The Dark Adventurer Sails are a SERIOUS PROBLEM because at helm they BLATANTLY PUNISH you for using anything else!

  • This YT-Video I made covers it too but of course I have to post it here as well.

    So what's the problem? It is a little bit too complex to explain with only a few words so forgive the length of what I am about to write.
    But to be very clear here: It is not the high price, it is not even the undeniable gameplay advantage to newer Sailors (even though that should not be ignored completely),
    it is the fact that they provide a great vision-luxury at helm that NO other sails provide.
    (And yes, not even the Kraken Sails, they are a methadone but they are NOT in the same league).
    Especially on a Brig or even a Galleon this fact is undisputable unless you are in complete denial.

    This alone is not the problem though. It becomes a problem the exact moment you perhaps want to use something else after becoming aware of this DA-Sails-Luxury.
    Perhaps you just don't like the DA-Sails. Or perhaps they don't go with your other favorite cosmetics.
    And that's what really is the core issue here.
    AS SOON as you use ANY other sails than the DA-Sails you immediately loose a HUGE amount of "Quality-of-Life".
    Which in turn demotivates you to pursue what in THEORY should be the greatest motivation of SoT:
    The glory through skins ("It's not about the Gold, it's about the Glory." Remember?)
    The DA-Set style is most certainly not ugly. But guess what XD
    I for my part would most certainly prefer the Athena-Ghost-Set style.
    It is unlikely that I am the minority when it comes to preferring literally anything else than just shadow themed cosmetics.

    Yet to be very clear here once again: The argument that only Try-Hards use these sails DOES of course have its roots in the truth
    BUT, to all that would argue in favor of that point: did it ever cross your mind that not only Try-Hards wish to use these sails?
    As a matter of fact the driving factor here is definitely not merely Try-Harding but instead the significant increase of the Quality-of-Life.

    Now listen to this: The DA-Sails are not only an indirect punishment to all that don't use them, they are, through this, also a DIRECT
    and not to be underestimated reduction of income for SoT. DEFINITELY not exactly something you should ignore Rare.
    We are talking money here.
    I urge you to watch my YT-Video for a more obvious understanding of this but let me explain it here in simple words:
    WHY should anyone that already tasted the luxury of the DA-Sails now buy ANYTHING from the Emporium that will not match their design?
    And keep in mind that people that came in contact with these sails probably are also the exact group of Sailors that would be MOST likely
    to actually buy something from the Emporium.

    So should these sails now be removed or have their shape changed?
    Not only would that seriously be ... infuriating ... to all that actually grinded for them,
    it would also literally be like giving a baby candy and then taking it away just to make it cry.
    The luxury the DA-Sails provide ARE an improvement to SoT.

    Instead, there are two solutions that should ideally both be implemented, One on the long run, one at best as soon as possible.
    Solution One: Simply introduce more sails with this exact shape.
    At least one green glowing one for the Ghost-Themed ships,
    one red glowing one for the Ashen-Reaper-Themed ships,
    and a golden one for Multi-Purpose ships ...
    And maybe even a bunch more.
    (Like for example one that has the V-Shape but also is much cheaper, therefore obviously not as exquisite but more accessible,
    that would solve the "Unfair-Advantage"-Issue ... even though, in my book that problem pales in comparison to what I am discussing here.)
    Some food for thought: You could turn the old Arena-Tavern into a shop specifically for these sails or something like that.
    I don't think you need my advise on this Rare.
    Implementing beautiful cosmetics is most certainly a fun part of job.

    Solution Tow: The perfect solution (If I may say so myself), introduce a Sail-Editor. HEAR ME OUT!
    I am not asking for the ability to 100% customize my sails. All I mean is the ability to take the shape of an already owned sail and apply it
    to all other sails already owned. Most certainly doable for you I assume. THIS would btw, go GREAT hand-in-hand with the
    fabled Captaincy-Update and have ... REALLY a PRFOUNDLY positive effect on the SoT.
    It would literally solve ALL the issues I mentioned and simultaneously make ALL existing cosmetics more attractive along with even more!

    But yeah, I guess you can imagine that yourself (D
    Obviously this would be a BIG step for SoT so yeah ... take your time with that I guess.
    This though brings us back to Solution One which you surely can release ... probably in a week if you really had to.

    So to summarize:
    The DA-Sails currently ruin the customization of SoT in a rather demotivating manner.
    This can be immediately fixed by releasing more sails in their shape and
    then on the long run releasing a sail-editor which would most certainly improve on SoT enormously.

