Pirate Legened Curse

  • I have asked this before, but the thread appears to have been deleted. Which is is slightly concerning and makes me wonder if the stance has changed at some point.

    Just to confirm: Is the Pirate Legend Curse still going to be offered again at some point?

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  • @wyvernkraehe Just to confirm... Yes. Yes it is... That is still the aim.

  • @musicmee Thank you for the confirmation. It's appreciated.

    (edit: Wouldn't have asked but I couldn't find any other post confirming, and the last one seemed to have disappeared. thank you for tolerating and being there to answer questions.💙)

  • @musicmee I was surprised it didn’t come with the expanded Athena progression. I already have mine so it wouldn’t benefit me, but I am looking forward to seeing what Rare comes up with to reintroduce this.

  • @musicmee said in Pirate Legened Curse:

    @wyvernkraehe Just to confirm... Yes. Yes it is... That is still the aim.

    Music to many ears I bet!

  • Rare should honestly learn to keep time limited things well... time limited.

    I dont even have the curse by the way.

  • @thorumsu They know how. The PL curse was never intended to be time limited. The people who believe so are wrong.

  • @thorumsu said in Pirate Legened Curse:

    Rare should honestly learn to keep time limited things well... time limited.

    I dont even have the curse by the way.

    People should honestly learn the difference between time exclusive, and time limited.

    Rare way before seasons said they were done doing time limited stuff, and they've said season stuff will eventually find its way back in..

    This isn't a new development

  • @tre-oni sagte in Pirate Legened Curse:

    Rare way before seasons said they were done doing time limited stuff, and they've said season stuff will eventually find its way back in..

    They said that certain seasonal rewards will find their way back into the game. But did they really state to be done with time limited stuff per se? Certainly not. I mean, we still got the Adventure rewards which won’t return and also a couple of season items (flag, sails, scars, …).

  • This is just unfair to those who played at the time. Personally i disagree with readding past pl rewards.

    I wish they where fair and either keept time limited things as time limited, or rerelease all the stuff / make it obtainable but still difficult enough to get in a fair mannor - within reason, excluding special promotions, brand deals, preorder stuff etc...

  • @remove-bougette please read all of the above posts re: Rare's stance.

    Pl stuff shouldn't be limited - end of. If you earn your way to Legend, you deserve the right to any of the things that are added that are post Year 1 or 2.

  • @musicmee boo boo boo

  • @fred-fisheye said in Pirate Legened Curse:

    @tre-oni sagte in Pirate Legened Curse:

    Rare way before seasons said they were done doing time limited stuff, and they've said season stuff will eventually find its way back in..

    They said that certain seasonal rewards will find their way back into the game. But did they really state to be done with time limited stuff per se? Certainly not. I mean, we still got the Adventure rewards which won’t return and also a couple of season items (flag, sails, scars, …).

    Rare did take a stance on exclusive time limited stuff, back when bilge rat adventure/mercenary voyages started coming to an end. They said they were done doing them.

    That persisted, and still does, until they directly stated that in regards to the new title and item from adventures, and the scars/tats (specifically themed stuff) from seasons, everything else would still return and not be timed event exclusive.

    Either way, they've spoken about where they stand ages ago on all aspects at that point.

    PL curse wasn't season themed, and it wasn't an adventure reward

  • @sshteeve Then where is the earnable lsd weapon set, the ugly low effort recolor doesn't count its even locked behined pve. That was not ment to be limited was it? All i am saying is that i don't like this hypocrisy.

    I am aware of their stance, and my opinion is that i disagree with it.

    But whatever, you cant please everyone.

  • @tre-oni sagte in Pirate Legened Curse:

    PL curse wasn't season themed, and it wasn't an adventure reward

    As much as I disagree with their decision to bring back past Season rewards, there’s no doubt they will return the curse. It’s by far the most requested item and people keep asking for it nearly every week.

    Didn’t know they didn’t want to release time limited items anymore (… although they obviously still release them on a regular basis). Thanks for the info.

  • By the same logic shown by some folk, things like the Soulflame weapon set and costume should never have returned, because those who earned it during the Fate of the Damned event will feel lesser because others can obtain these items via other means?

    Pirate Legends deserve some extra rewards for their effort. No harm in opening up the pool of rewards further down the line at some point, curse included. Lock it behind a commendation if need be, or give us a Dark Adventurers Curse.

  • I still think they delay it again every time someone brings it up on the forums...

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