Finishing the Victorious Sea Dog Weapon Set?

  • Ahoy there,

    This has probably been brought up many times in the past. However, I think it would be incredible to see the rest of the Victorious Sea Dog Weapon set (Eye of Reach/Flintlock/Cutlass) make an obtainable appearance to complete the collection. With the removal of Arena. It could be the Sea Dogs award for those who've completed every commendation in the Sea Dogs faction.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and Ideas on this?

  • 18
  • thats what im saying!

  • Please! Its been an incomplete set for so long now.

  • @imdinonuggie yes

  • I definitely support this idea, I feel like the people who have put in the effort to 100% arena should get something because I could never play arena for 100+ hours

  • This would probably be a good reward for pirates who complete the Legendary Sea Dog commendation as that’s how the Blunderbuss is unlocked.

  • Would love to see the victorious set complete! Please Rare!

  • Absolutely for it, we need this set finished!

  • @imdinonuggie
    I want the whole set soooooooo bad. You see, red (pfp lol), black, and gold are my favorite colors, especially when mixed together. And a big, shiny, ruby Arena symbol on all the cosmetics would be epic. As much as I like the PL weapons as the LSD reward, it would have been better to make the Victorious set be the reward for doing that much in the Arena.

    I got my Bone Crusher pants, now I want this completed lol.

  • There was a concept for another arena recolor that was black and gold, always hoped that it would end up in-game someday. Would be nice to match the victorious weapons with a victorious arena outfit.

  • @theeggoplant said in Finishing the Victorious Sea Dog Weapon Set?:

    There was a concept for another arena recolor that was black and gold, always hoped that it would end up in-game someday. Would be nice to match the victorious weapons with a victorious arena outfit.

    I assume you're talking about this concept art made by @Eobrah! This would also be fantastic to have! 🧡😆

  • @imdinonuggie I would love this, just make sure that people who become tsd before season 6 don't get it, only the people who were tsd before Jan 26, like the other sets, because the good boy is cool and all but it's only for level 50, I think there should be something to differentiate the "og" tsd's and the people who got tsd after Jan 26 who probably just grind it out on alliance servers or something.

  • FUN FACT: If you take into account every possible cosmetic option in the game, no set in the entire game has ever been completed. Usually a missing shirt, a peg leg, pet, pet outfit, costume, weapon, figurehead, cannon flair, hair or facial hair style, etc.

    I used to question why this was years ago, but eventually gave up chalking it up to a pirate's messy, ramshackle nature.

  • @imdinonuggie

    I would love to see this added for those who went over the top and finished the arena commendations. This would be a great extra reward for the hardcore players and something for us to show the grind we've been through

  • @the-guacsauce said in Finishing the Victorious Sea Dog Weapon Set?:

    I would love to see this added for those who went over the top and finished the arena commendations. This would be a great extra reward for the hardcore players and something for us to show the grind we've been through

    Yeah that would be great if it you needed every single sea dog commendation, even the ones not needed for cosmetics like iron sea dog

  • Considering we will see the midnight prowl again:

    The Midnight Prowl isn't part of the celebration plan, but we've not forgotten about it and this won't be the last that you hear of it.

    I think that there is hope for the Victorious Sea Dog set, no matter how little.

  • @imdinonuggie instead of giving it to those who completed every commendation give it to all Legendary sea dogs

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