Legend of the Veil loot spawn

  • Hey, all!

    I've been super enjoying the Legend of the Veil voyage immensely, and have had a lot of funny encounters and experiences with other crews whilst doing so. That said, I do have a primary concern that I think needs addressing; the loot spawn.

    The only issue I have with this voyage, is how the loot just phases into reality as soon as the last fort battlement is destroyed. I take issue with this for two main reasons:

    • It's incredibly jarring to watch. It just looks really weird to see it pop in there, and kind of breaks the illusion a bit, imho.

    • Most importantly, all other high value fort loot in other instances, spawn within a locked vault.

    Any and all PvE events such as this are meant to inspire/push for PvP encounters, but the problem with LotV's finale is that rather than inspiring fun and engaging PvP battles, it inspires sneaky tuck plays (I'm normally for sneaky plays, but this is quite different). The idea that someone can quite literally just tuck on the end fortress, wait for the crew doing the voyage to finish, and then steal the high-value loot as soon as it spawns is rather absurd to me. Furthermore, I feel like it takes away from the high-adrenaline rush that one would normally have when stealing a CoL from, say, a Fort of Fortune or Fort of the Damned.

    Now yes, competent crews will notice rowboats, or see the mermaids in the water, but that's not the point, in my opinion. What makes sneaky tuck plays so fun and interesting on regular Skull Forts, Fort of the Damned, and Forts of Fortune, is that there is still an element of PvP at play, and still possibilities for the sneaking crew(s) to come out on top, or lose entirely, not to mention the possible player interactions. With how the current setup for LotV is, there's next to no reason to do any of the above, when you can just steal the Chest of Legends as soon as it materializes.

    I propose Rare have the loot spawn in a locked vault, and have the Pirate Lord spawn on the player's ship (as he already does) and hand us the key to the Fortress's treasury. This option would still allow for players to tuck on the fortress, laying in wait for the crew with the key, and still allows for ambushes. But the biggest difference, is it allows for the crew who spent time doing the voyage to fight back for their loot. Doing this not only reinstates the push for emergent PvP threats, but it also helps to further encourage player interactions.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts! Would you like to see this idea implemented? If not, I'd love to hear why, and especially would love to hear your counter-ideas! Let's keep it respectful, mates! :)

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  • I don't think we need yet another one of these threads.

  • If there have been other threads regarding this topic, I must have missed them and do apologize. If a mod thinks this is excessive, feel free to take it down.

    If not though, I'm definitely curious and interested to have a discussion on this!

  • @valor-omega for one, your point of reference is a bit off. This is not a fort or world event. This is the fortress at the end of a voyage. I know exactly why the devs added a world seen tornado, but they really shouldn't of. It has just wound up people who steal and people who just want to do voyages equally.

    Adding loot in a locked vault that would then need to be carried out, making the voyage not able to be cancelled, or any other modification pushing it more towards a world event needs to have the loot adjusted to match. All pieces would need to be athena otherwise why wouldn't you just go do a FoF instead of trying a voyage thats just as long but less rewarding? The issue with this is now the voyage becomes too good and people just blast to Athena 30. See the balancing issues?

    Personally the devs should of not made the tornado public and all would of been fine. If you are within eyeshot of the fortress you would know, but you would also see an athena 4-5 flag anyway.

  • @kommodoreyenser Very true, you're right, and that's why I believe it to be an issue. The fact that the loot itself is quite similar to a fort vault's contents, and the fact that it's visible map-wide, similarly to a world event.

    I do see how balancing issues could arise from that, and I also agree with your final point. That would also be a good solution to this matter, I think! :)

  • The loot should just explode out of the destroyed fort volcano style, any tucker on the island blasted along with it.

    Better yet..

    The tornado should come back, suck the fort out of existence and you get to watch a cyclone of your loot (and tuckers) twirl around higher and higher into the air until the tornado dissipates and drops all the loot.

    Would definitely be more fun to watch

  • For me its not an issue how that the loot just spawn's there, could they have done it better? Yeah i guess but for me its fine.

  • @faceyourdemon I just don't think it's fun for people to immediately be able to steal it, and then dip. It's not rewarding imho, and it's more cheesy than anything. Certainly doesn't inspire good PvP.

  • Tuck Boi steals key.

    Now you get nothing...

  • @valor-omega
    I agree that it feels strange for the loot to simply appear after the end of the voyage. However, I would go about implementing the loot a little differently then what you suggested. Maybe Rare could have a trap door somewhere on the main fortress. (You could find the key to the trapdoor somewhere along the two previous chapters. It could be in a treasure chest alongside one of the veil stones to ensure that no one will ever miss the key.) You open the trap door and the treasure would be in a small cellar that would be accessible by either a staircase or a ladder. This way, those who had completed the Legend of the Veil can have a better chance of safeguarding their loot if another crew tries to steal it.

