Griefing : A problem directly linked to the beta content.

  • Hello everybody.

    This evening, i'm starting to see poping more and more threads dealing with griefing (problem a lot of people talked about during the alpha too).

    People are complaining about being shot at for no reason, ships getting sunk...
    In my opinion, this "problem" will not be present when the full game releases.

    Let me explain : In the full game, you will have to grind to buy, earn, unlock new titles, guns, customization... And most people are going to focus h*****n that, not making them want to lose time in a pointless fight.
    In the beta/alpha, players want to experience everything the game as to offer as their is no "objective", everything you do will be wiped, so why bother?
    First they get a couple of voyages, earn gold, ... get bored. So they sail around the map, shooting other ships to get the fun they are looking for.

    I know i'm giving another point for people to complaing about he lack of content, but I want this explaination to sound like hope for people who don't want to fight all the time in Sea Of Thieves.

    To be clear : When I deal with griefing, i'm not talking about PvP on general. Just hunting down a solo player for no reason, Spawn killing, ...

    See you (pacifically) on the sea!

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  • @thefarsz
    The crew I hooked up with last night, did exactly this. We ran around collecting chests for 3 or 4 hours. Then I said, lets attack something. So we did, and had some awesome battles. Some were lost, some were won, but every single one was a blast. Beta is great for experiencing everything you can.

  • Well... I mean... personally, I will hunt you to the end of the earth, through storms, through hordes of skeletons, to the bowls of the kraken itself.

    PvE might be a fun distraction for me at times, but I aim to be a pirate. I aim to kill and pillage others.

  • @thefarsz

    I agree with your BETA assessment of griefing.

    Since there's no retained value in gathering loot as our characters will be wiped clean, people just wanna fight. Even if you sink someone's ship and kill their entire crew, why bother taking their chest?

    That said, beyond release and into the future, at some point in every PvP game, players have the 'loot' and 'rep' they want. The only thing left to do is kill everything you see. For people learning the game, that's the quickest recipe for 'delete and refund'.

    Rare as their work cut of for them. Balance in PvP is near impossible. There has to be some kind of 'flagging' and NPC enforcement for new players to get into the game.

    The hard part for Rare will be finding a balance.

  • The problem I had today during my beta play was young a 4 man boat with 2 randoms. Once the 2 randoms got on the boat after we spent 30 minutes finding and loading 5 chests from one island then head off to the final map of the voyage. They decided to take the chests and dump them off the boat in the middle of a storm. All the work for nothing. I'll never join randoms again. Never had this in any alpha test. Just really pissez me off to have all that just ruined the beta for the remainder of the time.

  • I don't play games to be griefed and trolled, and if I did I wouldn't pay $100AUD for them. I had more fun in PUBG and DAYZ even with the hackers than I am playing SoT.
    I'm disappointed this isn't a family friendly story 1-4 player adventure, but a troll and griefing PvP simulator. I certainly don't want my children playing this game considering the amount of language and obscenity I have heard as well as the griefing and trolling of solo or 2 person teams.

    'So join a 4 person team'

    You have been locked in the brig
    Followed by 10 minutes of the n word being shouted over voice chat

    Very, family friendly.

  • @thefarsz @Pocket-Fox-AU What we can tell you at this stage is that there has been a LOT of feedback on this issue and it is currently being worked on by the team, they are aware of the problems and people's experiences with this and how it is detracting from the experience that is intended.

  • The PVP element is what the games is composed of so I can't say that player interactions in that regard is griefing per say. What I do see as griefing is the brig, I think it's a bad idea. It should just be a vote kick option and the person being kicked should get a % of the chests on the ship?
    I met a new player yesterday and they told me that their first play they got locked in the brig right off the bat and taunted. They had to figure out how to navigate their invantory while in jail.
    It makes me mad that new players get such a raw first experience when the game and a few good vets can make that first play one that is exciting and full of adventure! At this stage I get the content is limited but using new players to fill that void is not a option if this games wants to have a strong release.

