Please add a prestige/rebirth system

  • I have been playing SoT since launch, I have completed most commendations, even killed the shrouded ghost, maxed out all companies and have finished all tall tales 5 times over.

    I know this is a highly requested feature but I really want to express how much we actually NEED this feature.

    When there is not much left to achieve the game starts getting stale and I hate that because I love the game and have even bought merch!

    You have to give seasoned players a reason to return and stay around, I think my favorite requests are the ability to prestige the main companies once you have level 75 in all of them and also the character creation feature, allowing players to choose from the list of body features already available in the RNG pool, no need for sliders and whatever just let us select from the list of parts that already there, like head shape, nose, body, gender, etc.

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  • @tek-lt

    As much as I do miss the sound of the bar going up as I turn in loot to increase my rank to max, I don't see how this is helpful for an end game scenario. Even the COD's and Battlefields didn't mean much to me when they had this. In those games you lost everything and started fresh and you want that? Do you want all your progress wiped and have to start all over again with low level voyages, can't be an emissary till level 15 in each faction, re-buy all your status quo just to get better voyages, not be able to enter the Athena pirate hideout till level 50 in 3 factions, etc. That is what I see when some asks for such a thing and that is how it should be implemented. Keep you in that forever grind state.

  • I know this is a highly requested feature but I really want to express how much we actually NEED this feature.

    I dont really think this is a highly requested thing at all. I think most of us do in fact not want a prestige/reset system.

    When there is not much left to achieve the game starts getting stale and I hate that because I love the game and have even bought merch!

    Many of us just sail around with friends and see what happens next. No goals really needed, unless you want to make some for yourself.

    You have to give seasoned players a reason to return and stay around, I think my favorite requests are the ability to prestige the main companies once you have level 75 in all of them and also the character creation feature, allowing players to choose from the list of body features already available in the RNG pool, no need for sliders and whatever just let us select from the list of parts that already there, like head shape, nose, body, gender, etc.

    Im sure they will raise the level cap to 100 at some point in the future. Probably as part of a bigger update. (whispers ... Captaincy update...)
    Also the RNG wheel thing for choosing a pirate will keep pirates unique. If players could design their pirate completely, we would have mostly super thin, black clothed tucker lords everywhere. That would would make se seas look really boring. Also keeping limited things, LIMITED will add to the diversity on the seas.

    Just my couple of cents on the matter,

  • I want to grow my pirate through his adventures, stories, and history - not be stuck in a never-ending grind of reruns that lead nowhere - that's purgatory, and nobody wants or needs that. The only thing Rare needs to do is keep the ball rolling.

    As for running out of things to do, there's only 1 person to blame - you. Your adventures are what you make of it, and if that's to grind out everything as quickly as possible, or as cheaply as possible, then that's on you for not taking the time to truly enjoy or savor the experience, or find ways to come up with new ones. If you want, you can blame other video games, such as CoD for training you into this mentality, but I doubt it will get you very far.

  • @tek-lt
    After I finish everything new in an update, I go back to commendation hunting. Chances are you have plenty to complete! Instead of having prestige as an endless, useless grind, how about you not only get to 50 in Hunter's Call but also earn Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves? Or get Triumphant Sea Dog after hitting level 50 in Arena? Those are good examples of grinds you can do after hitting max. I'd say that trying to fulfill commendations is a lot more fun than doing the most optimal voyage every time you want to play SoT. In this way, you can do variety things that might not just be doing voyages over and over again.

    I hope we get more cap increases in the future, but I actually want to feel done at some point so that I can do other things. I don't think it would be right to hand us a infinite grind with diminishing rewards when there's so much more to experience. I play Sea of Thieves for fun and grind when it suits me.

  • I rather make a second pirate.

  • @galactic-geek said in Please add a prestige/rebirth system:

    I want to grow my pirate through his adventures, stories, and history - not be stuck in a never-ending grind of reruns that lead nowhere - that's purgatory, and nobody wants or needs that. The only thing Rare needs to do is keep the ball rolling.

    As for running out of things to do, there's only 1 person to blame - you. Your adventures are what you make of it, and if that's to grind out everything as quickly as possible, or as cheaply as possible, then that's on you for not taking the time to truly enjoy or savor the experience, or find ways to come up with new ones. If you want, you can blame other video games, such as CoD for training you into this mentality, but I doubt it will get you very far.

    This is about how I feel regarding a prestige system.

    I don't want it.

    Games and publishers have trained people to enjoy an endless grind and trap. I really don't want that in SoT.

    Things like this, have no place in SoT and I know I've brought this up before but seriously everyone needs to look at that for what it is. It is a digital prison designed as fun. It never ends and is designed to keep you there forever. It is SICKENING.

  • its clear most people responding in this thread dont want it but the topic comes up alot so quite a few people would like it. i also dont like the condescending tone of some people pointing out what prestiging is and then asking if thats what people want, they know what prestiging is and what they want. sure it may not be what you want but your not the entire playerbase. if this were introduced it would literally take nothing away from people who wouldn't use it, you cant even take the argument that development time is limited and it can be better spent elsewhere as i imagine despite knowing nothing about coding this would take a relatively short amount of time to introduce compared to other things.

    tools not rules remember

  • @greatfailure82 A prestige system is not a tool.

