Midnight Blunderbuss

  • Will there ever be an opportunity to obtain one of these again? I'm a beta player and have done everything I could post the Sea of Thieves Seagate external hard drive production to acquire this blunderbuss. The Black Dog is by far my favorite set and I'm only missing the Obsidian Capstan and Midnight Blunderbuss. This set is the only set I like to equip my character with, as to me, it comprises Black, Silver, and Emerald. My absolute favorite colors. Sea of Thieves holds a very special place in my heart, as does this favorite set of cosmetics of mine.
    Thank you for taking the time to read this.
    Kindest Regards,
    Jacob (Cap'n Midnight)

  • 15
  • I want it too. It should be obtainable like the Capstan.

  • Probably not.

    Just like Ferryman

  • @tre-oni no one wants that old sea unicorn

  • @idneon said in Midnight Blunderbuss:

    @tre-oni no one wants that old sea unicorn

    If you say so lol

  • They have done a few giveaways for it on stream, but past that, the only other way was from the hard drive. That, and the Ferryman set still remain two of the most Rare promo cosmetics out there.

  • @valor-omega big sad matey.

  • @player-of-game2 The Xbox Controller and the Seagate 2TB Hard Drive were definitely interesting pieces of SoT history, for sure. They came out in such an early stage of the game, I'd imagine it was to build hype and whatnot. It would be cool if they started doing limited edition controllers or other products like that, with brand new cosmetics. My wallet would hate me, lol.

    Personally, I'd love a Sea of Thieves-themed Secret Lab gaming chair!

  • @valor-omega the gaming chair would be an amazing idea! I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

  • @valor-omega said in Midnight Blunderbuss:

    @player-of-game2 The Xbox Controller and the Seagate 2TB Hard Drive were definitely interesting pieces of SoT history, for sure. They came out in such an early stage of the game, I'd imagine it was to build hype and whatnot. It would be cool if they started doing limited edition controllers or other products like that, with brand new cosmetics. My wallet would hate me, lol.

    Personally, I'd love a Sea of Thieves-themed Secret Lab gaming chair!

    I would like to see the controller reissued with the series s/x controller. That was a pretty controller lol. Wouldn't care if it didn't come with cosmetic bonuses.

  • @player-of-game2

    that would sorta 'devalue' my midnight blunderbuss.
    rare already did it with the mercenary set. i hope they abandon the path of rereleasing stuff that was exclusive and timelimited in the past. i mean whats the point, its like inflation once they start. in the end nothing is of any significance anymore. not even cosmetic

  • @coyote4711
    I hate to break it to you, but I has no significance anyway. It's just pixels on a screen, my friend. The only significance is what you give it, and no one can take that away.

  • @maximusarael020
    are you explaining my own joke to me?
    I mean, come on. yeah its a videogame but there are many ways to play this game and cosmetic hoarding is one of the possible things you could do in this game and so it has some sort of significance to ppl who play this game. i for once, was lucky to have been a huge fan of the game early on, but do i care about the 'value' of my cosmetics? no, not really, its cool and fun to see ppl react to some of my stuff but eh, i play for the thrill of the hunt and thats of significance to me. but my point stands exclusivity is a cool thing in a game where everybody sets their own goals

  • @coyote4711 My problem is that the entire Obsidian set is split between a million methods of obtaining pieces. The ship and equipment are random twitch drop items, but the clothing is time limited, and the blunderbuss is exclusive. I don’t like that I can complete 90% of the set. It shouldn’t be that way. They shouldn’t have done it that way in the first place, especially for sets like Bone Crusher, Forsaken Ashes, Wailing Barnacle, Mercenary, etc.

    I love time limited cosmetics. I think they are great, truly I do. But having items from one same set be split between obtainable and unobtainable is just bad.
    It does nothing but disappoint players who find a set they love, until they discover they’re 3 years late to getting the hat from that set.

    Personally I’d rather them right their wrongs with all the afflicted sets and make them either fully time limited sets, or not time limited at all… maybe add substitute items that match the set’s colors and model but aren’t the original, maybe slight pallet swaps, like the Legendary Fortune Weapons vs Legendary Weapons.

    Like if there were an “Obsidian version” of the clothes, sword, hurdy & concertina, & blunderbuss, that match the rest of the still obtainable set, but color regions swapped enough to be recognizable as not the original

  • @player-of-game2 100%. I currently have a Secret Lab Titan 2020 chair, and I love it. I actually emailed SL about that possibility, and they said that they're always open/looking for new collaborations.

8 out of 15