Is it safe to use DXVK (Vulkan) in Sea of Thieves ?

  • I'm asking primarily for the theoretical fps increase.
    Technically, this is not a cheat, some online games officially support DXVK and there are no problems.
    On the other hand, as far as I know, DXVK intercepts commands for rendering frames by the video card, suddenly Easy Anti-cheat can react to this and issue a false block.

    Another problem is that I haven’t heard of a single case where someone could be banned for using DXVK, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe to use. I would risk checking, but I don’t want to risk my account and the money invested in it.

  • 5
  • That's a question best left to support.

  • @personalc0ffee Yes, you may be right, but I feel like, as with most support services, I’ll get a soulless, template answer, something like “We do not recommend using third-party files in the game”, this is not the answer I would like to get.

  • @san1st5922 пишет в Is it safe to use DXVK (Vulkan) in Sea of Thieves ?:

    @personalc0ffee Yes, you may be right, but I feel like, as with most support services, I’ll get a soulless, template answer, something like “We do not recommend using third-party files in the game”, this is not the answer I would like to get.

    I mean, I would like to get a more meaningful answer, something like “DXVK can be used without the risk of getting blocked, but you can expect technical errors to occur that are not dependent on us” or “I will forward your question to the development team” or “Specifically, DXVK cannot be used in our game”.

  • @san1st5922 said in Is it safe to use DXVK (Vulkan) in Sea of Thieves ?:

    @san1st5922 пишет в Is it safe to use DXVK (Vulkan) in Sea of Thieves ?:

    @personalc0ffee Yes, you may be right, but I feel like, as with most support services, I’ll get a soulless, template answer, something like “We do not recommend using third-party files in the game”, this is not the answer I would like to get.

    I mean, I would like to get a more meaningful answer, something like “DXVK can be used without the risk of getting blocked, but you can expect technical errors to occur that are not dependent on us” or “I will forward your question to the development team” or “Specifically, DXVK cannot be used in our game”.

    Then you'd have your answer.

2 out of 5