    To all that actually read all this, BIG THX.
    And to all that would argue against this: PLEASE also watch my YT-Video concerning this topic,
    SEEING the issue for yourself adds another layer to it, believe me.

  • 192
  • Too long to read.

    What I got is something about sails from a set being more advantaged or something. Where I get the same effect with any sail by doing the curl

  • The advantage is entirely in the user's head.

    A good helmsman doesn't need a sail cut or "courtesy" sails. You've sailed long enough to know how long your ship is by the time you get them. In combat gunners should be calling out which side they want their shots on.

    It's as bad as the barrel emote. All hyperbole.

  • I still play perfectly with other sails, this advantage is nothing too absurd

  • @lleorb On a Sloop. Yes.
    On a Galleon ... not so much.
    On a Brig: IT IS TOO ABSURD how can you deny it :(

  • @burnbacon The curl is a bothersome task that you constantly have to make sure your average crew keeps in mind.
    It is barely an excuse. How can you defend this XD

  • @pithyrumble Up to the DA-Sails I 100% agree with you. The advantages were all minor and pretty much ignorable.
    But PLEASE don't be one of those that ranks the DA-Sails in the same league ...
    Do you actually think Rare made them 8.2 mil because of how cool the skull on them looks?!

  • I learn that if you want to get your point across to as many people as possible on the forum, its always better to keep it short.

    Personally, i do not share the same problem. I play with the DA sails almost all the time with my friends and when im alone i do not have a specific set of sails. I have more problems with big bulky cannons with a lot of fluff on it. Everyone has its thing i guess, but none of them fall into the “serious problem” category as far as i am concerned

  • @lormiun they also made the hull and the figurehead 8.2 million...

  • @lafrules I cannot deny it got long. But I made a video for this exact purpose.
    I will also not deny that perhaps I personally am much more invested in this than most other Sailors BUT
    the advantage these sails offer is most certainly the greatest out of any "cosmetic" out there.
    At least for any Helmsman not on a Sloop.

  • @captain-coel Indeed. But the Sails are what carry the Ship (literally and metaphorically) :P

  • @lormiun
    Well thats the Part... They did :'D

  • They made it expensive because long term players with excessive gold wanted expensive items to spend their gold on. The Parrot set was almost 2x as much as other sets when released. The original Legend Gear was expensive too. They're all 3 just the next big flex.

    I will absolutely deny DA sail cut advantages. I will absolutely compare it's so called advantages to the so called advantages of the BH emote.

    You want the super special cut? Use the ugly sails until they decide to make more. I hope they make a super cheap one with the cut. Just for the 🧂

    Stop pushing the unfair advantage narrative. It's not.

  • @pithyrumble Did you even read my post before so openly declaring me wrong ...
    I know it's long but as mentioned, the gameplay-advantage is not even the core focus here, merely a part of the whole.

    And the barrel emote sucks on ships ...

  • @lormiun we don't use em cause our helm is good.

  • @captain-coel And I highly respect that. Nevertheless, I see no reason not to improve SoT's Quality-of-Life without compromising on looks.
    I fail to understand why on this forum so many initially seem to.

  • @lormiun because most of us view people who use the DA sails as mediocre pirates.

  • @captain-coel Amen to that. At its core, I do not dispute that, and yet they now are here.
    Why not do something about it?
    As a matter of fact, I found another dude that made a similar video to mine :P

  • @lormiun it takes 2 seconds to curl…not hard to do. infact i almost refuse to use DA sails because everyone elses uses them. my go to is the athena magpie glory set

  • @madfrito99 If done correctly it takes even less than that.
    But not only is your average crew ... not really too rigorous with that, it also is simply a bothersome handicap that, as a cherry-on-top also is kind of ugly.
    That "everybody else uses them" though is part of why I made this post ...
    Is the continued usage of the curl REALLY a better solution then what I proposed ?!

  • @lormiun the problem is this. your statement is you cant use any other sails. you can but you refuse. that is on you and nobody else

    nobody denies that the cut is better and yes they should make more sails like that

    however, they are not an advantage. and btw if your at the helm you curl the sail lol then you have no worries

  • @madfrito99 On this post alone a few ppl seemed to deny it ...
    But indeed, of course I can choose another sail. Now and then I still do.
    Sadly, when it comes to Brig and Galleon though it actually reduces your Quality-of-Life just quite a bit too much in my book in comparison to using the DA-Sails.
    Am I really wrong for wishing Rare to change that Status-Q ?

