[CLOSED] Design an Achievement Contest!

  • @teddy-25 I’ve said this before but I’ll do it again:

    Achievement Name: Falcon Falling
    Achievement Discription: Fall from the Crowsnest to your death.

    *Note: This also correllated with the @IOnEI-Falcon Easter Egg for falling from the crows nest a remarkable amount of times during the early stages of the alpha!

  • Achievement Name: The Collector
    Achievement Description: Collect more than 30 Chests on your ship without returning or loosing them.
    Like him but with much more chests on his back.

  • Here’s an idea!

    Achievement: I’m better when I’m drunk!

    Requirements: kill an enemy after drinking X bottles of grog. (Replace X with however many bottles it takes to affect your gameplay/throw up. I don’t actually know how many that is.)

    Description: kill a foe after drinking a lot more grog than you should.

    Image: Maybe a pirate with a mug in one hand and a pistol in the other, shooting a skeleton, with a stupid face of alcoholic bravery? I’m open to other ideas if anyone has any!

  • Achievement Name: Monkey Business
    Achievement Text: Loot and eat (#) bananas
    **Achievement Image:**Pirate with mouthful of banana, with half eaten banana in each hand

  • @teddy-25 Okay so I've had this idea when I found some treasure

    Achievement Name: Marauder's Jump
    Achievement Description: Jump from Marauder's Arch and survive
    (Optional): A photo of the place itself with a Pirate midway through the jump

  • Achievment Name Why is the Rum gone OR Sea turtles mate
    Achievement Discription Spend three in game days on a desert island before hitching a lift off

  • AchievementName - You’ve stolen me......

    Achievement Description: No more than 100 characters – Now I’m ‘ere to take me’self back.

    Visit the ghost ship 66 times.

  • Achievement Name: When Chickens Fly

    Achievement Description: Successfully fire a chicken out of a cannon

    Achievement Art: Perhaps an exploding chicken would do

  • Achievement Name: Stowaway
    Achievement Description: remain on an enemy ship for 5 minutes
    (Optional): a picture of a ship with a guy clinging onto the side of it

  • Terror of the Seven Seas - sink 30 ships without your ship sinking.

  • Name: What would YOU do?
    Description: Lock a drunk crew mate in the brig/get locked in the brig while drunk

  • Achievement Name: Surprise Attack
    Achievement Description: Vomit on 10 different pirate enemies.
    Design: A pirate drinking or vomiting in a bucket. (sorry if my english is not correct hehe. Also, I dont know if "vomit" is the proper word. Could be other like throw up, puke, etc...)

  • Name - Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

    Description - Can you find the sponge under the water? Or potentially a star fish?

  • Achievement Name: The Rise and Fallen
    Achievement Description: You fired yourself direct upward from a canon but didn't survive the landing...
    Suggested image (please excuse the quality... I'm no artist):

    The Rise and Fallen

  • Achievement Name: Trouble-adour

    Achievement Description: Play music continually for 3 minutes while no more than 20 meters from another player.

    Suggeted image: A (happy) music playing pirate next to an annoyed captain.

    Note: Obviously the duration and distance could need balancing.

  • @teddy-25

    Achievement Name: Hook, Line and Sink Her
    Achievement Description: Successfully sink 10 ships.
    (Optional): A ship broken in half

  • Achievement Name: Never Say Die

    Achievement Description: Complete a 4 part bounty quest/assault on a Skeleton Fort without healing.

    Possible Image: Skeletons crumbling to dust with a player standing among them.

    Achievement Name: Legen...(wait for it)...dary!

    Achievement Description: Turn in one of every chest, bounty, or other treasure/reward type within a 5 minute period.

    Possible Image: A massive hoard pile of all the different treasure/reward items.

  • Achievement Name: "I'm Flying"
    Description: Stand at the bow of your ship for 3-seconds while your ship is moving
    Image: A seagull on the bow of the ship with wings stretched out

  • Achievement name: Your a Wreck ☠️

    For finding every Wreck on the map and taking something from each

  • Achievement: ...and a bottle of rum!
    Description: Take the skulls of 15 infamous pirates to a tavern
    Image: A chest full of skulls

    Achievement: Swashbuckling!
    Description: Win your first sword fight
    Image: A shadowy figure pointing a sword out of the screen

  • Achievement Name: To me to you....

    Achievement details: Fire yourself on to a moving ship from your ship and then fire yourself back to your own ship from their cannon.

  • Achievement Name - Walk Forwards 10,000 Paces
    Achievement Description - Set foot on dry land and walk 10,000 paces

    Walk 10,000 steps on dry land cumulatively.

  • Achievement name: A smart pirate is always early!

    To honor the closed beta ;)

    Description: Get to an outpost and be the only pirate there to hand in your voyage item(s). This also counts if you are in a crew. As long as there are no other pirates around the outpost then you should receive this achievement.

  • Achievement Name: The Skull Shot
    Achievement Description: Head shot skeleton after a 360 turn in the air after jumping from the crows nest.

    This is a great throwback to so many games we have all played before and with the scoped out gun I am sure there will be people try this!

  • Name: Music Maestro
    Description: Fully play through all of the shanties known to the Sea of Thieves

  • Name: Is this the Right Guy?
    Description: Sell a bounty skull you stole from another crew

    Achievement Name: The Master Thief or The malicious one
    Achievement Description: Steal a chest that was dug up by an enemy.
    (Optional): Steal it from an enemy ship or kill `em while they dig it up.

    Achievement Name: Unstoppable
    Achievement Description: Send 2 Pirates to the Ferry of the Damned in a specific time window.

  • Achievement name - Squawking mad
    Achievement description - Make a parrot squawking mad by making it repeat itself X times in a row.

    For example keep playing a tune and the parrot will say a certain word. Do this 25 times in a row causing them to lose it and start squawking or say a different word maybe.

    Achievement image - A ships captain with a parrot on their shoulder.

  • Achievement Name: I will survive!
    Achievement Description: Survive a shark attack while carrying a treasure chest to your ship.
    (Optional): A wounding pirate holding up his treasure chest.

  • TITLE: dirty piece of ship!!
    DESCRIPTION: Float on the sea with a piece of ship debris for a total of X amount of hours...savey (pirate poetry)
    ACHEIVEMENT PIC: a parody of jack an Rose from the Titanic

  • Idea 1

    Achievement Name: Pirates Got Talent

    Achievement Description: Play a musical instrument for a total of 10 hours

    Idea 2

    Achievement Name: Where Is Everyone

    Achievement Description: Your crew have stranded you on an island

  • Achievement name: You better start believing in ghost stories
    Description: You're in one! Travel to the Ferry of the Damned for the first time

  • Achievement Name: That's the best pirate i've ever seen!
    Achievement Description: Shoot yourself out of a cannon into another ships captains cabin.

    one more....

    Achievement Name: The Red Menace
    Achievement Description: Survive X amount of minutes in the red sea.

161 out of 2304