    That's just my opinion though

  • At the same time, what do you do when you get a random member of your crew being a troll? People might be trying to see what they can be doing with the whole game.

  • @thefarsz said in Griefing : A problem directly linked to the beta content.:

    People are complaining about being shot at for no reason, ships getting sunk...
    In my opinion, this "problem" will not be present when the full game releases.

    You are blind my fellow pirate, their are full groups of us that the ONLY reason we have to play is to grief others.

    Open world PvP sandbox’s are the breeding pool for guys looking to have fun at the expense of others. And this game makes a perfect playground for that.

    There are so many features in this game that even promote this kind of game play. It’s going to get much much worse... unless they implement things to stop it, then when they do all you will left is a poorly made PvE game.

  • This is only true if there are actual penalties for griefing in the full game otherwise the problem doesn't go away it just get's delayed for a few weeks until people reach a sufficient level to start griefing.

  • I have had numerous people try to Grief my crew and I. Let me tell you, we always won. Griefing never works against us because we always worked as a team and destroyed anyone that tried anything on us. we would light speed a plan out to everyone and execute as a group and always won. its about team work, not chasing and firing cannons.

  • Yeah, you can always manage to deal with it on your own. Yesterday, i have been hunter by a two man crew when I was sailing on my own. I made them sink. Then they came back, destroyed my ship when I was discovering a chest. So I hid the chest, killed them both, jumped on their ship, sent it into rocks, waited for it to sink. They finally managed to kill me, so I grabbed my new ship and got my chest back.

    I was annoyed at first but I'm glad they did it cause it's an aventure I won't forget!

  • So here's my story: my roommate and I decided to spend the last night of the Beta exploring around for a bit. We where a 2 man crew so we IMMEDIATELY got targeted by a 4 man ship. They attacked us, sank our ship, game over. So we respawned, got our new ship, and continued on our way. But once wasn't enough for these greifing players. They hunted us down, boarded our ship, and killed us with the "shotgun", and instead of sinking our ship, they sat on ours and killed us EVERY time we respawned on OUR ship. Ruined the whole experience for us.

  • Yeah... join a 4 man crew and 9 times out of 10 you are immediately in the Brig with the other players shouting very obscene comments. This game can not be rated anything less than XXX because clearly this game is not meant for anyone under 17. I heard more F-bombs, N words, C words and Gender slurs then I care to ever hear again. I tried 4 person, and it really was a horrible experience since I had no friends and could only do random. Others may have had fun, but I agree with other posts here. This game was a pretty lack luster PVP simulator that really needs to find a way to allow some form of PVE that does not end up being solo ships trying their hardest running from 4 person grief teams.

  • It’s kind of hard to get involved in a pirate game, keeping the spirit of “no honour among thieves” and expect everyone to play nice and not bother anyone. I agree with the spawn killing thing. That gets super annoying. Aside from that, it’s a pirate game! This is how it’s supposed to be played. If you encounter a player that is using profane language the best thing you can do is report them. It’s kind of silly to be complaining about other ships attacking your ship and stealing your treasure LOL. IT’S A PIRATE GAME!!!! Hahaha cheers!

  • @thargg Reason people were putting you in the brig is because you were a random they didnt want. You'll find they were a 3man crew in a private party and not using coms in game chat but their party chat if they were xbox players admittingly my crew done that to randoms too at times when our fourth crew member couldnt get on reason being is most folks dislike PUGs/randoms :)

  • @haiafang

    Ide believe that, if the people doing it were not taunting the whole time. I never got into one where they were like. Hey sorry, our 4th member did not get in, can you exit. So I have doubts about the nature of the randoms. Right now, I am unsure I would even do them once the game went live if the attitudes of the community stays the same.

  • @thefarsz Good thinking here. I agree to a point. I think the mass of extra content (hoping to see a lot of the community suggestions, including my own, be included) will give people more focus, but I have to mention my crew's logic when we pillages the high seas, which was "That ship could have chests on it." And so the more things a player can collect, the more they can lose to scoundrels, brigands and bandits. Wonder if they'll bring Privateers in to this game.

