Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.

  • Lol, if you suspect someone of cheating, report them. Rest is fair play

  • @electro226 If you're getting spawn camped, scuttle. It's there for a reason. Also If I can spawncamp you, why use my supplies when I can take all of yours too?

    Sorry. But if you don't notice someone getting close enough to board you, it's your fault. Repeling boarders is easy. It's really a matter of practice.

  • @captain-coel said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    @electro226 If you're getting spawn camped, scuttle. It's there for a reason. Also If I can spawncamp you, why use my supplies when I can take all of yours too?

    Sorry. But if you don't notice someone getting close enough to board you, it's your fault. Repeling boarders is easy. It's really a matter of practice.

    Literally everything you just said is exactly the problem.

    "Why should either of us engage in actual gameplay when I can do some cheap thing to force you to just give up?"

  • @electro226 said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    @captain-coel said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    @electro226 If you're getting spawn camped, scuttle. It's there for a reason. Also If I can spawncamp you, why use my supplies when I can take all of yours too?

    Sorry. But if you don't notice someone getting close enough to board you, it's your fault. Repeling boarders is easy. It's really a matter of practice.

    Literally everything you just said is exactly the problem.

    "Why should either of us engage in actual gameplay when I can do some cheap thing to force you to just give up?"

    Maybe because what they are doing is "Actual Gameplay". It's why the scuttle mechanic is there. Sorry if you only want naval, this is the wrong game.

  • @electro226

    Not git gud or quit.
    Adapt. Temper your expectations.

    The beauty of SoT is tools not rules. You can do all sorts of things. Safe Zones, Peace Flags, Raising Ladders? None of it necessary. I hate pvp (bad at it, causes hand tremors, I don't like the way it feels when I DO sink someone [usually]). I have a playstyle that keeps me away from it 99% of the time.

    Do I progress as fast as others? Pfft no. But I constantly progress. Are all my sessions "productive"? Oh hell naw. But I still enjoy playing this creaking wreck half full of water.

    You want to apply rules to a tool because someone didn't use the tool the way you wanted. I absolutely will use my pliers to hammer that nail down...

  • @captain-coel said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:
    Sorry if you only want naval, this is the wrong game.

    I want both things.

    It just seems like naval isn't ever an option because every PvP encounter devolves into just trying to get players off of your ship and then protect the ladders.

    All I'm advocating for is a slight change of how people get onto each other's ships. I think it doesn't make much sense for it to be the very first strat. I think it would make much more sense for there to be a bit of naval back and forth before someone can jump on board your ship.

  • @pithyrumble


    Can I please have a tool called "Let me pull my ROPE ladders onto my ship"

  • @electro226 said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:



    Can I please have a tool called "Let me pull my ROPE ladders onto my ship"

    Then what? No deck shots? No Ram Strat? No blundies? No curse balls?

    The people sinking you don't actually need ladders.

    And oh snap, you got popcorned off the ship, and anchorballed, and now you can't get back to your ship because your ladder is up, you're too close for merfolk, and your opponent also has their ladder up so you can't board them, and they're smart enough to realize that they shouldn't kill you because your suggestion trapped you.

    Raising Ladders is a bad idea.

  • @pithyrumble

    Those are all the things I would rather be happening!

    Ram strats and curse balls etc sound fun and engaging!

    Again, I don't want to change anything else. I just want one of the tools in my arsenal to be the ability to pull up my ladder.

    I expect to lost to PvPers because I expect they will be better than my crew. I just want the act of losing to feel fun. The Sea of Thieves gameplay is super fun but PvP feels so boring and lame when there is only a single strat being used every time that devlolves into just spawn killing.

    Raising ladders is a good idea.

  • I’m new to the game, so I’ll confess that I do not know much about the mechanics. But surely somebody can only board your ship if they are either in the water near your ship, or their ship is close enough for them to jump or swim across.

    Seeing as we don’t have submarines in the game, and neither can we ride tamed sharks like in Ark, then surely somebody cannot just be floating around in the ocean waiting for a passing ship. Even if they were we would see their mermaid, or they’d get eaten by a shark.

    If, in the heat of battle, somebody manages to jump off their ship and clamber onto yours, then that’s fair enough. You need to be more observant. Granted, being a single slooper I’ll admit that it’s difficult for me to fire my cannons, repair my ship and repel boarders at the same time. That’s a disadvantage of being a single-player. But it’s a risk I’m prepared to take, as I’ll only team up with friends I know, not random strangers in the game.

    If I’m in a team of three or four then I certainly would have have no excuse for letting somebody get on my ship.