    It is an endless grind to watch a number go up.

    It is a trap.

    It is not needed in SoT and goes against the spirit of the game.

  • yea just because you dont like it doesn't mean its not a tool. some people like and/or want the grind, they want something to work towards. and saying it goes against the spirit of the game ? what. yea if you prestige you wont be going around getting treasure to hand in at all will you. cmon. i get you dont want the idea but try and look at it from the other person point of view.

  • @greatfailure82 sagte in Please add a prestige/rebirth system:

    yea just because you dont like it doesn't mean its not a tool. some people like and/or want the grind, they want something to work towards. and saying it goes against the spirit of the game ? what. yea if you prestige you wont be going around getting treasure to hand in at all will you. cmon. i get you dont want the idea but try and look at it from the other person point of view.

    So, look at how many people suggest that idea, and look how many respond to it...IF more people would like to have it, more then 2 or 3 (in here it's actually just 1) would answer it in a positive way in THE OFFICIAL FORUM...that's not the leave us alone with a prestige's enough to do in the game without it

  • thats literally the dumbest reason i can think of against implementing an idea. no one has come back against the idea without a slightly better worded answer than "waaaa i dont want it and this game is all about what i want waaaaa" there are far more things SoT already does to get annoyed about the it potentially adding a prestige system but this is the stand you decide to make. anyone against this idea is most likely being hypocritical

  • See I tried to approach the idea of a prestige system as a way to artificially extend the PvE goalpost for long-time veteran players. The idea was seen as solid, but it ultimately became a weak suggestion to remedy an issue I personally have with this game's, well, post-game.

    The "number going up" mentality that the prestige system has to its reputation is a realistic side effect to this idea, but the way I see this idea is "reason to do the thing pirate hunters used to do before they started hunting".

    Once you hit PL, maxed your trading companies, and cleared as many commendations as you could, there's not much you likely want to do afterwards other than... hunt pirates. Because these players are so mentally beaten up from the various PvP encounters where they had something to lose, they go and do the same thing back to the same players still on the grind. It's a vicious cycle that's never addressed because in reality no one cares.

    I honestly want veteran players to have a reason to do voyages again, and the now-updating ledger rewards system was one way to do it, but I don't think it's enough and it's not long lasting like many other things in the game.

  • @inboundbomb I don't mean a reset, just a level reset and maybe gold reset or cost, then you earn a new title plus access to items that are locked to a certain prestige, this allows players who are maxed to have something to work for. But in all honesty just being able to prestige Athenas Fortune could be a good idea in some way, this gives pirate legends something to work for after level 20 of athenas fortune. I just feel like Rare will occasionally increase level caps to further rewards and progress but if we could prestige this would be perfectly fine.

  • @galactic-geek I think you are assuming I mean resetting everytime you prestige, and I am not saying that, plus if you don't want to prestige you wouldn't have to, but for those of us that does we could. It wouldn't be an endless loop of grinding, prestiging could simply reset company levels and give access to rewards and unlock new titles.

  • @greatfailure82 Well said. Prestiging is an option, not mandatory.

  • @tek-lt said in Please add a prestige/rebirth system:

    @galactic-geek I think you are assuming I mean resetting everytime you prestige, and I am not saying that, plus if you don't want to prestige you wouldn't have to, but for those of us that does we could. It wouldn't be an endless loop of grinding, prestiging could simply reset company levels and give access to rewards and unlock new titles.

    Well, for some, whether or not to "prestige" isn't really an option if they like the cosmetics offered. There are completionists out there that don't want to be driven insane by doing the same thing over and over again. That's monotony at its finest, and monotony is never fun.

  • @schwammlgott Wow, you must really hate the idea. I am not sure why it bothers you so much since it wouldn't affect you in the slightest.

  • I really want to see a prestige system. I do. But, I don't want one for the sake of having one. I want it to be well thought out and uniquely rewarding without creating any imbalance on the seas.

    I have a mostly complete proposal on this very topic that I will post eventually. It offers to reward the dedicated playerbase and encourage continued engagement in all aspects of the game.

  • @tek-lt sagte in Please add a prestige/rebirth system:

    @schwammlgott Wow, you must really hate the idea.

    Yep, exactly 😬

  • @tek-lt said in Please add a prestige/rebirth system:

    @inboundbomb I don't mean a reset, just a level reset and maybe gold reset or cost, then you earn a new title plus access to items that are locked to a certain prestige, this allows players who are maxed to have something to work for. But in all honesty just being able to prestige Athenas Fortune could be a good idea in some way, this gives pirate legends something to work for after level 20 of athenas fortune. I just feel like Rare will occasionally increase level caps to further rewards and progress but if we could prestige this would be perfectly fine.

    Agreed. A reset is still a reset. Not saying you lose your gold or what you have purchased/earned cosmetically, just where you can't have the top tier level missions/Athena(lvl 50 in 3 factions) or emissary abilities till you are high enough rank to repurchase them. If it happens I may partake in such a manner but I still don't think it is good for end game material. Just lazy work to keep us busy. Like @galaticgeek said I want my pirate to live out his tale not re-live it and like you said it wouldn't be mandatory but we know it would be there.

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