
  • Is there an anti-cheat system in place?

    If there isn't, when will there be? If there is, what work is being done to improve it?

    Recent news of the game includes confirmed examples of cheating systems being implemented on PC. Being able to see the locations of items, chests, players, etc. Aimbots and other combat assistance cheats. Hopefully this gets taken care of, because this game would turn to rubbish if the cheats become widespread. Just one cheating crew on a server could make for a very unpleasant experience.

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  • Wait and see. Unfortunately a big part of combating the problem is waiting to see what the problem is. I don't think that they will get rid of cross-platform gaming being that it is such a big sell for Microsoft and I'm not sure if there are legal ramifications withdrawing a feature that was advertised.

  • I don't know if they have a Anti-Cheat inplace. It should be a high priority because PC players are starting to use allot of cheats cause there really isnt a penalty for it right now.

  • @techtox go onto PC and look up SoT cheats or hacks there are ESP's aimbots etc its insane

  • @techtox more than noone is allot imo.

  • @techtox i dont find one every game but i have run across a few. they are annoying to fight. but allot of people also didnt drop the 60$ for the game. They are using the 14 day free trial

  • Here is my rant.

    So there maybe cheats, some players may use them. This happens in almost every game. The original cheats were GameShark devices that allowed you to enter specific codes to do things. This was on old NES and SNES consoles. So consoles have seen their fair share of "Cheating" too. There is no 100% way to prevent cheating. No matter how good the anticheat methods are.

    Saying it is only PC players and crossplay should be disabled is not helpful either. There are plenty of ways to exclude people and things.

    Examples. Mature (17+) games like GTA are being played by children. Since we cannot stop bad parenting or people allowing their kids to stop playing should we just stop creating M rated games?

    People use objectionable language over voice chat. Yelling and screaming, bullying, telling people to go "objective" themselves? Should we disable all online communications both voice and text chat because of this?

    People are griefing other people by spawn camping them and not playing the game as intended. Should we just get rid of all Multiplayer gaming altogether to prevent this?

    The answer is NO. We as a gaming community should be capable of policing ourselves, but we would never have to if people were not jerks. So how about we all quit trying so hard in every game and just relax, take a step back, and enjoy the game. Let the developers figure out how to handle this, but excluding a group and disabling things like cross play is not the answer.

  • Rare's anti cheat system...
    Checking for fake gold

    RIP cross play ☠

  • You're silly to accuse PC players of cheating, like all console players are angels. lol Steam as the BEST gaming platform, got over it I'm sure Microsoft can do the same.

    I really prefer PC community to console for a lot of reasons, they are more competitive and friendly in general. Steam alone has more Active users than both Xbox and Play Station user base combined together. that's more than 200M active users and more than 500M total accounts. the data is from 2017.

  • @hottcakex Please don't resurrect old threads, it is against the forum rules. This thread will now be locked.

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