Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?

  • @lord-spark-0 said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    @goldsmen said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    @lord-spark-0 said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    @callmebackdraft said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    Now they added a PVP centric update and made sure that PVP was required to gain progress in the new factions.

    Its simple, want to progress in these factions and get access to all the new shiny cosmetics, good then get into battle and fight for it.

    Its a PvEvP game. Not a PvP game..
    Wheres the 'PvE'vP element to this mode?
    Cause all I see from you is whining/crying constantly about alliance servers.. when they already exist and killing invading ships 1 at a time...

    And at least if they tried to cheese the mechanic to PvE and not try to PVP.. players can invade an alliance server. Isn't that what you want in the end? Lol so its a win-win imo..
    A slow passive reward as loot accumulates is a good idea for the game.

    As i have stated in one of our previous debates, having a pvp centered update doesnt mean it isnt pvpve. This pvp update has a mechanic that boosts rep the more loot you have on board, which relies on pve.

    Only IF you get a match.

    I just did a solo sloop 3-4 hour adventure. Got to Grade 5 hourglass. Had 3 athenas. 2 LOTV's completed. I only had 2 matches..
    1 right away out of the outpost.
    1 after the first LOTV...

    So again, it depends on the system... which shouldn't be the case. If someone is risking their ship at any time, they should be rewarded..\

    And that argument about vaults isn't a thing.. because thats PvE in the open map that anyone can come and steal...
    With this mechanic.. you risk your loot with zero chance of getting it back on a loss..

    The issue in that situation isnt that there was no option to only pve it without pvp, the issue is why you didnt get anyone to fight in that time, which im pretty sure is more of a bug with the match making than anything.

  • @magus104 said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    @callmebackdraft Yes but you have to waste your time grinding PvE to risk losing everything as where an invader just clicks que and is fighting in 5 minutes with nothing to lose but supplies.

    So there is a difference with what happened previously, you hoarded loot and got attacked and even if you beat them as a defender there was nothing in it for you, now there is the new reputation + the hourglass value that increases.
    first sink 10k, 12k second etc etc etc
    Which also gets boosted by your emmy reward

    The PvPers can gain massive money from streaks and their ques are shorter while defenders have what a 30 min wait period before they can be invaded because the intent is that they are out grinding PvE to level their hourglass for the defense bonus. It's only been a week and this modes already getting stale for some.

    When voting just to defend there is no initial grace period before you get added to the pool of possible crews to get invaded, then there is a 20 minute grace period after winning a battle

    As a defender you have the same streaks and yes there might be less down time, but after they have dived they would still have to get all the loot, go to an outpost/hidedout and at that point they are a defnder and can get invaded after that same 20 min grace period.

    Plus if they dont cash in their hourglass at an outpost and sink before they do so then there is no massive gain from that either

    If an attacker chooses the loot left behind by a defender they become the defender

  • @magus104 said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    @callmebackdraft Yes but you have to waste your time grinding PvE to risk losing everything as where an invader just clicks que and is fighting in 5 minutes with nothing to lose but supplies. The PvPers can gain massive money from streaks and their ques are shorter while defenders have what a 30 min wait period before they can be invaded because the intent is that they are out grinding PvE to level their hourglass for the defense bonus. It's only been a week and this modes already getting stale for some.

    Case and point.

    But the @CallMeBackdrafT only cares about... 'alliance servers?'

    Theres way more risk involved for someone that wants to play with the PvE side of things... and you ONLY get a reward if you win a PvP Battle with the loot on board..

    And lest we forget the other ships on the server that can interfere with battles...

    'If you play smart' He says..
    Dude, I wrote plenty times... I can do a whole LOTV and not get anything... I can get Grade 5 EASY with an LOTV...
    But haters be haters..

  • @lord-spark-0 said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    @magus104 said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    @callmebackdraft Yes but you have to waste your time grinding PvE to risk losing everything as where an invader just clicks que and is fighting in 5 minutes with nothing to lose but supplies. The PvPers can gain massive money from streaks and their ques are shorter while defenders have what a 30 min wait period before they can be invaded because the intent is that they are out grinding PvE to level their hourglass for the defense bonus. It's only been a week and this modes already getting stale for some.

    Case and point.

    But the @CallMeBackdrafT only cares about... 'alliance servers?'

    Theres way more risk involved for someone that wants to play with the PvE side of things... and you ONLY get a reward if you win a PvP Battle with the loot on board..

    And lest we forget the other ships on the server that can interfere with battles...

    'If you play smart' He says..
    Dude, I wrote plenty times... I can do a whole LOTV and not get anything... I can get Grade 5 EASY with an LOTV...
    But haters be haters..

    Dude what is your major malfunction, i already said it before stop trying to make this personal, you get hung up on an example i made

    Yes you where able to do a LOTV while you where available, but again you take some of my words out of context.

