Any idea when the black screen/general server instability will be patched?

  • You can get stuck respawning from either the ferry or a mermaid for minutes. During fights this means you are a crewmate down for the whole fight, or just dead if you're solo. Any idea when this will get sorted?

  • 13
  • You can get stuck respawning from either the ferry or a mermaid for minutes.

    Mostly. It’s the machine of the player that is the cause. Not the server

  • @burnbacon
    Not so sure about that. I have been getting it since before community day. The problem will presist whole session in 1 server, but if I server hop then it's not an issue in another setver.

  • @burnbacon definitely not machine related. Got a high end gaming pc no issue with any games or fps/loading and still get long black screens, same for some streams I watch, and they have high end rigs.

  • @rtsclown If you still are experiencing this issue you can open a support ticket:

  • @burnbacon said in Any idea when the black screen/general server instability will be patched?:

    You can get stuck respawning from either the ferry or a mermaid for minutes.

    Mostly. It’s the machine of the player that is the cause. Not the server

    Wow if there is a comment to delete id say this one mods...

    My good friend and i were on last night, he is not the greatest but not the worst.

    I had all 3 mast down on a 4 man galleon and fire all over the ship, my partner got double sniped from the boat and died.

    He started a damn stop watch on his phone and watched the black screen as he had his coffee while we sunk.

    His computer is his lively hood, his machine is b-e-a-utiful.

    It is all added features for enjoyable play time isnt it?

  • @burnbacon My PC is overkill for this game, so I doubt that's the issue. I never used to have any problems, but after returning to the game, I get blackscreen bugs and even full on crashes.

  • Its been bad lately I'm wired with 200 download on a series s and if their is alot of loot u aren't spawning even on a series x.

  • @metal-ravage I have done several.

  • @rtsclown In that case you just have to wait for the support to answer.

  • @metal-ravage mabye they could reply publicly since its quite a common problem, who knows let's wait and see

  • It's a mix of hardware, distance from ship when merm'ing back, current server stability, and if loading back from ferry.. how far passed officially sunk the ship is while it respawns

  • Last night I got an infinite black screen when merming back to my boat 3 separate times on 2 different servers. Each time, I had to restart SoT, and lost some really good food and cursed cannonballs. It's gotten to the point where we have to weigh the pros and cons of what to take in our inventory off the boat because odds are decent that the game is going to cause us to lose whatever we take. This game is over 3 years old. We were told that closing arena would add more resources and focus to other areas of the game. And yet, it's a buggy as ever.

5 out of 13