    I believe this also adds more of a 'challenge' to those who are trying to steal the loot, as I've seen people comment about how easy it is to make off with the Chest of Legends. Now they would need to steal the key at some point during the earlier chapters of the Legend of the Veil or wait for the voyaging crew to open the trap door before enacting their plans to take the loot. (hopefully a win-win for all parties involved)

  • @lucky11 Absolutely agree. Anything is better than it just phasing into existence, and having a tuck pj pirate make off with it immediately

  • @pithyrumble Tuck boi steals key, I cancel the voyage, and the whole thing despawns. No one gets anything!

  • @lucky11 I ain't playing that voyage again. We did it the first two times and all players come and steal your loot. What's the point of having fort of legends when this voyage is yet but another live event that you activated. Sorry Rare but first two times we get screwed and that's enough for me to say back to thieves haven again.

  • At least you got to see it materialize, I just finished one and got no chest of legends, never spawned

  • @twisp6753 What about the rest of the Athina loot? Did you get it?

  • @twisp6753 said in Legend of the Veil loot spawn:

    At least you got to see it materialize, I just finished one and got no chest of legends, never spawned

    Oh it spawned, you just missed the tucker who rowed it away right as it spawned in.

  • @metal-ravage yes. My ship was parked right by the ramp up there and we circled the fort checking for merms and boats, nothing. If someone tucked it they would have had to have their merm hiding inside the geometry and swam it back by hand.

    It's certainly possible I missed someone but that just illustrates OP's point, where's the fun or counterplay when as far as you can see the chest never spawned?

  • @twisp6753 Or they parked near the smaller towers and swam it back to their rowboat there.

  • @twisp6753 said in Legend of the Veil loot spawn:

    @metal-ravage yes. My ship was parked right by the ramp up there and we circled the fort checking for merms and boats, nothing. If someone tucked it they would have had to have their merm hiding inside the geometry and swam it back by hand.

    It's certainly possible I missed someone but that just illustrates OP's point, where's the fun or counterplay when as far as you can see the chest never spawned?

    So you might have noticed when you destroyed the emplacements during the finale, there are wisps that float around signalling to you and your crew that there is loot there, similar to the drops from ghost ships from Ghost Fleet Voyages/Events, the same happens at the Garrison when the entire building is destroyed, if you arrive at the front of the garrison and there are no wisps after you destroyed and cleared the finale. You've been tucked on and some of the loot is hidden on the remains, or stolen and has been swum/rowed away.

    Keep an eye out for mermaids, rowboats, and nearby ships while you are finishing this voyage. The ghost ships are meant to be a distraction from the objective, but don't get distracted away from the chances of dealing with another player in the open world.

  • @nex-stargaze said in Legend of the Veil loot spawn:

    @twisp6753 said in Legend of the Veil loot spawn:

    @metal-ravage yes. My ship was parked right by the ramp up there and we circled the fort checking for merms and boats, nothing. If someone tucked it they would have had to have their merm hiding inside the geometry and swam it back by hand.

    It's certainly possible I missed someone but that just illustrates OP's point, where's the fun or counterplay when as far as you can see the chest never spawned?

    So you might have noticed when you destroyed the emplacements during the finale, there are wisps that float around signalling to you and your crew that there is loot there, similar to the drops from ghost ships from Ghost Fleet Voyages/Events, the same happens at the Garrison when the entire building is destroyed, if you arrive at the front of the garrison and there are no wisps after you destroyed and cleared the finale. You've been tucked on and some of the loot is hidden on the remains, or stolen and has been swum/rowed away.

    Keep an eye out for mermaids, rowboats, and nearby ships while you are finishing this voyage. The ghost ships are meant to be a distraction from the objective, but don't get distracted away from the chances of dealing with another player in the open world.

    this is the best advise i have seen in some time now!

    for the rest, don't complain that people can steal this in a different way than any other loot in the game. come up with ways to defend it that is different that anything else in the game. My crew has a solid strat, and i don't even mind sharing it. We run on a brig, so when there is just one tower left on the main fort we have a crewman go to where the loot spawns. only after that crewman gives the all clear do we finish the fort. This gives us a chance to spot a tucker, and be the first to see the athena chest. It would also give you one last chance to cancel the voyage if a tucker is there and you want to deny them (and yourself) the loot.

  • @valor-omega I entirely agree. The loot spawns right in front of a door anyway! Just have the loot spawn inside the door, you get the key to the door from one of the ancient chests earlier in the voyage, and Bob's your uncle.

    My very first LotV that I ever did, there was "no chest of legends". I was confused because I thought there always was one. But I'm certain I got hit by a pro, cause I was right there, looking for ships. Just wasn't keeping an eye out for swimmers and rowboats. I learned my lesson, though!

    LofV Loot Spawn

  • Ahoy @cramjambler !

    Resurrecting threads over one month old goes against our Forum rules. I will be dropping anchor here.


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