No kraken Body, it's a joke?


    W*f is that?
    Why there's no Body???!

  • 50
  • @jeanini said in No kraken Body, it's a joke?:

    W*f is that?
    Why there's no Body???!

    You don’t see the body if a kraken were to take your boat IRL. Just the tentacles underneath.

  • @beanmariocow so if i want to see him in the water i have nothing and it's logical?

  • @jeanini said in No kraken Body, it's a joke?:

    @beanmariocow so if i want to see him in the water i have nothing and it's logical?

    Well, the water is completly inked, so you can’t see a foot in front of you. And a kraken goes under the boat, and pulls you under with it’s tentacles, so you would never actually see a body.

  • I agree with OP they shouldn’t haven’t released the kraken with just tentacles, perhaps it’s meant to be a sort of world boss with stages where you don’t fight the body without killing all the tentacles first? Nobody has killed it yet to my knowledge. Still a cop out imo, I can understand why you can’t see your anchor but something as hyped as the kraken should actually, you know, not be invisible? Thoughts?

  • What I dislike absolutely most about the no body thing is that Rare most likely have added the black water so that they didn't have to design the Kraken's body, and sold us the black water as a feature. I'm conjecturing obviously, but man I don't believe I'm wrong on this one.

  • Imagine the frame drops on an entity that massive moving beneath the waves...

  • I don't see a problem, you don't fight it underwater and the water is black when he spawns so, yea, got no problem

  • Well the body don't have to move a lot .... It's the tentacles who move the most so I don't really get why they didn't put a body to it.

    Seriously on the picture it look like a trick you'll find on a PS2 game...

  • imo, I think it may have something to do with the way they have designed / programmed the sea. A lot of people, including me, have mentioned how realistic the sea is. maybe the way they have achieved this doesn't allow some stuff underwater, for example, same as there is no visible anchor...... i'm no expert just a guess really :)

  • I'm sorry but that's just indefensible.
    If the water is truly inked then this cop out could be covered up by water that is completely black. But honestly, the kraken should be a terrifying monstrosity and floating tentacles completely negates that. We should be expected to end up in the drink fighting a kraken, obviously we're going to get this view.

  • I can't believe people are defending this poorly made "major feature" They have concept art of the real kraken, they have trumped the Kraken up to be this amazing entity to fight, and then they make it a bunch of disembodied tentacles in inky water. This kills the illusion of the game. If we weren't able to go underwater, it wouldn't be an issue, but Rare really needed to implement the full creature if they were going to allow us to see it.

    There better be "another phase" as people are suggesting, where we fight the real monster.

  • @karlrules I'm totally ok with that, I love the game but this is so sad... it's supposed to be the ultra-powerful point of the game! and he doesn't really exist :/

  • @jeanini did you attack it? I think you have to attack each tentical then the head will appear to attack and kill. Just like any boss. That's what I heard anyway. I've also heard someone complaining they couldnt see anything when they went in the water, haven't tried that yet but I'm assuming you can't see anything because of all the ink the Kraken releases.

  • Does seem like a cheap out, it should have a squid body that you can swim down and attack directly.

  • So far, the only rumors of a payoff and a head rearing itself after you knock out the tentacles are user-created. No distinguishable proof or evidence of a second phase, or a reward. I would consider this the only phase and just a random encounter to drain you of resources.

  • @jeanini said in No kraken Body, it's a joke?:

    W*f is that?
    Why there's no Body???!

    Because our simple minds cannot comprehend the body of what we have never seen, or what we were never supposed to see.

    It could be that the krakken is a 4th dimensional being attempting to study us within the 3rd dimension. I'm not bothered though - each of the tentacles is like a Giant Sea Graboid. If you don't know the reference, then watch Tremors.

  • I assumed this would be the case when they announced the water turned "inky black" when the kraken shows up. Pitch black water is a good way to hide what is actually under the water (like a lack of a body). I'm surprised they made it so you could see at all.

    This decision is probably just part of the usual n**s and tucks of game development, to make sure the framerate remains stable on an original Xbox. I would like to see them add a different "phase", or encounter with it, where the body also shows up.

    Anyway, should be interesting to hear the explanation or rationale behind this choice. It's a bit of a b****r, but I'm not exactly raging about it.

  • @beanmariocow How exactly would you know though? you've been attacked by a Kraken before ;o

  • in terms of the kraken being a single 3d model, i do not agree. the absence of the body and the black water motivates players to stay on their ship during the encounter and it also gives the devs more freedom to develop the kraken AI.

    in terms of it not having a body appear like the tentacles as the final stage of the encounter, I kind of agree, but i can understand why it does not exist yet. it would be wrong to allow players to kill the Kraken hours after they have started the game. perhaps there are some undiscovered secrets we do not know about; possibly related to the legendary rank.

  • Maybe it's lack of imagination on my part, but.... yeah, that's kinda what I was expecting.

    Or maybe it's because I've fought so many tentacles in video games that I just assumed that it would be similar.

    So while I can understand how others would feel disappointed, personally it doesn't really bother me.


  • I came to this post expecting to see: My kraken doesn't have a nose!......... So how does he smell?.......... Terrible ; )

    I once dated a girl who said she was shy because she came from an ancient sunken city in the sea............ She was no conversationalist but she had a kraken body.

