guilds & it's not...sorry. I myself find it hard enough hearing everyone with 4 or 5 in party, I don't want 8 screaming in my ear while I'm driving. (like soccer mom & kids in van on way too practice) ;-]

  • Hello,

    I do hope that the game grows a little bit in terms of ship size and I believe that it will, but I am not quite sure about the idea of fleet battles, I feel that it's too early to focus on that anyway. I have rather bad memories regarding queues, in mmos for instance, and I feel the same way about this concept being applied to Sea of Thieves.

    I can't wait to see what's added later on this year but honestly I am hyped enough as is it!


  • @personalc0ffee While I don't disagree what do you suggest to implement that? People want to play with their friends. I get that. There have been suggestions all over the forums for 4 players 2 sloops (that sounds really bad), 3 player ships, 5-6 player ships, 8 player ships, fleets, and now this idea.

    I think my implementation is that if there is a fleet that the entire fleet is locked to friendly fire on. This means they could be shooting each other on accident and preventing some benefits to knowing one another. I would also make it so that it is a Flag system only and not able to sail without collision damage etc.

  • @nightmare247365 Why not? cannon balls should discriminate.

    But my idea is more on the events side. You can schedule your own events, Or you can join others for certain events.

    This woul allow the event to take place in a locked arena, outside the main game, and not disturb the main quest and pvp aspect of the game.

  • @jdge439 did this get moved because it's good or bad lol

  • @jdge439 Probably was dropped lower in the forums because there has been more than one thread on this topic.

  • well, It should be HIGHER

  • I really think this is not a bad idea if worked on for more things to do end game now

  • What about to start a pvp "match" the involved crews need to pay in, so its like a betting system. Required 10,000 gold per boat, Evennly taken from its crew. They can wager more if they wish.

    That way theres a reward for winning a PVP match. and allow the crews to set it up as they please.

    2 boats, 2 boat teams, 5 boats free for all ...

    Anything to allow us to set up skirmishes.

    This wouldnt remove players from the base game since, youd have to know each other.
    You cant just have and endless match making system thats on going.

    I mean skirmishes only type deal. there are Clans in this game, and Clans forming around this game, this could really be a draw for teamwork and grouping if there was enough competition and reward for teams to face others. Only through arranged channels!

  • These could be daily events only.... to weekend events only, something to insure the normal servers are populated.

  • With hungering Deep Requiring more than one ship, It really brough back up the Idea of multiple Crew events.

    Events that allow us to have bigger groups of friends together.

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