Player Interaction Idea: Carrier Pigeon Notes & Gifts

  • What do people think of sending carrier pigeons to other boats?

    Perhaps they are in a private party and cannot hear you, or are out of reach of text chat.

    What if you could send a pigeon that simply flies to the nearest boat?

    What if you could attach a map bundle or humble gift?

    May be a nice way to show friendship intents, gifting, alliance, ward people off, etc. Just another creative way to increase player engagement :)

    Would love to hear thoughts.

  • 12
  • @el-c4pitano perhaps a carrier parrot! I definitely like this idea, and personally think that there should be more tools to allow players to have friendly interactions, and "prove" that they aren't aggressive. There will always be pirates that choose to betray and sink others, but that's part of the fun! I think more choice in interactions is always better

  • You can always pop a white flare to show "good intentions" and sending online messages always works. I don't see the need to add this element to the game other than to have a pet pigeon on hand.

  • @metal-ravage, okok I hear you friend, how about the following:

    Imagine getting a note and humble gift from an unseen crew. Perhaps they ask you to meet. Perhaps they want to challenge you. Perhaps it is an S.O.S.

    Maybe they are out of range of text chat.

    Maybe you cannot see a flag or boat, yet a carrier pigeon or parrot lands on your crows nest.

    Maybe it gives a pet pigeon or parrot more purpose than petting it.

    Maybe you prefer to send a message on your own time and release it to any boat that may be close on the server.

    Maybe this message could be an S.O.S. tool.

    Maybe it would enable you to communicate with other emissaries that are in remote areas.

    Maybe it would provide risk/reward, mystery, discovery, and surprise fellow players.

  • I love this idea - maybe it's a benefit of alliances?

    My only concern is that there will need to be a filter or you can choose from a predetermined list of communications as to prevent harassment, etc.

    They can add a quill and inkwell to the ships...

  • @ollieoxenfree, another interesting thought! Thanks!

  • Interesting idea. My questions would be what is the range here, do they have to be visible. Otherwise this would be a way of tracking nearby ships like a recent player function.

  • Yes to the pigeons as in game free features for everyone

    but wait there is more

    I want the option to use a pet, including owls (whenever they arrive)

    Then it's not pay to win and adds more to pets like people often ask for.

    I want a majestic owl to deliver my messages

  • I like this idea!

    It will need a anty spam filter (like lore time to deliver) and ability to response after some time (becouse of storms, megs, players and stuff) like a pigeon porch when they land and await with message and await for resposne.

    There cloud be cosmetic assosiated with it - diffrent porches, diffrent messangers.

  • @ghutar, a pigeon porch! I like it :)

  • @wolfmanbush I can already imagine someone sending an owl with the message,

    "You've been accepted to Hogwarts..."

  • @rdrjj lolol

4 out of 12