The Mystery Begins!

  • @capt-brookes

    I think we still need to work out the last page of the logbook using the words we've found/will find.

    There are also ones with ["] at the end that we still don't know the reason for?

    They might be waiting on us to do something with those before activating what's supposed to be on the shipwreck?

  • @capt-brookes Yeah I couldn't find anything either, there was however weird collision on the bed in the bottom deck that stopped me from checking the pillow on it.

  • What my problem is how did someone find it?! It's so deep down in the water you start to drown. I was lucky to notice bubbles way down below and kept swimming to it until I saw the whole ship. I wouldn't have been able to find something like that so far down just by looking aimlessly!

  • @capt-brookes Right??? I had problems finding it knowing it was there. Must've been some crazy guess or coincidence that they found it

  • Two more notes had been found today by the community, leading the total words to 26.

    Words that were found:

    Aim Bastion Bear Before
    Cay Clear Due Home
    Howling Into North NW
    Of Old Our Passage
    Shroud The The The
    Wolf Course For Fort
    Old Past

    In addition to citations in thread by @RealStyli, they can also be found with corresponding messages on Sea of Thieves Wiki under 'Burned Fragments found'

    DeMarco's Ship has been found by the SoT community at J7.
    For those who wish to go, the dive is deep. Follow the faint dark sign of bubbles in the distance while diving down.

    An image of a map grid of the Sea of Thieves map, centered on the upper middle of grid J6, northeast of Hidden Springs Keep
    An image of a ship with the framed name "The Howling Wolf"

  • @capt-brookes, The Mystery Begins! içinde yazdı:

    What my problem is how did someone find it?! It's so deep down in the water you start to drown. I was lucky to notice bubbles way down below and kept swimming to it until I saw the whole ship. I wouldn't have been able to find something like that so far down just by looking aimlessly!

    So... You know that bug at Athenas fortune that teleports you to the seadog tavern and removes all fog including underwater?


  • Today's Sunday Vibes tweet featured another curious strange character, chilling on Mutineer Rock whilst "Who Shall Not Be Returning" plays.

    One theory is that they were another member of DeMarco's crew on The Hunting Wolf, who mutinied.

  • @thorumsu I did not know such a bug existed! I don't hear much about bugs or witness many while I sail. I'm too into adventuring out to sea to where ever the wind carries me. I pay attention more to the adventures!

  • ![alt text](image url)

  • @thenastydeal also did is that kraken painting at every out post or just plunder?

  • @thenastydeal said in The Mystery Begins!:

    @thenastydeal also did is that kraken painting at every out post or just plunder?

    The kraken picture (the cover from the vinyl soundtrack) is at Plunder Outpost and Ancient Spire.

  • A LOT has happened today (and I've been working, so this is me catching up as well)..

    Shaixys on Discord pointed out that a book can now be found on the Howling Wolf shipwreck at J7!

    alt text

    In fact...

    There are 3 books on the wreck, as detailed by Ancient Isles University here.

    They are in the captain's quarters, mid deck and brig.

    From Sykeswuff on Discord, here are the texts of the 3 books...

    "Not sure how much more I can stand. Trying to pretend like we're going to sail merrily into the mist with Captain Swagger, knowing what's going to happen to him?

    At least I can see why the boss wanted to meet us on such a massive island. That's smart thinking. Nice and devious, like pirates should be.

    We'll be devious, too. Wait until the 'Captain' lets his guard down, and then - no more swagger..."

    " 'We'll have your coin ready', they said. 'Come to the old painting', they said! They forgot to mention how many of the blummin' things there are!

    If we don't find the right spot soon I'm going to eat this book, I'm that famished. Breaking the pirate code is one thing, but I didn't agree to miss dinner.

    Maybe I'll cheer up once we've been paid. Nothing lifts your spirits like gold in your pocket - and a blade up your sleeve..."

    "Mutiny is such a strong word. I mean, if we never really meant to help send DeMarco on his way, was he really our Captain to begin with?

    Besides, I lost more than my fair share of silver in that Arena of his. You can't pit pirates against one another and not expect to reap what you sow...

    But before all that, we've got to get paid by whoever's organised our little deception. The Witching Hour can't come soon enough."

    More visions were then found.... including this one on Thieves' Haven, 3am-4am (courtesy of Ancient Isles University)

    alt text

    From Lostmybluecheese on Discord:
    alt text

    And ActedComb6476 on Discord found this:

    alt text

    Sea of Thieves tweeted out the full final page of the logbook...

    Passage of the Howling Wolf:
    Aim for Barnacle Cay
    Bear NW
    Past our old home
    Due north
    Clear the old Fort
    Turn before the bastion
    Hold course
    Into the Shroud...

    So it looks like The Pirate Lord paid off DeMarco's crew to mutiny and kill his son! (Personally, I think he's being framed... but we'll see)

  • So it looks like The Pirate Lord paid off DeMarco's crew to mutiny and kill his son! (Personally, I think he's being framed... but we'll see)

    Do we think Lesedi is the one who said, "You're an idiot. I know exactly what you two talked about."?

    Could this imply that Ramsey and DeMarco planned DM's death?