  • @optimuscrs I agree fully. Make it seem like an ominous thing for the water to turn black when the kraken shows up, when really this is just a guise to hide the fact they didn't take the time to design the body. And I don't want to hear from the devs that this would've created too many issues, if Ark can have ten Giganotosaurs in a server with 70 people in an open world at one time, you can fit one Kraken in a server with less than 20 pirates interacting with it and killing it.
    No body for the Kraken, no visible anchors, rowboats on the cover art but non-existent in the game, is simply lazy writing.
    Other than this and the lack of monkeys and wildlife/sea life, I love this game.

  • I'm more upset with the fact that killing it gives you nothing...

  • Games are smoke and mirrors everywhere.

  • @beanmariocow said in No kraken Body, it's a joke?:

    @jeanini said in No kraken Body, it's a joke?:

    @beanmariocow so if i want to see him in the water i have nothing and it's logical?

    Well, the water is completly inked, so you can’t see a foot in front of you. And a kraken goes under the boat, and pulls you under with it’s tentacles, so you would never actually see a body.

    That is one heck of an imagination you have there. Ink is only used in self defense or fear. The Kracken definitely isn't intimidated by you or any other ship or crew.

  • I do not understand why this is such a big deal... It feels like people are looking for reasons to hate on this amazing game, instead of just enjoying it. If this is your biggest complaint, you must hate most games. Like said above, no body would mean more FPS. I like the fact that it doesn't have a body, I feel that it adds to the ambiance of the game. Being that I have been attacked by the kraken a few times, the sea turning black and the ominous music playing really gets my crew and I motivated.

  • @gholin said in No kraken Body, it's a joke?:

    I can't believe people are defending this poorly made "major feature" They have concept art of the real kraken, they have trumped the Kraken up to be this amazing entity to fight, and then they make it a bunch of disembodied tentacles in inky water. This kills the illusion of the game. If we weren't able to go underwater, it wouldn't be an issue, but Rare really needed to implement the full creature if they were going to allow us to see it.

    There better be "another phase" as people are suggesting, where we fight the real monster.

    It is sorta wild that there is an entire underwater world and can't throw kraken throw you in there? I suspect something was game breaking with it and maybe it was removed for the time being. Logically it doesn't make sense

  • @jeanini This does not mean they WONT add the body. Maybe they are working on it.

  • OK.

    The Kraken encounter that Rare has given us is very likely inspired by the Kraken attack from "Pirates Of The Caribbean 2". (IMPORTANT NOTE: Inspired By, not meant to be a shot for shot duplicate. INSPIRED BY, DOES NOT need to have every single detail duplicated, just similar.)

    Go ahead and watch this clip. Then, tell me when you get it.

    Kraken Attack

    HINT/SPOILER: It's just tentacles, no body.

    Wow! No body! Really?! Just tentacles attacking the ship/crew!

    So, please stop asking where the body is. There isn't one, OK? Because the scene that inspired it didn't need one, either. The whole scene was mostly about he horror of giant tentacles and about the crew fighting them. The body wasn't important to the scene.

    So, since this game requires imagination, how about you IMAGINE that there's a body down there, OK?

    On a side note, why is the body so weirdly important to you? The encounter is about fighting the tentacles, soooo....just fight the tentacles, maybe? Why does it matter so much?

    Y'know what I'm mad about? There's no molten core deep down below the ocean floor! This isn't even a completely modeled planet! What lazy devs! And guess what else? Space outside the atmosphere isn't modeled either! Unbelievable! Worst game design EVER!

  • @hiram-mason said in No kraken Body, it's a joke?:


    The Kraken encounter that Rare has given us is very likely inspired by the Kraken attack from "Pirates Of The Caribbean 2". (IMPORTANT NOTE: Inspired By, not meant to be a shot for shot duplicate. INSPIRED BY, DOES NOT need to have every single detail duplicated, just similar.)

    Go ahead and watch this clip. Then, tell me when you get it.

    Kraken Attack

    HINT/SPOILER: It's just tentacles, no body.

    Wow! No body! Really?! Just tentacles attacking the ship/crew!

    So, please stop asking where the body is. There isn't one, OK? Because the scene that inspired it didn't need one, either. The whole scene was mostly about he horror of giant tentacles and about the crew fighting them. The body wasn't important to the scene.

    So, since this game requires imagination, how about you IMAGINE that there's a body down there, OK?

    On a side note, why is the body so weirdly important to you? The encounter is about fighting the tentacles, soooo....just fight the tentacles, maybe? Why does it matter so much?

    Y'know what I'm mad about? There's no molten core deep down below the ocean floor! This isn't even a completely modeled planet! What lazy devs! And guess what else? Space outside the atmosphere isn't modeled either! Unbelievable! Worst game design EVER!

    Um, the scene in Pirates of the Caribbean 2 did show its body. Will Turner gets thrown overboard and sees the whole kraken underwater. Also you see its body on POTC 3. Not a very good argument in defense of this implementation.

  • @jeanini Why waste art development time to model, texture, and animate something that will never be seen in the ink?

    That visual problem of being able to see under water clearly when it is only half way up your screen should of been caught in testing. So once they patch that problem, even if the kraken had a body you would never see it.

  • Who has actually seen a Kraken?

  • @cows-n-muffins said in No kraken Body, it's a joke?:

    @jeanini Why waste art development time to model, texture, and animate something that will never be seen in the ink?

    That visual problem of being able to see under water clearly when it is only half way up your screen should of been caught in testing. So once they patch that problem, even if the kraken had a body you would never see it.

    The problem is the ink is there in the first place. They should have found a way to make the kraken a real full entity. This seems lazy. Though in this particular instance, the kraken is hitting ships in a wide area, so maybe it's the only way to do it. However, they need to follow up with another phase, where you can take the actual beast out. Only then will most of us accept it.

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