    That first fight you had gave you emmy grade 3 + this means you would have been 5 before completing the voyage, meaning you could have re raised emmy and got an extra grade v voyage. Especially after that second fight

    Its matchmaking and getting matchmade on as a defender (and attacker for that matter) depends highly on region, time and ELO stats.

  • @callmebackdraft said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    @lord-spark-0 said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    @magus104 said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    @callmebackdraft Yes but you have to waste your time grinding PvE to risk losing everything as where an invader just clicks que and is fighting in 5 minutes with nothing to lose but supplies. The PvPers can gain massive money from streaks and their ques are shorter while defenders have what a 30 min wait period before they can be invaded because the intent is that they are out grinding PvE to level their hourglass for the defense bonus. It's only been a week and this modes already getting stale for some.

    Case and point.

    But the @CallMeBackdrafT only cares about... 'alliance servers?'

    Theres way more risk involved for someone that wants to play with the PvE side of things... and you ONLY get a reward if you win a PvP Battle with the loot on board..

    And lest we forget the other ships on the server that can interfere with battles...

    'If you play smart' He says..
    Dude, I wrote plenty times... I can do a whole LOTV and not get anything... I can get Grade 5 EASY with an LOTV...
    But haters be haters..

    Dude what is your major malfunction, i already said it before stop trying to make this personal, you get hung up on an example i made

    Yes you where able to do a LOTV while you where available, but again i take some of my words out of context.

    That first fight you had gave you emmy grade 3 + this means you would have been 5 before completing the voyage, meaning you could have re raised emmy and got an extra grade v voyage. Especially after that second fight

    Its matchmaking and getting matchmade on as a defender (and attacker for that matter) depends highly on region, time and ELO stats.

    Sooo if the hype deflates for this mode (cause of the bugs turning people away) and the state of the game.. like Arena before it (where people just left)... and I'm already having long waits on a solo sloop doing PvE (like I said, 2 LOTV's, 3 athena chests on my ship. G5 emissary quest done...), whats the incentive to Passively do this mode?

    Cause all you're going back to is the way it is .. .that you need to win a battle... when at least people that don't have the opportunity should get some kind of reward overtime for trying and putting the risk on their ship/loot..

    Why are you so against this simple idea? Other than 'alliance servers' what is your argument?

    And you are the malfunction here. Cause for years thats all you do.. really.. is troll with nonsensical arguments.

    Alliance servers can already cheat the system. Just farm flags, put on an hourglass and cash in.. Don't you know that?

  • I still think Allegiance shouldn't be treated as Reputation, but as Allegiance, ie, the moment you swear Allegiance (ie activate the Hourglass) and choose to be open to PVP, you should get a passive Allegiance gain for every minute spent in this mode.

    It doesn't have to be a big Allegiance gain, but something, at least, that would make it worth the time spent in this mode if the matchmaking fails and nobody invades.

  • @lord-spark-0 said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    @callmebackdraft said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    @lord-spark-0 said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    @magus104 said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    @callmebackdraft Yes but you have to waste your time grinding PvE to risk losing everything as where an invader just clicks que and is fighting in 5 minutes with nothing to lose but supplies. The PvPers can gain massive money from streaks and their ques are shorter while defenders have what a 30 min wait period before they can be invaded because the intent is that they are out grinding PvE to level their hourglass for the defense bonus. It's only been a week and this modes already getting stale for some.

    Case and point.

    But the @CallMeBackdrafT only cares about... 'alliance servers?'

    Theres way more risk involved for someone that wants to play with the PvE side of things... and you ONLY get a reward if you win a PvP Battle with the loot on board..

    And lest we forget the other ships on the server that can interfere with battles...

    'If you play smart' He says..
    Dude, I wrote plenty times... I can do a whole LOTV and not get anything... I can get Grade 5 EASY with an LOTV...
    But haters be haters..

    Dude what is your major malfunction, i already said it before stop trying to make this personal, you get hung up on an example i made

    Yes you where able to do a LOTV while you where available, but again i take some of my words out of context.

    That first fight you had gave you emmy grade 3 + this means you would have been 5 before completing the voyage, meaning you could have re raised emmy and got an extra grade v voyage. Especially after that second fight

    Its matchmaking and getting matchmade on as a defender (and attacker for that matter) depends highly on region, time and ELO stats.

    Sooo if the hype for this mode (cause of the bugs turning people away) and the state of the game.. like Arena before it (where people just left)... and I'm already having long waits on a solo sloop doing PvE (like I said, 2 LOTV's, 3 athena chests on my ship. G5 emissary quest done...), whats the incentive to Passively do this mode?

    Bugs and issues will get addressed some quicker then others but to expect such a massive change to the game without a hitch is ludicrous

    Its also somewhat due to the hyp that defenders wont get matchmade as much, i have been actually invading rather then matchmaking with other invaders over the past few days.

