Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3

  • @tjr2008 Yeah you can still one shot other players, I didn't notice a huge difference honestly. You do need to be within about a meter of the target though.

  • @tjr2008 Depends on your distance to the target. Need to be a little closer now..

  • After patch 1.0.3 I still cannot use my secondary weapon. Are there any known work arounds?

  • Finally, there's reason to snipe the helmsman. It was too frustrating to snipe people 2 times without killing them.

  • @skyewauker the blunderbuss damage needs to be equal to the amount of bullets in the blunderbuss. If a player has 20 points of health and the blunderbuss has 10 bullets each bullet needs to do 2 points of damage. This would allow the eye of sight and flintlock the ability to counter the sword and blunderbuss but allow the potential for the blunderbuss to one hit but only if EVERY SINGLE BULLET hits it's target. This means that even if you are up close your opponent can sidestep and survive if they have full health. Then it's up to you if you want to risk a reload or go in with a sword.

  • Why is the ADS sensitivity a "PC" only fix?? That problem is pretty much the whole reason I don't use the sniper. It's terribly slow to aim? Need a console fix too!

  • Hello very good rare, I would like to give an opinion on this patch; I want to say that the stock of missions in the "COMMERCE" faction seems absurd to me, the game barely has content and they put a stock as a solution to a failure of you, is that really so? pathetic ... I believe that even a child would look for a more intelligent solution and it would not go so easy. that on the one hand. On the other hand, dear fellow sailors, you do not get bored on the island-to-island journey. 3 salomas in 3 years of development ... pathetic too but good that it will be done. Here among all I suppose that you have also thought like me, that a chess table or even an arm wrestling table something so simple I think it would be entertaining during the course of the trip. Because being honest, there are moments in what makes me sleepy! and good sailors I hope you add new things in the game, just like you

  • I’d like to see that roadmap video that was promised this week.

  • @khaleesibot Still cannot equip a second weapong GG

  • Can't even play the game atm...servers down...

  • @khaleesibot I get the initiative to inform players about the scuttle ship option, because it's not really obvious in the menu's, but is the note on the Ferry of the Dead really useful? It's only visible if you're standing right in front of the door, and I feel like players usually just hop around the ferry until the hear the sound, and then sprint toward the door. Even if they did catch a glimpse of it, they wouldn't start reading it then, because they can respawn again.

    Maybe if you could talk to the Ferryman, and he would give you the information, players would find out sooner.

  • @sgt-grogdog-68 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @blu3s-65 AGREE Thanks

    If you make a choice of scuttling your ship, why should you then be rewarded with all of your stuff back? I mean, you're chickening out of a fight and then expect to be treated as if it never happened. [mod edited]

  • @Rare-Employee logged in to play last night all ready for 2 shiny new weapons.....still just had only my sword.
    The normal switch to pistol and die brought me back to wilding 2 weapons. But still bugged.

  • "We have corrected an issue with players receiving very little warning of a server shutdown. Players should now receive a minimum warning of 30 minutes for a server shut down.
    We are still working to ensure that server shutdowns are something that a player would only experience during scheduled maintenance. In the meantime we aim to give players more opportunity to react to a shutdown should it occur."

    straight up f*****g lie. i just got only a 5 min. warning and lost my first legendary mission progress. w*f

  • @griautis I’m not going to argue with you on whether or not a team as large as rare is could possibly make content within three weeks, the truth is that they don’t know what they would like to focus on, and are waiting and waiting for more outbursts of information on the internet, I think more often than not sadly these kinds of things descend into arguments over criticism and justified criticism at that, I point to content that already exists that they should many moons ago such as ship customisables, I also point to the fact recently they made sails with the rare logo on and sailed the sea meeting players, content can be small or large and if you for example can’t make more skins for treasure chest, maybe more clothing options, who knows I’m just saying a big team to make small amounts of content is achievable, if you thought I meant large content like story content perhaps or something larger then less three weeks is to short I mean small content updates

  • [PC Only] Aim Down Sights Sensitivity - We've increased the default mouse sensitivity to allow for more efficient aiming and to be in parity with the controller, as we heard your feedback regarding how mouse-mats around the world were being worn out due to how painfully slow it was to aim down the sights.
    We are also currently working on further improvements for a future update which will include an ADS slider in the Settings to allow players to choose a sensitivity they feel comfortable with.