  • @lormiun i would rather them scale down the sails a bit so they are little smaller.

    that would make it was easier on them than giving every sail a new cuts

    they should also make nee cuts like the DA for future sails

  • @madfrito99 AMEN.
    To be honest I get the feeling that 95% of ppl here didn't even read my post.
    They simply see that its too long and thus instinctively disagree ...

    Uhhh ... Sadly I really couldn't bring myself to make it shorter.

  • I agree there is a slight advantage but that advantage only really shows on brigs if you ask me. The back brig sail sits so low you literally cannot see at all. as for the gally and sloop, I feel it barely affects those (esp the sloop). I see crews hit rocks and overturn even with them on. I completely understand where you're coming from but I feel it is the community overhyping the cut that makes them seem so broken. it really only helps so much with a mast still in your face down the middle

  • @reefplays3158 As someone who spends 60% of his time in SoT at the helm, I would not describe the advantage as slight. At least on a Brig I think we can agree on that.
    Nevertheless you are of course 100% right with these Sails not magically making you a competent Sailor.
    The thing I try to actually advocate for here though, is my idea of a Sail-Editor ...
    Sadly no-one even mentioned it so far. Perhaps I should have split this entire topic into different parts or something :P

  • @lormiun I agree man a sail editor would be AWESOME! Nonetheless thank you for risking your neck on this semi-spicy topic. Like I said I see why you feel there's an unfair advantage, and I agree there should be a non-PL sail with a crescent cut or something to even things out a bit. But the sail editor if possible would be DOPE

  • @reefplays3158 Big thx (D First truly kind words I hear here today.
    Even though tbh ... the way I tried to tackle this, it didn't even feel that spicy to me.
    But yeah ... too many words XD

  • Idk personally I'd still like to use sails I LIKE, and learn to actually get off of the wheel more than once an hour. Mobility is key during combat.

    Fashion > Function

  • @gallerine5582 My entire post revolves around the idea of using the sails you like with the shape you like.
    It all comes down to quality-of-life. What I try to advocate for here is the idea to have the best of both worlds.

    Just in case you haven't actually read my post, I would humbly ask you to give it another chance XD
    I know it got too long ...

  • @lormiun said:

    it is the fact that they provide a great vision-luxury at helm that NO other sails provide... AS SOON as you use ANY other sails than the DA-Sails you immediately loose a HUGE amount of "Quality-of-Life"... Solution One: Simply introduce more sails with this exact shape...Solution Tow: The perfect solution (If I may say so myself), introduce a Sail-Editor.

    I didn't have an issue with the length of your post, because I don't come here to not read. And I don't really have an issue with the argument that the sails provide a luxury or advantage.

    However I do disagree with how much of an advantage they provide. The moments that they provide you an advantage over another crew are pretty specific; it's not like they buff your overall performance substantially. And if you have everything else going in your favor in those particular moments anyway, the sails are even less significant.

    All that said, I'm not opposed to either of your suggestions, though I wouldn't go as far as to call them "solutions," because I don't really see this as a problem.

    The first suggestion seems more likely, as it'd probably be easier for Rare to just add more v-cuts and other "luxury" sails at varying prices, rather than completely rework sail models & designs.

  • @theblackbellamy Thanks for reading :)
    Granted, as a primary Helmsman I am perhaps a bit biased when it comes to this topic.
    But I wish to add that my idea of a Sail-Editor would probably be relatively easy to implement.
    Of course not as trivial as simply adding more Sails + I cannot deny that I might be wrong on that part.

    Let's just hope that new V-Shaped sails will actually make their debut sooner rather than later (D

  • @lormiun said:

    Granted, as a primary Helmsman I am perhaps a bit biased when it comes to this topic.

    Lol I was also offering my perspective as a helm :P

  • @theblackbellamy To be honest, the term "advantage" is not what I would even want to focus on.
    The expression I would think of as much more fitting in regards of the DA-Sails is "increase in Quality-of-Life".
    It is not limited to meta-PvP, it is more the simpler avoidance of your classic rock (D

  • The only thing stopping me from using the DA sails is that it doesn’t go to well with my obsidian ship and it doesn’t feel unique to rock the same sails as everyone else

    If only I could get the V cut on my Obsidian sails…

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