    So there is multiple things at play here

    1 the ELO system is still getting its boots to the ground, this can take a while due to players not having played the new system yet and having an unsure score

    2 due to the hype a VERY big part of the playerbase chooses to dive instead of defend, this means when matchmaking that specific pool is much larger then the defending pool and will get chosen faster (i do feel that this system might need some tweaking, to better prefer matching with defenders)

    Cause all you're going back to is the way it is .. .that you need to win a battle... when at least people that don't have the opportunity should get some kind of reward overtime for trying and putting the risk on their ship/loot..

    Why are you so against this simple idea? Other than 'alliance servers' what is your argument?

    Because it is a PVP centric update, featureset whatever you want to call it, so its simple no pvp = no rewards, same as when i dont want to delve in pve centric content and thus wont get rewarded for that.

    And you are the malfunction here.


    A difference in opinion doesn’t mean we have to go that route,

    Cause for years thats all you do.. really.. is troll with nonsensical arguments.

    What are you on about, you can go trough my 3.5k plus posts on this forum and i want to bet i havent used that statement all that much as you seem to think… if you find more then 50 or so posts about it i would be surprised. And no i don't troll. I either give my vision or give the information, usually with sources, that is out there

    Alliance servers can already cheat the system. Just farm flags, put on an hourglass and cash in.. Don't you know that?

    Yes that would be a way to cheese it, at a VERY VERY VERY slow rate does this mean that it should be made easier for the pvp system to be cheesed even more ?! Not talking about alliance servers but in general

  • @callmebackdraft said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    Because it is a PVP centric update, featureset whatever you want to call it, so its simple no pvp = no rewards, same as when i dont want to delve in pve centric content and thus wont get rewarded for that.

    So again, why is it a bad idea to create incentives for people to gather loot then opt in for PVP..
    It can be PvP with wins that can amount to more rewards/feels-good when a ship drops full of loot.

    Whats the problem? You haven't explain that. You're highlighting PVP. Its not getting taken away, its ADDING.. to whats already there..

  • On one hand, the point of blatantly pvp "factions" is to do pvp. And that should be the defacto way to progress them.

    But on the other hand, if someone plays as defender, stacks loot and all as a defender should, and sails around for 3 hours with the explicit intent to do the faction war and earn allegeance, they shouldn't be screwed out of making any progress because the matchmaker never gave them an opponent.
    Being denied progress because you lost is one thing, being denied progress because you weren't allowed to participate is another thing alltogether. They should still get something towards their explicit goal of the war factions, saying they still get the regular gold from selling loot isn't good enough.

    But here's what it really comes down to:

    In the future, when the game is dead and there's nobody using the hourglass, the very few remaining players who do activate the hourglass, but cannot and will not find any opponents because there are no opponents to find, should still be able to progress these factions and get the rewards. They absolutely should not be denied access to content just because there isn't enough other players to fight to reach it.
    Which means there needs to be a way to progress both war factions that don't rely on encountering other players in any way, let alone fighting and beating them.

  • @the-old-soul800 said in Can we increase the PVE allegiance gain?:

    On one hand, the point of blatantly pvp "factions" is to do pvp. And that should be the defacto way to progress them.

    But on the other hand, if someone plays as defender, stacks loot and all as a defender should, and sails around for 3 hours with the explicit intent to do the faction war and earn allegeance, they shouldn't be screwed out of making any progress because the matchmaker never gave them an opponent.
    Being denied progress because you lost is one thing, being denied progress because you weren't allowed to participate is another thing alltogether. They should still get something towards their explicit goal of the war factions, saying they still get the regular gold from selling loot isn't good enough.

    But here's what it really comes down to:

    In the future, when the game is dead and there's nobody using the hourglass, the very few remaining players who do activate the hourglass, but cannot and will not find any opponents because there are no opponents to find, should still be able to progress these factions and get the rewards. They absolutely should not be denied access to content just because there isn't enough other players to fight to reach it.
    Which means there needs to be a way to progress both war factions that don't rely on encountering other players in any way, let alone fighting and beating them.

    One glaring problem that the trolls here are overlooking is the fact that we had server capacity at 5 ships.. and now its a lot of ebb/flow with ships hopping from server to server..
    Rare hasn't explained how that affects ship numbers... and theres prolly a reason they are silent about that...

    Because they need to use 2-3 slots to keep ships going in/out to do this thing.....

    So if you thought servers were dead before this update.... think again now that everyone is playing this thing.. and those of us that like looting are pretty well left out of the game...
    Cause I have yet to matchmake/dive/win and find a ship full of loot in the new system..
    And I haven't seen any major things this way on Reddit (cause you know they'd be posting all the glory for more bragging rights).

    The simple question you gotta ask yourself is:

    Whats better?
    Sinking a ship with or without loot?

    And I'm sure most if not all agree that loot is more fulfilling than without.. So why can't we have more incentives?
    The only dumb thing I've seen here is 'alliance server cheesing waaa waa'
    Like common..

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