Prehistoric Plunder Ship Issues

  • Hi there, I bought a few pieces of the Prehistoric Plunder Pack Ship set, just the collector's pack though. I'm trying to buy the rest ofthe set, likethe canons, wheel all that that, but every time I click on the basic set to get the rest ofthe items, the game kicks me out ofthe game entirely and back to my Xbox home page. I tried restarting my internet, and I'm about to reinstall the game. If this doesn't work, then I'm at a loss. Anyone else having these issues? Where you get the collector's set before buying the basic set first? Please help!

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  • @whiskeyrose1054 Send a support ticket to Rare. This has happened before with certain other items in the Emporium. Since you are an XBOX user, if you have Cloud Gaming access, try through there and see if it works. If it doesn't work there either then a reinstall will likely not help. Here is where to submit a support ticket

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