  • @roughmonkey0 "Open world PvP sandbox’s are the breeding pool for guys looking to have fun at the expense of others." Explain to me how making other people miserable is fun for you. I would sincerely like to know your thoughts.

  • This is true for alpha waves too. Every time a new wave of alpha players came in, it was shoot first, questions later and then it mellowed down after a week or so because aside for Black Sails name me a modern pirate game that lets you sail and shoot other players?? Genuine question but I dont recall any.

    People are overly excited by the prospect of something abit different/new experience will do just that. Hence so much pvp but once theres (hopefully) costs to pvp etc, like ship repairs cost more than wood etc etc itll balance out. Theres been alot of discussion on the pvp aspect of what is and isnt fair, should there be repercussions etc and im excited to see what comes of it in the full game. It should be a completely different experience to the beta where it was either no risk pvp or get gold. Bring the risks it lowers barrage of pvp, its a simple format.

  • @the-big-skipper said in Griefing : A problem directly linked to the beta content.:

    @roughmonkey0 "Open world PvP sandbox’s are the breeding pool for guys looking to have fun at the expense of others." Explain to me how making other people miserable is fun for you. I would sincerely like to know your thoughts.

    After years of gaming the thrill of killing AI has lost all of its luster. Trying to hunt down a real players pumps your adrenaline and when you kill them knowing their is a real person on the other side that is sooooo p****d that you just took all his stuff it makes the treasure so much sweeter.

    When you kill AI it does not do the same thing. There is no “real” lose. It’s the same reason guys like sports, it’s not just the game it is also the fact that real people are winning and losing. That human connection makes it mater.

    I love to fight people when I have loot on me too. The thrill that you could lose everything if you mess up is exciting.

    The fact that you can not progress gear and stats by doing quests is going to breed this type of play even more. “Go get this and go get that” quests are sooooo old school game design. Also we do not have any reasons to help each other. There is nothing to gain.

    This game could have a million more quests and a million times the content. And if it does not advance your character with gear or skills the same group of guys will not play that content. Now on the other hand, if I could say I killed 300 players, sunk 75 ships and took all their stuff to buy this gold plated captains hat... well... now that is a hat worth having for sure!

    If it is, I killed 1000 skeletons and d**g up 500 chests to get these golden sails... when then you can keep your sails then.

    The content has to be engageing for people to even care... now this is for PvP and PvE players both. Right now the fighting and sailing are the only thing keeping this game together.

    But this is a socail game right??? Well, you are correct!! Everyone likes to hang out with people like themselves, it’s human nature. And you don’t have to like how Me and my friends play, and you don’t have to like the personalitys of the people I hang with, BUT.... if you are in an open world PvP game and you think we are going to just let you walk by and not kill you so you can turn in a quest you worked an hour on then you have anything thing coming.

    Players are monsters with better loot to PvP players. You are boss monsters with a huge payout!

  • Me and friend were playing and we were and a sloop and saw anothed sloop and tried to make friends but then they shot at us so we chased them and followed them into a massive storm they were trying to escape into and eventually sank them by this stage we are out of the storm and drop anchor and try to be friendly again so then they joined our crew and we sailed for a while and then they went back to their ship and that shows that in this game you can make friends with someone even if you've sank their ship that is what I love about this community and this game

  • @thefarsz Sea of Thieves is a "Competitive Multiplayer" game, those aren't griefers that are killing you they're PVPers who find more enjoyment of battling an opponent who can at least think a little vs the extremely dull "voyages". If you keep dying then maybe git gud mate.

  • @thefarsz There is no griefing in this game, there is only other pirates to attack. No one needs a reason to hunt another pirate down other then the fact that's how they want to play the game. Just because your experience requires safe places does not mean mine or anyone else does.

  • Hmmm...Rare has acknowledged there is a griefing issue, on more than one occasion. PvP is not griefing. But there is griefing in this game. I have not seen it personally as much as the forums and reddit suggests, but I have seen it. When the Developers put this little gem on the load in splash screen...there is an issue...