    As for retractable ladders. I feel that’s a bad idea. As somebody else just mentioned, how will you get back on your ship if, in the heat of battle, you’re knocked off of it, and you’re still too close for your mermaid to spawn? Yes you could try swimming away, but then you’re at the mercy of snipers, and sharks!

    Besides which, I’ve seen YouTube videos of skilled players shooting themselves from their own cannons onto someone’s ship.

  • @pumpa-cat

    Players do some weird Sword-strong-attack glitch thing to blast themselves with super high momentum over to your ship. So it feels like even when you spot an enemy ship on the horizon, they've already somehow got a player climbing onto your ship. That's the thing that I'm trying to prevent because it feels like it ruins all the fun ways PvP could play out.

    You get close enough to jump on my boat or fire yourself from a cannon? That's epic and fun pirate stuff. Go ahead.

    You use some weird self-launching mechanic to swim up to my boat from a mile away? Just makes me groan since I didn't even get to attempt some fun naval gameplay before getting spawn killed until scuttle my ship.

    And if I forget to pull up my ladders, then they can totally climb up them and it's on me for not using the tools at my disposal.

    Maybethey could even add swing-ropes on the Masts so players can swing onto each other's boats from a farther distance instead of relying solely on ramming.

    Like I'm all for people boarding each others ships, I just disagree with the current execution of it. Raising ladders I think opens up the PvP to SO many more fun things for all players.

  • @electro226

    Now you want to take out sword lunge too?

  • @pithyrumble

    I think it's a rather strange glitchy mechanic that doesn't fit well in the game, but I think raising ladders is all that's needed here. If you like sword lunging, then you would be able to do it from your boat onto my boat once you sail close enough. That seems fine to me - similar to my suggestion of swinging onto each other's boats with ropes hanging form the mast.

    My suggestion remains "just let me raise my ladder".

    But obviously that has an impact on some other elements of the game, so I was continuing to discuss those and flesh them out. At the end of the day, I'm just trying to offer up one slight change that I think will greatly benefit the gameplay of PvP as a whole, for all players.

  • @electro226 You realize sword lunging doesn't get you that far right? Like I need to be close to you to lunge to your boat. When you say "horizon" do you mean right next to you?

    And no, boarding is usually the 2nd part of the strategy. First you hit them some and apply repair pressure and then board. Boarding first only works if we can catch you unawares. If you can't repel a simple boarder when you don't have damage to fix, you need to work on fixing that.

    Sorry you don't like some of mechanics in this game. The sword lunge was discussed pretty heavily at launch. It was the unintended result of the sword lunge, meant for the high damage attack, and the physics of the water. It has since been embraced by the development team and the player base.

    Again, this game has a learning curve. Just have to spend some time figuring it out.

  • @electro226 said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    The gatekeeping for this game is assinine.

    "Get good or quit" seems to be the average response here.

    Okay? Then new players will quit and your game will slowly die instead of growing.

    Retractable ladders seems like such a simple and healthy solution to keep everyone happy (except for the try-hard griefers, but I don't understand why we are pandering to them above all else).

    Liking the game as it is, and simply disagreeing is not gate keeping. Gate keeping would be saying "you HAVE TO play how i like or you shouldnt play at all!" No one here is saying that, or anything vaguely like that.

    Liking the game the way it is and expecting others to go through the same learning process you went through is pretty standard for just about any game community.

  • I'm guessing you also like to invoke the right to parley. Good luck to you 😅

  • @hiradc said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    I'm guessing you also like to invoke the right to parley. Good luck to you 😅

    On that note, just for some good fun, if you ever spot my ship on the sea, i will accept the right of parley, even if it will get me in some trouble! I still have yet for anyone to offer parley tho.

  • @goldsmen said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    @hiradc said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    I'm guessing you also like to invoke the right to parley. Good luck to you 😅

    On that note, just for some good fun, if you ever spot my ship on the sea, i will accept the right of parley, even if it will get me in some trouble! I still have yet for anyone to offer parley tho.

    Same, but I'd still run 😅

  • @pithyrumble said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    @goldsmen said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    @hiradc said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    I'm guessing you also like to invoke the right to parley. Good luck to you 😅

    On that note, just for some good fun, if you ever spot my ship on the sea, i will accept the right of parley, even if it will get me in some trouble! I still have yet for anyone to offer parley tho.

    Same, but I'd still run 😅

    "I accept your parlay under the condition that you must catch me!" NYOOOOM!

  • @electro226 said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:


    I think it's a rather strange glitchy mechanic that doesn't fit well in the game, but I think raising ladders is all that's needed here. If you like sword lunging, then you would be able to do it from your boat onto my boat once you sail close enough. That seems fine to me - similar to my suggestion of swinging onto each other's boats with ropes hanging form the mast.

