The weirdest but funniest "PvP" encounter I've had with a friend

  • This might not be the most exciting tale, but I'm telling it anyway!

    So my friend Icy and I were fishing at Sanctuary Outpost for some plentifin when a Reaper Mark Galleon rolled in on us in the middle of the night. While we had our white flag of Non-Hosility up (my friend and I are members of the Hunter's Call), the Galleon laid into us, which was surprising, but it was to be expected. (This is a pirate game after all) Thankfully, I planned ahead. after emptying the bottom food barrel where the fish were using the singular storage crate we had on board, we scuttled, then I ran and hid both the crate and myself.

    I hid the crate in one of the shops, then I barrel hid among a cluster of barrels by the clothing shop.

    The ENTIRE crew of that Galleon was then searching the outpost for me and the crate that I hid in PLAIN SIGHT (granted, it was hidden in a shop, but plain sight nonetheless), they stuck around the outpost for about... 5 or 6 minutes before they left for Cannon Cove. my friend then came back to the outpost in our (at the time rented) sloop (it was still Season 6 when this encounter happened) with the galleon HOT on his heels.

    After I loaded the crate aboard the sloop and voting for the Captains of the Damned Tale, I had Icy vote for the tale as well while I did my best to avoid getting another face-full of Galleon cannons. I sailed through the portal hop rock into the eye of a storm, then I anchor turned back towards the outpost as the Galleon zoomed past. Once Icy picked up Jack's compass, the portal opened and I sailed the sloop into the Tunnel of the Damned.

    We managed to save our haul of fish after juking that PvP Galleon. I'm willing to bet that crew was seething with rage having known they couldn't find the storage crate that was loaded with Plentifin, and seeing our sloop disappear into the Sea of the Damned. After we cancelled the tale, we somehow reappeared near Sanctuary outpost and we continued fishing after parking near the dock. Needless to say, my friend and I were VERY happy about that encounter despite the sloop sinking once.

    I still get a good chuckle out of this, and I figured I'd share this tale with everyone.

    Apologies if there's a lot of caps in this post. I use caps as an emphasis tool rather than to yell.

  • 5
  • A grand tale of the great escape

    what's not to love

    hopefully you share more of your stories, more of your adventures

    without them the tavern covers in dust and webs

  • Agree with @WolfManbush and the caps conveyed emphasis very well without being overbearing. Very entertaining story!

  • Shenanigans!
    I love it.

    I doubt the gally was less mad about the crate than the escape.

    I'm picking on THEM lol.

  • You just played them hard. I guess that I should buy the barrel emote, after this.

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