  • So all of the notes we were collecting lead up to DeMarcos ship that’s now how far below the depths.

    What I don’t wish to accept is that the PL himself paid to have his son killed! I wanna find the reason as to why if that’s the case!

  • Looks like two of the pirates in the vision with the Pirate Lord are in The Official Content Update Video for Season 7.

    1:33 (talking about first impressions being everything)
    5:10 (Talking about emissary rewards - they are playing a concertina and a drum for each trading company)

  • We seem to have reached a point where we are waiting for more clues (possibly on socials).

    Here's my thinking based on the recent developments: I think this is a ruse by Flameheart and the Reapers to make pirates turn against Ramsey and, in turn, denounce the pirate code and join the Reapers.

    The memory visions in this Mystery have all been the same reddish colour as Flameheart's head in the sky rather than the usual teal colour we've had with previous memory visions. There could be some significance in that.

    I also like the theory put forth by others (amandahasapanda, for instance) that The Witching Hour will turn out to also be the ship that was chasing The Howling Wolf - and not just a hint at the time for the Thieves' Haven vision. That ship name brings to mind some sort of mystic onboard, perhaps one responsible for creating the lantern and false memories.

    Bear in mind, this is all really just theory at this point, for fun. I don't have any allegiance to Athena's Fortune or The Reapers, my pirate has always been a bilge rat and mercenary.

  • @magic-ninjas If you park your ship all the way at the top middle of J7 and then swim down facing south you will see the bubble pretty quickly after diving then just follow them down.

  • @cptnpotbeard said in The Mystery Begins!:

    @magic-ninjas If you park your ship all the way at the top middle of J7 and then swim down facing south you will see the bubble pretty quickly after diving then just follow them down.

    They have since added debris floating up (though not on the surface) so it's a little easier to spot the way down now.

  • @cptnpotbeard I tried what you said I still haven't found it 15 attempts and drownings now I'm getting pretty tired of this my curiosity is reached its limit I'll just watch the videos I don't need to see it in person anymore

  • @realstyli said in The Mystery Begins!:

    @cptnpotbeard said in The Mystery Begins!:

    @magic-ninjas If you park your ship all the way at the top middle of J7 and then swim down facing south you will see the bubble pretty quickly after diving then just follow them down.

    They have since added debris floating up (though not on the surface) so it's a little easier to spot the way down now.

    I haven't been able to find bubbles debris anything spent an hour going around that section of j7 trying to find it even got attacked and weathered through a storm still nothing.
    Plus the heavy involvement of Twitter is really killed any motivation I had for this thing as I can't actually take part in any of the solving of anything without Twitter

  • @magic-ninjas I agree the twitter part is garbage. I actually had the worst time yesterday finding it because I found it by random chance once. Died to sirens down by the wreck and then spent another half hour trying to find it again. I believe @wyvernkraehe posted a nice screenshot of proper ship position as a good starting point to find the wreck. I hope you can manage to find it.

  • @cptnpotbeard thank you. It is in this thread too but sharing it again. @magic-ninjas it is a long swim down. Make sure you take a lot of food with you and swim down.
    You may not see the bubbles at first, and they can be very faint when you finally do see them, like a faint dark patch. It's hard to know that they are bubbles until you get closer. It'll take a distance but you can get there.

    An image of a map grid of the Sea of Thieves map, centered on the upper middle of grid J7, northeast of Hidden Springs Keep

  • @cptnpotbeard said in The Mystery Begins!:

    @magic-ninjas I agree the twitter part is garbage. I actually had the worst time yesterday finding it because I found it by random chance once. Died to sirens down by the wreck and then spent another half hour trying to find it again. I believe @wyvernkraehe posted a nice screenshot of proper ship position as a good starting point to find the wreck. I hope you can manage to find it.
    Thanks both of you

  • Has anyone actually taken a Shroudbreaker and attempted the Passage of the Howling Wolf according to the log directions?

  • ...What?

  • @hell0666 for those that solved the simple clues and not the story clues you get.

    "The pirate lord told demarco how to escape the shroud and then paid his crew to make him fail.

  • @hell0666 Where is this log book on Crescent Isle, or any other facts to back up your story?

  • Hi, can we have a small recap of where we are now?

  • @nic727

    Clue 1: skeleton at seadogs rest, told us a story of a legendary man.
    Clue 2: we found fragments that made a key that opened his chest
    Clue 3: the chest gave us a note that took us to his friend tony. We melted Tony dressed as a pirate he was meant to rendezvous with.
    Clue 4: the chest opened a secret compartment giving us a wordsearch
    Clue 5: Tony gave us the journal logs demarco but told us he burnt the decoder pages.
    Clue 6: the boys discovered a shipwreck of the "the howling wolf" at J6

    The decoded words gave us a voyage passage but no real clarification of what that point meant other than it was the path the howling wolf took to go through the shroud.

  • Since you deleted your original post (or someone else did), I'm going to assume that none of it was verifiable.

    In other news, has anyone seen the new Bilge Rat section on the website? Seems like we might be nearing the end of the first mystery.

  • @d3adst1ck
    Can you give me a link to this bilge rat section?

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