This update is amazing. for new players. An insult to OG players

  • I dont know how the developers thought this was a good idea. Its a total slap in the face to the hardcore PvE players. The insane amounts of grinding required to unlock the cosmetics in this game drained the fun out of every aspect of the game that was originally enjoyable. And now? All the grind meant nothing. The fact that you have a record of player milestones already so you know what weve achieved and could have easily transferred it over.

    Basically if you respected players time investment and unlocked all the trophies for them then this updated would literally have nothing outside of naming their ship. But you have ship milestones not just player milestones. You could have respected the players progress and they would just have to lvl the ship milestones for various things. But instead NOPE lets create and amazing cool system for new players and make OG players just want to quit the game.

    And the fact that people are being banned for voicing their opinion and giving the slightest negative but constructive feedback... How insecure are the developers? We know you have zero respect for the players time. I mean thats a given from gold reward for doing tall tales being so small, though hey it was increased so now its a tiny bit better than actually testing on insiders. But then insiders oh our time testing your game so you dont have to actually hire testers is worth 3000g per hour. But only for 1 hour a week anything past the first hour is literally just donating your time to a company that clearly hates the players.

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  • Definitely. Like I said previously can't wait to have to grind skelly ships for a third time.

  • And the fact that people are being banned for voicing their opinion and giving the slightest negative but constructive feedback..

    They are well within the bounds of reason to shut down threads once they make a final decision. I dunno who is getting banned but I'm still here and I have criticized it.

    As far as I know threads aren't getting deleted they are just getting closed which means the opinion still shows they just don't want to host the back and forth because they made a decision. It's fine to disagree with that decision but it's not unreasonable that they are trying to keep things somewhat smooth around here while people are frustrated.

  • It’s a shame but other software developers did it before and Rare is just following the mainstream here. They want you to spend as much time as possible in their money machinery of micro-transactions. I get that they have to make money, that’s totally fine.

    But good gods … in earlier days they at least gave you something meaningful to do to keep you attracted. These days you have to sit on a stool for 100 hours …

    The only thing left to do for us players is to be more aware and to be more respectful with our own time (and money). Because they certainly won’t.

  • @roborob-r66y said in This update is amazing. for new players. An insult to OG players:

    I dont know how the developers thought this was a good idea. Its a total slap in the face to the hardcore PvE players. The insane amounts of grinding required to unlock the cosmetics in this game drained the fun out of every aspect of the game that was originally enjoyable. And now? All the grind meant nothing.

    Well, no.
    You didn't grind to get trinkets. You never grinded to get something you didn't know was coming. You grinded for what the grind gave you at the time, not what it would in the future. That doesn't make all previous progress worthless, it just makes the new stuff mean more.

  • Rare: we want every pirate to have a story!

    Me: has 4 years of memories and stories...

    Rare:NO, NOT LIKE THAT 🤑

  • In B4 Anchor...

    I'm surprised there wasn't some middle ground found, given that the reaction by OG players is totally predictable (and not unreasonable) and there are new pirate-centric commendations as well as ship-centric ones, some of which seemingly could've been carried over...

    I do not fall into that category and hence have no dog in this hunt, but still have an opinion ;-)

  • @pithyrumble amazing.

  • I don't feel insulted at all. Still got my titles, rewards and commendations from the 4 years playing the game.

    I am glad that I didn't have to sit through 30 minutes of toasts of Milestones reached when I logged in for S7 - it was bad enough buying 3 pages of Ornaments from the shipwright :).

  • Calling it a slap in the face of veteran players is ridiculous, honestly. It’s a big free content update. If you don’t like an aspect of it, respectfully give your feedback and it’ll be much better received by the devs. Insulting them because you don’t like it won’t really do much to further your cause.

  • @drbullhammer That's how I feel, it seems that everything I did in this game was useless, talk about "show off your achievements", but that's not counting 4 years of play?

    I dedicated myself to finishing the achievements, closing the commendations, releasing all the skins, and when I thought I could expose my achievements in the form of trophies, the game tells me that I need to do it all over again (and more intensely)

  • Not sure how many times I can repeat it but:

    Milestones are a new way of progressing in the game, similar to a prestige system. The milestones only apply to a Captained ship which is why previous numbers do not count - previous ships were not Captained.

    The team had multiple design conversations regarding this and ultimately this will not be changing.

    Dropping anchor here.

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