Adventure Stuck on Part 2

  • I’ve done the tall tale twice now, following all the steps… and each time I got back to Belle with the skull and tablet, she restarted her dialogue for chapter 2 and directs me back to the Wilds.
    I don’t know how to complete the quest. I haven’t seen the option to continue quest or complete quest at the end. She just acts as if it’s my first time speaking to her.
    Note: On both attempts, I gave her the skull and tablet BEFORE chatting with her. Do I need to speak with her before turning in the skull and tablet???

  • 5
  • @bumpengrind Ahoy matey!

    If you head back to your ship and cancel the voyage, head back to Belle and you might see the option to COMPLETE the adventure?

  • It can take a few seconds for the COMPLETE option to show up after giving her the hexing skull. The CONTINUE option is bugged and shows up all the time.

  • Can confirm cancelling the voyage/quest and talking to her again allows you to reselect the dialogue option to complete the adventure.
    Good luck

  • Belle says Chapter 3 /complete of first adventure.. then right back to chapter 2 of said adventure.

    (turned in tablet and skull)

2 out of 5