    "Surrounded by griefers?...try this tip, explore your player menu to scuttle your ship"

    Sad that is actually on a load in screen, sadder yet that is the devs current "fix".

  • @touchdown1504 I disagree, its a valid option if the server you are on is to much to handle. Just last night we had one sloop come at us multiple times, i believe we sank them 6 times. That was some of the most fun I've had yet, the banter in chat was hilarious to boot. We just let them come and defended our treasures, in the end they gave up and we ran over to the skull fort did a little pve and headed to bed.

  • This hasn't aged well.

  • @captainph0t0n Reviving a 2 month old thread?

    @TouchDown1504 Sad that that's on the loading screen? Why? It's great advice. People need to learn how to play the game. My friends and I never get "griefed" (I hate the way that word is used now) because we don't allow it to happen.

  • @straptt and @PapaSohan I agree it is a 100% valid option. I say sad because this game was once billed as "The friendliest online game" and at one time (early Alpha testing) it was! I am saying it is sad that they had to resort to putting this on a load in screen, and even sadder that this is the only recourcse they have. Sorry if I was misunderstood.

  • @papasohan said in Griefing : A problem directly linked to the beta content.:

    @captainph0t0n Reviving a 2 month old thread?

    @TouchDown1504 Sad that that's on the loading screen? Why? It's great advice. People need to learn how to play the game. My friends and I never get "griefed" (I hate the way that word is used now) because we don't allow it to happen.

    Maybe you and your friends should write a tutorial on how to play the game!

  • @touchdown1504 I didn't jump in until the betas and for me the experience has carried over just the same. I have put a lot of hours in, probably to many and I just have not experienced any of these situations. Maybe its the way i view them vs the way others do, i am not sure. I don't have any esports skills, i think the only real skill needed is good observation of your surroundings. I understand your view on the loading screen advice but I have to agree with @PapaSohan, its a great place to put good information for people to view and scuttling your ship and jumping servers really takes up no time in a game where sailing can take a good 20 min to get to the next spot.

  • @touchdown1504 You could probably compile all my forum responses to make a tutorial lol. Actually the biggest problem is that a lot of the people crying to the forums want to have their cake and eat it, too. One guy had 3+ hours of loot on board (playing solo) and got angry because he got sunk and all his loot was taken. My response was, don't carry 3+ hours of loot on your ship, turn in at least once per hour if you don't want to take that risk (especially playing solo). His response was, "I don't want to have to turn in that often." I mean, how am I supposed to deal with players like that that refuse to learn how to play the game?

    I must have missed the part where they advertised the game as the friendliest game online. All the advertising I saw was "Sea of Thieves." If they were aiming for friendly, they missed the mark big time. That said, there have been a few friendly encounters that I have experienced that have been pretty cool.

  • @touchdown1504 I re-read your post and I follow what your saying better now. Do you have any ideas of another solution? I cant think of anything better myself but again I have not put much thought into because its not been an issue for me.

  • @papasohan said in Griefing : A problem directly linked to the beta content.:

    @touchdown1504 You could probably compile all my forum responses to make a tutorial lol. Actually the biggest problem is that a lot of the people crying to the forums want to have their cake and eat it, too. One guy had 3+ hours of loot on board (playing solo) and got angry because he got sunk and all his loot was taken. My response was, don't carry 3+ hours of loot on your ship, turn in at least once per hour if you don't want to take that risk (especially playing solo). His response was, "I don't want to have to turn in that often." I mean, how am I supposed to deal with players like that that refuse to learn how to play the game?

    I must have missed the part where they advertised the game as the friendliest game online. All the advertising I saw was "Sea of Thieves." If they were aiming for friendly, they missed the mark big time. That said, there have been a few friendly encounters that I have experienced that have been pretty cool.

    Could not agree more, when i solo play i turn in half way threw or if I am feeling lucky i may go an entire voyage but that means i have maybe 6 treasures max on me. There are far to many outpost not to just swing by one and drop your goods off as you travel to your next spot.

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