Seaglass Rapier not unlocking after requirement changing to 1

  • Hello,

    I played the event yesterday, but ended my session with only 7/8 collected. Progress counted flawlessly for me yesterday night.

    After the "Legendary Message in a Bottle Voyage Progress" was resolved, it now says "1/1" for me... however, I have no Seaglass Rapier in my armory and also didn't get a pop-up message that it was unlocked when starting the game. It's also nowhere to be found in my "chest" in the "cutlass" section at the seaofthieves website.

    Does the game just need a bit of time to properly unlock it with the new change? Do I need to finish another Legendary Bottle (but then again, why say 1/1 instead of resetting the whole progress?)

    I am confused.

  • 26
  • Same here. Finished with 7/8, now it's moved to 1/1 and I don't have the cutlass (yet). Maybe it only unlocks after the event ends?

    I know they changed it because there were some problems with the voyages counting, but I didn't have any of those issues - all 7 that I did counted.

  • I got 2/8 yesterday after 4hrs of looking and with the change over today I didn't have it yet. Did one more today and with no pop up it was in my armoury.

  • Same. They seem to be having all shorts of issues with these dang bottles lol

  • I did two more and it didn't appear, but it appeared in the same session later on. I guess servers just can take up to 72 hours to update to the change, just like with Twitch Drops.

    Consider this RESOLVED

  • All my bottles counted yesterday and I got the sword before I logged out.

    It actually counted one of then twice and didn't give me credit for on later.

    That being said, I have not seen. Legendary bottle today at all lol.

  • I had to do 2 more today to get it to register even thought it said I was 1/1. So I guess just try doing another and see if it works.

  • Yea I had the same thing happen to me plus my game keeps crashing like ever 10min

  • I seem to be in the same situation as you. Logged off with it saying 7/8 yesterday. Logged on just a few minutes ago, after learning about the 1/1 change, no sword. shrugs

  • Having the same problem, logged in to see I am 1/1 but don't have the reward. Did some more legendary bottles afterwards and still nothing, hopefully it will appear within 72 hours.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Seaglass Rapier not unlocking after requirement changing to 1:

    Same here. Finished with 7/8, now it's moved to 1/1 and I don't have the cutlass (yet). Maybe it only unlocks after the event ends?

    I know they changed it because there were some problems with the voyages counting, but I didn't have any of those issues - all 7 that I did counted.

    For me (also on 7/8 after first session) it unlocked when I picked up a bottle the next day, note they haven't fixed the problem of not counting, they just lowered the number. I would in your next session start searching for another bottle ASAP so you won't trigger whatever causes the bug of not counting (e.g. picking up other bottles ?) and if needed do the queste, hoping that one isn't bugged.

  • @lem0n-curry Yep, popped for me on the next voyage I found last night and the rapier was in my armory box immediately.

  • Similar situation for me. Before the update of the event I had constant crashes, so I only got 2/8 done on my first session of the event.

    Side note: I was confused then that the goal was 8 then when the YouTube video had said it would be 10. Also, I still can't find the free "maestro" emote in the emporium that the YouTube video said would be available "for the duration of the sale".

    After I saw the fix went out to stop the crashing issue I was having, I decided to try to get the rest. When I checked the goal today though, it said 1/1 and that I had completed it. I have been checking my weapons and I don't seem to have the reward though. I'll checked again after I picked up and completed another bottle, but still no Seaglass Rapier.

    Even after closing completely out of the game and relaunching, the event shows as 1/1 completed, but no new sword.
    I might submit a ticket? I'll give it a little more time though.

  • @stormblackwell You need to complete another bottle voyage and then it should be awarded

  • @sneaky-pete9643 said in Seaglass Rapier not unlocking after requirement changing to 1:

    I seem to be in the same situation as you. Logged off with it saying 7/8 yesterday. Logged on just a few minutes ago, after learning about the 1/1 change, no sword. shrugs

    Last night, my friend suggested that I try to do one last bottle quest and see if that remedied the issue for me. Today, I did just that and was awarded with the sword! It seems that was the solution for some people who responded to this thread as well.

  • @d3adst1ck Coming back to confirm that, even though it took another 3 bottle voyages (which I got 2 of at once in a shipwreck), I did finally get the sword rewarded to me eventually.

  • I did three before the change and two now after and no sword. My daughter was playing with me on the last one and even she didn't get credit for digging it up.

    At least we got a nice chest of legends out of it though :D

  • They officially answered on Discord & Twitter that one more bottle should do the Trick.

    Imho they should have reset the counter to make that clearer.

  • It you pick up any quest It Will bug. To count It u have to find the bottle and dig the chest. Dont take any quest from any captain skelly and no quest table.

  • I did one yesterday and it didn't count. Idk why, I beeline to the island after getting the quest. I did kill s askelly captain on the island but ignored the quest it dropped. Do I just have to ignore literally everything in the game for it to count?

  • @stokids3 ignore everything,dont dove,dont put down a voyage. Just find a bottle and dig the treasure

  • @il-truth-li I did all I did was shoot some cannonballs at a skelly captain then I left to the island

  • @stokids3

    Try my solution,worked for me After 6 Quests failed. Just log into a session find bottle and dig treasure.

  • @il-truth-li ok thanks, will try today with my crew hopefully it works because that sword is sick

  • Given that their are still problems with the voyages (meet atleast 5 other crews last night with same problem) why cant RARE just extend the event a few days and have another look at the problem on monday? That way it can be sorted and everyone can (attempt) to get the rewards after another fix.

  • Me to i got only 1/8 the nigth befor log out, and nex day im log in a sea im got, 1/1 qeast complead but no rapier and no matter how many legendary bottle i found and compleat, im can't unlock it.
    ps sorry for bad english

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