    Can we see data related to PVP KBM vs Controller? How can you give better aim to PC when they already have great accuracy! Crossplay is broken. Your change should make it worse!

  • @lonewolf231 The blunderbuss is all the problems in PVP in the game, IMHO. It should be like real life pirate guns - one shot. Pistols were what people carried and I have no problem with them having even more ammo - IRL you could carry a pouch of balls and powder. The old Blunderbuss was always a one-shot weapon, it makes no sense that it had as many as a pistol or reloads as fast as every other gun. Sniper rifles need headshots or just delete them.

  • Still no headshot multiplier for EoR? Lol

  • its already thursday, where's that Roadmap video we were supposed to get? I'm slowly going from defending the developers to being as jaded as everyone else.

  • @renoxius said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    its already thursday, where's that Roadmap video we were supposed to get? I'm slowly going from defending the developers to being as jaded as everyone else.

    If it were my choice, I would release the trailer on a weekend at peak times.
    Just a guess. Hopefully a good one.

  • @cptcharleston said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @renoxius said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    its already thursday, where's that Roadmap video we were supposed to get? I'm slowly going from defending the developers to being as jaded as everyone else.

    If it were my choice, I would release the trailer on a weekend at peak times.
    Just a guess. Hopefully a good one.

    I always assume that Developers and other Technology based companies mostly work on a M-F schedule, especially the executives and those involved with PR.

  • What about Xbox One text chat support?

  • I still load in with only a cutlass. Super annoying that I have to equip a gun and then kill my self to get my loadout working still.

  • [PC Only] Mouse Binds - We've added mouse scroll up and down to the list of controls players can use to rebind actions to.

    I found a bug when I tried to assign Weapon 1/2 directly to scroll up/down.

    Ingame Settings
    Cycle Weapons: Unassigned

    Weapon 1 = Scroll up

    Weapon 2 = Scroll down


    -Scroll up seams to work

    -Scroll down will still cycle through both weapons

  • Please increase the pistols damage in pvp... it’s going to (if not already) getting left in the dust.

  • Shadows missing. Latest patch has introduced further degradation of graphics quality as the shadows for the rope in the rigging has disappeared :/

  • @bph-wussie You don't need to die now, at least for me. u can equip the gun, than select again the sword and choose the other slot.

  • @bph-wussie same for me. most annoying.

  • The shadows cast by ropes on the boat just disappered for me.

  • Roadmap?

  • @brawlyvessel412 Your post has been edited as we do not allow personal attacks against other community members. We welcome healthy and constructive disagreements, and understand that not everyone will get along. Please be mindful of our Forum Rules and the Pirate Code when posting on the Forums.

  • @chocolatepain77 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:



  • Shot someone 5 times with the shot gun and they didn't die .. I don't know if u just pander to the [mod edited] or if u are [mod edited] but we aren't as stupid as to see you [mod edited] are forcing people to use sniper rifles while we can no longer use a shot gun for the g******n reason we use a shotgun for

  • I think you should add dolphins whales and other sea creatures so it can be realistic and seeing dolphins playing and swimming next to the boat and I think is is going to be good to the game because say you are friends with the dolphin and some time it would bring back messages in bottles and take on sharks and help you and your crew loot ships that were sunk and I think that the dolphin could help to sink players ships and if your crew should be allowed to get there own and name I hope this is added with parts that can scope out an island from above I think you should add this because it would help players and if would find new ways to add animals and interact with animals that pirates would have interacted with.

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