    My suggestion remains "just let me raise my ladder".

    But obviously that has an impact on some other elements of the game, so I was continuing to discuss those and flesh them out. At the end of the day, I'm just trying to offer up one slight change that I think will greatly benefit the gameplay of PvP as a whole, for all players.

    You obviously do not know that Rare made comments on the Sword Lunge at launch, in which they were aware of the result but decided to keep in in the game as a FEATURE because it was a fun little physics glitch that did not hurt the balance of the game. So it does fit the game and is Rare approved.

    Raising ladders is a BAD idea (and you repeating yourself over and over will not change that fact) - use your senses to watch for or hear possible boarders and repel them. You have the tools to defend, learn to use them.

  • @chinagreenelvis sure, as long as

    1. white flags show up on the world map
    2. reapers get x2 rep for sinking them. But non reaper emissaries get no rep for their loot.
  • this suggestion sounds like you are asking for some sort of GTA passive mode to do PvE without other players interfering.

    The closest thing to that are the countless alliance servers that everyone loves so much, maybe try your luck there?

    Rare said multiple times on multiple occasions that they want the players to not feel safe for PvE. It is intended by design that you spot other players on the horizon and have to keep an eye on their moves. That will most likely not change.

    On the other hand alliance servers are being promoted on official SOT affiliate alliance discords in multiple countries and make up to 50% of their entire playerbase. Rare knows about this but nothing has happened for years so feel free and go there.

    You get 100% of everything you sell and additional 50% from everything another person sells. The game generates money and reputation out of thin air with the alliance flag so go ahead ;)

  • @electro226 watch for mermaids, listen for swimming, listen for the loud splash of someone boarding you, throw blunderbomb and observe x on screen. Congratulations you have successfully defended a board….. how hard is this?

  • @chinagreenelvis Man literally left the game when he found out people disagreed with him. With alliances literally making currency out of thin air if anything the game incentivizes working together too much. So lets say I'm at crooks hollow and i go around the other side of the island and there is another ship but lo and behold it has a white flag. In your mind what would you have me do? Would your system penalize me for loading all their loot on a rowboat and leaving without their knowledge? What about spawn camping them and taking all their loot that way? Is it just sinking their ship? What if they fire first does their white flag get lowered? Also this reputation i lose is that emissary grade or do i literally lose levels in the trading companies for attacking a ship? Also thematically I murder someone and take all their stuff, how exactly do the trading companies find out? Are the skeletons narcs? Are the pigs squealing to olivia? What happens when people inevitably decide that cannons go brrrr and to hell with whatever disincentive nonsense youve created?

  • @ChinaGreenElvis

    So yeah, you have all the logic you need right there to provide reputation-loss for people who attack non-emissary ships with white flags raised. Just because it's a sea of "thieves" doesn't mean there shouldn't be consequences for running around, shamelessly and wantonly destroying every single ship you ever come across. It would only stand to reason that if you ran that way, the people of the world would start to dislike you.

    Removing Reputation Levels for attacking someone?

    No. People work hard to get those levels. So I just attack someone who put up a flag that drains hours of my work, work I have been doing from the moment I started this game, and suddenly I’ve gone from level 75 to 25 in a few months because I play the game how I want to? I won’t stand for it.

    While I can understand that some people won’t want to fight and just want to dig up their Captain’s Chest in peace, you shouldn’t erase someone’s progress just for playing the game how they want to because their target raised what is essentially a, “Well if I can’t progress, no one can” flag.

  • Look I am sorry some of you have encountered the toxic let’s sink anyone Reaper types…. Lots of players that enjoy PVP don’t do this. I will absolutely shoot over to your ship and see what’s happening. Tall Talers usually get a pass unless they become toxic. I may supp you, but I’ll tell you that you can either pay the “tax” or I can take it all. I’d much prefer to tuck on the big world events or go and play with G5 Reapers.

    The best advice I can give you is to at least pvp enough to be able to put up a fight for your loot. It makes the game much more fun anyways. ALL of us started this game getting dumpstered better players. The ones the learn to fight do better in the game and go further.

    I am currently grinding the Gold Curse. I don’t have too many worries about other ships. I keep an eye on the horizon and I can pvp well enough to make enough trouble for the average incoming ship to realize this might not be worth their time. If I sink I sink. All part of the process. So while I’m not saying “Git Gud” I am saying learn to fight the bullies. Just like in school and life you gotta learn to stand up for yourself.


  • Have you tried doing low value, low risk mechanics?

    I think you might be using the emissary system or targeting world events, which obviously brings together more players than playing safe. Try going without emissary and go to the Devil's Roar. That area is pure PVE and you won't encounter ships that often.

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