Joining friends in the same server

  • We currently have 8 people playing this, we're all in a party but since the max for a crew is 4, if we split up, is there a way we can all meet up in the same game or server if we all start the game at the same time? This would be an awesome feature if we can do it.

  • 26
  • You must try your luck beacose its impossible in hub

  • U cant join the same sever with more than 4 people (a full crew).The devs did so there wouldn't be people ruling the whole sever and they did want people to have a hug advantage!They wanted every thing to be fair.

  • @ghost101mm

    Thanks man, I like the game so far (if I can join that is), would be nice to be on a game chat with friends, all running around, getting goofy, stealing each others loot, sinking each other ships. Well, I guess thats that.

  • Would be cool if maybe you could host your own server so that you could invite friends or clan mates past the 4 person crew limit but without adversely impacting regular players.

  • Well that sucks...
    I have 10-12 friends that play this and we would love to play against each other competitively.

  • Not supported, at least not yet, but the workaround is to split into two crews, set sail at the same time, and check watches when you load in. If they show the same time, you're likely on the same server.

  • @kylemccarley
    Great idea man, will try that. Hate splitting up a big crew, I mean, we'll probably end up getting drunk, dancing, playing music and getting stupid anyway. It's a social game after all. Hoping they add more content, you can only kill skeletons, chase chickens and pigs so much you know.

  • @ghost101mm And I think this is a good thing.

  • The time thing does not work, from doing a bit of testing we established that the different servers we were in all had the same time.

  • I'd like to see this in the game somehow. I'd also like a server name so you know when you're in the right server as a friend.
    I do not support a server browser (where u can select from servers from a list)
    I'd like to be able to join your friends server via a dif crew( if their crew is full) say the galleon you're joining us full it would load you into a new galleon on a separate crew but in the same server. Would keep things interesting by not having both ships in the same crew.

  • @kylemccarley I don't think this works. There is a sort of 'gps' website for Sea of Thieves that helps with Merchant quests and it shows the in-game time, which always seems to match with my actual in-game time. So I think maybe it's always the same time on every server ?

  • @ghost101mm only thing this has done is allow trolls to have complete control ☹

  • @col-al-sanders hey sir the way to do what u wanna do is possible but kind of tricky try find a crew and buy the boat the way u do this is simple ill explain my best find a galleon crew , talk to them and explain u wanna buy there boat ( easier to do it at a outpost ) give them like 2 or 3 chest or skull or what u have in hand so 3 of the other crew leave game and the 4 invite one of ur men to join him when ur guyz is in game the 4 from the other crew and ur men from ur crew invite the 3 other then u have 2 gally ^^ hope u understand english is not my first language ^^ did my best hehe

  • As others have stated, currently this is not supported within the game itself, however it is not impossible.

    Just last night I was able to get a larger group of friends on the same server but finding another crew who was getting offline, and convinced them to let me have their ship by inviting me into their crew before they logged out. This allowed the friend I was playing with in a sloop to stay on that ship, and invite another friend in, while I then took control of the other crew's brigantine and invited two other friends in. We then formed an Alliance and sailed together for the night.

  • @kylemccarley sagte in Joining friends in the same server:

    Not supported, at least not yet, but the workaround is to split into two crews, set sail at the same time, and check watches when you load in. If they show the same time, you're likely on the same server.

    Isn't in every server the same ingame-time?

  • Best way would be: find another galleon and ask them to invite a friend of yours and quit after they joined...give em a captains chest maybe...

  • @therealdarkfact Sounds like @KnightX13 has some useful tips, so I'm not going to lock this, but a reminder that resurrecting old threads is discouraged. : )

  • @kenji-salk Why? What’s wrong with old threads? Especially if it helps someone?

    Often someone posts a question and the reply is “use the search function, this has been mentioned before”

    Then someone does just that and you ding them for posting in an old thread. Talk about being damned if you do, damned if you don’t

  • @airsicktimelord The forum rules say that resurrecting threads over a month old isn't allowed.

    Bumping Threads
    Bumping threads with content that is not providing additional information to the original post is not permitted. Resurrecting threads over one month old is also not permitted. A warning will be issued and the thread locked. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @airsicktimelord REBELION!!!!!! 4 OLD THREDS!!!!!

  • @schwammlgott
    this kinda happened to me the other night, when a galleon pulled up on me at an outpost. they wanted my help killing skelly ships but unfortunately i had to go. we formed an alliance and they helped me unload and cash in my goods. then i made their day by saying i had 6 barrels up top they could have, along with all of my supplies. then their leader came up with the idea of joining my crew before i left, as they had other friends online that couldn't play. they were so cool, i was happy to give them my vessel.
    if we can have alliances then why can't we play with friends? they should set up a way to form the alliance in a lobby prior to searching for a server. while we're on the subject rare its time to up the server traffic a smidge. we are all big kids now, we can handle a little more traffic out there now that we're 5 months in.

  • @squallycircle7 I dunno man, I've been around these forums for the last 5 months, I'm not sure I'd be making any bold predictions on what people can handle.

    Evidence would suggest that collectively, as a community, the thing we can't handle is going for 24 hours without complaining about something.

  • @schwammlgott Super old post. This applied during the beta. At the time I didn't know they'd changed all in-game times to the same clock.

  • I would really like this. what rare could do is have a server selection that can only allow a certain amount of ships and/or players this would be a great system of getting friends together and not being overpowered by fleets of huge ships sort of like (wrong word probably)

  • @oakentommybro Or a WAY bigger ship would do nicely

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