Proposal for passive pet loot grabbing

  • I'd like to propose and gain feedback for pets to be able to passively grab (in their mouths) small loot items (keys, goblets, maps, etc...) and bring them to you. These would be, small (see above), one at a time (until their owner takes it from them), within a fixed radius around their owner, only items that the player (or their allies) hasn't already personally touched. Please interact with this post to show your support so we can get this in a future update! Thank you!

  • 11
    feedbackjust for funcommunity
  • Stuff like this gets suggested all the time and it gets turned down because pets are for purchase, and giving them abilties is 'pay to win'; you get more power for spending money. Not a good idea.

  • Pay to win scenario. Harmless idea but anything that gives people “an advantage” by having something others don’t, is frowned upon by Rare. No dice sorry.

  • @d3adst1ck, thanks for the feedback. I definitely share the desire to avoid all things 'pay to win', but with the restrictions I listed, would it really amount to giving a player more power, especially since pets already give a small advantage, in that they give players a warning when there is danger?

  • @ironwill707 said in Proposal for passive pet loot grabbing:

    @d3adst1ck, thanks for the feedback. I definitely share the desire to avoid all things 'pay to win', but with the restrictions I listed, would it really amount to giving a player more power, especially since pets already give a small advantage, in that they give players a warning when there is danger?

    Extra carrying power, particularly on a pet that will teleport to be near your location all the time, is a massive power bump.

    In what way do pets give you a warning to danger?

  • @ironwill707 said in Proposal for passive pet loot grabbing:

    @d3adst1ck, thanks for the feedback. I definitely share the desire to avoid all things 'pay to win', but with the restrictions I listed, would it really amount to giving a player more power, especially since pets already give a small advantage, in that they give players a warning when there is danger?

    Well if anything I would argue pets are pay-to-lose as they are right now because they hurt attempts at stealth.

    But the immediate problem I see with your problem is using them to steal loot more efficiently.

  • Unless a basic pet can be gotten to make sure this isnt some feature to advantage people who bought pets, then its probably a no. Its a small advantage sure, but if you can buy any advantage at all, then thats not a good thing.

  • @ironwill707

    It’s a nice idea but everyone would need to be given a base pet and the existing pets will simply become a cosmetic skin.

    You are suggesting a “pay to win” feature and Rare has stated many times that Pirate Emporium purchases won’t give any players an advantage in the game.

  • @d3adst1ck, they growl/yowl/bark/call when something gets in proximity to you

  • @ironwill707 said in Proposal for passive pet loot grabbing:

    @d3adst1ck, they growl/yowl/bark/call when something gets in proximity to you

    I think you are reading the signals of your animal wrong. They do that if any sort of "attack" happens, be it simply swinging your own sword or shooting your pistol into the air. The only way that your pet will freak out when an enemy is near is if they made an attack at all, or if you attacked the enemy, it has nothing to do with proximity of another player at all.

  • @ironwill707 said in Proposal for passive pet loot grabbing:

    @d3adst1ck, they growl/yowl/bark/call when something gets in proximity to you

    That isn't triggered by proximity to anything, it's triggered by shooting, swinging or cannonballs landing around you. If that is happening, you are already aware and you aren't being warned of anything you don't already know about.

feedbackjust for funcommunity
9 out of 11