Safer Seas

  • Idea: make it mandatory for new players/accounts log 40 hours in safer seas in order to play high seas. There's too many new players on high seas sailing around aimlessly with no intention or idea of what they are doing. It also reduces the amount of Alt accounts people may use.

  • 9
  • It's adventure

    wandering around aimlessly while inexperienced (while around others) is an important part of learning and discovery

  • There's too many new players on high seas sailing around aimlessly with no intention or idea of what they are doing.

    As it really should be. And that is there choice.

  • @clammyhuevos said in Safer Seas:

    There's too many new players on high seas sailing around aimlessly with no intention or idea of what they are doing.

    IT ME! ... And I've been sailing the seas for 7 years haha!

  • Safer seas is not the main game. Forcing new players to spend 40 hours in it just hinders them. Having them on the high seas does not affect you in any way.

  • @clammyhuevos no first off I play with friends who just started the game second it's tools not rules and safer seas is just that a tool for those who either don't wanna deal with pvp and enjoy adventuring regardless of diminished rep&gold gain or for those who wish to learn how to deal with pve side before throwing the pvp side into the mix

  • @musicmee right sailing aimlessly is the way to go

  • Cry about it. Its me, girl doing briggsy today, your safe seas politics kinda weird and i hope you get banned for doing things like you do (I picked up that skull from water and ended that quest and i will do every voyage on public session bcs of you. Hope someone will love you someday. Bye my pokie bear

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