Arena-It kind of sucks

  • Arena as a PvP focused mode favors PC’s because the machines are faster and load the game faster. Often, it took multiple crew members to cut through the lag that naturally afflicts the slower machines to actually kill a single PC boarder. Blunderbombs were a god send to us for this reason. Firebombs also opened up tactical options to trying to deal with boarders that were indistinguishable from hackers as well.

    During the first iteration of Arena, there were victory conditions that involved avoiding particularly belligerent and problematic crews; we often lost the moment a PC player boarded us, so our strategy often involved not allowing boarders by choosing our battles with PC crews very carefully. We shifted the focus from pirate vs pirate combat to ship vs ship combat whenever we had to fight them, and to which they usually were terrible at as they had been relying on pirate vs pirate combat like a debilitating crutch and never bothered to learn how to tactically maneuver their ship. They were objectively bad at the game, and by being good at the game we were able to take a variety of measures like outmaneuver them and sneak a single boarder on to drop their anchor and buy us the time we needed to escape. More importantly though was that the multiple maps with multiple chests opened up a whole new brilliant dimension of tactical choices to make; you actually had to watch what other players were doing. Who was digging how many chests? Do you want to go for a safe bet and dig chests away from the action or is the only victory condition in the melee? The amount of times we swam a chest for the victory from an island a tile away or more was brilliant in of itself. Arena was a brilliant game that stressed skills in digging, maneuvering, and outside of the box thinking with more tactical depth than you will ever reach.

    Then the update with the single chest happened. The beacon made all of our skulduggery and swashbuckling nigh but impossible. On sloops, the chest matters because the cannons won’t dominate the points. This is heavily tilted in favor of people that don’t really need any skill in the game because they just need to be able to point and click on the island to maintain dominance over the chest, and retrieve it. The beacon made anything sneaky impossible to do with the chest. This of course focused the game on streamers and other try hards. It was terrible for everyone else. Even worse was that this focused combat in a small area and made the game even more heavily tilted towards pirate vs pirate specialists, and brought a focus there for both galleons and sloops. On galleons, a pc player boarding the enemy could easily lock a ship down so that 3 cannons could constantly rack up more points than the chest ever would give. Heck, our strategy usually consisted of finding a crew that’s short on players or looked easy, lock them down and light them up until another ship flushed us out and that was how most of our victories came. I feel like our win condition was based on not fundamentally playing the game and simply exploiting the points structure and hoping another crew was not better at it or luckier than us. That’s a terrible game design. And we see increasingly people that are objectively bad at the game start to dominate because of either hardware or suspected software advantages; hacking would be way less effective under the older style arena.

    Arena is just twitch streamer self pleasing material at this point, exists mostly for the streamers and insulting to a lot of the loyal fan base that was there from the beginning and it’s just not that fun anymore. The pirate vs pirate combat was mediocre to begin with and a game mode that intentionally focuses the game on that aspect is pretty bad. I imagine twitch stream viewers can only watch a streamer click to win so many times with no intelligent thought to maneuvering or display of any other skill. Leave that to the first person shooter genre. My crew has conversations all the time about how to make arena fun again and one solution is to go back to the way arena was, and the other (and this is just to make it bearable in this case) is to buy Xbox series x and only play on Xbox servers. Arena is trash now and you’ve obviously prioritized a minority of elitists over the majority of your customer base. Arena used to actually develop skills and tactical decision making processes.

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  • @greatjoey946896 they are no longer updating arena I'm afraid. The game mode is what it is now. Sorry

  • everything you said is wrong

  • @lt-l00t said in Arena-It kind of sucks:

    everything you said is wrong

    Well that's not very polite!
    At least explain why they're wrong rather than simply degrading them with no evidence to back up your claim.
    I feel like much (but not all) of the original post is opinionative and can't really be considered "wrong".

    On the subject of the post:
    I don't know much about the old arena, but the way it is described by most makes it seem a bit more PvE based than the current arena. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but arena is meant for PvP. I agree that the current arena state is... lets just say "not good", one of the flaws being the fact that people can and are spawn camping and bombarding a ship for endless silver as it will not sink unless the lower deck has a leak, but the old version is a bit too like a tiny adventure mode with all the ships placed close to each other and PvP is more encouraged. (again, this is assumptions based on what I've heard of the old game mode, I could be very wrong about this.)
    Perhaps there is a compromise between the two versions... I can't come up with anything right now, though.
    Lastly, I don't know much about the gap between Xbox and PC as I play on a PC using a controller (I'm insane I know) so I'll take it from the op. There is a option for controller only servers for adventure (I think), so is there one for arena? Perhaps that could decrease the PC players encountered because there are much less controller players on PC than Xbox.

  • @mr-whaletoes
    1-"Arena favors Pc player" i have seen xbox players do better them pc players also the if he is xbox he can turn cross play off if he wants
    2- Hackers? really, nodody in this game can say that someone is hacking, most people that play arena all day are going to be very good this game ( exemple: TDMers and NAL players)
    3- he is also complainning about people boarding. well... [mod edit] watch ladders i guess
    4- Then he just goes on and on calling people bad when he is probably not good either
    5- and then he says "Arena was a brilliant game that stressed skills in digging, maneuvering, and outside of the box thinking" arena is not about digging chests and trying to run and sell them. its about combat its about getting better at the game its PVP both naval and ground combat, i did my LSD grind a long time ago i didnt get wins by selling chests i got wins by getting better at the game better at cannons better at shotting people with guns, got more game knowledge etc...
    6- This man is sad now because he cant dig the chest in peace and go sell them also i peace that´s why he made this post, he wants the easy way
    7- The old arena was fun i give him that, but the new arena demands more skill that´s why most people want the old arena back.
    9- New needs an update? yes. Can arena be fixed? yes. Should we go back to the old arena? no.
    10- "Arena is just twitch streamer self pleasing material at this point, exists mostly for the streamers and insulting to a lot of the loyal fan base that was there from the beginning and it’s just not that fun anymore." streamers dont go to arena, because they are afraid to lose on stream or just because they are going to get hard targeted by other yeah the "Arena is just twitch streamer self pleasing material" is just wrong.

    listen this man is probably getting spawn camped in arena or he is just mad because he cant win a arena game, and so he cames in here and he makes this post.
    Im sorry if i dont seen polite but after 4k or 5k hours in this game you start to get tired of people going on twitter or the forums saying stuff that are just not true

  • Arena is just twitch streamer self pleasing material at this point, exists mostly for the streamers and insulting to a lot of the loyal fan base that was there from the beginning and it’s just not that fun anymore.

    Streamers get camped in arena. So no streamers play arena lol.

  • @greatjoey946896
    My thoughts:

  • The original arena was the better arena.

    The fast paced version of adventure mode was how it should of stayed.

    The unlimited supplies was a horrible idea imo.
    The one chest thing took the idea that you had to understand how to dig a chest aka the basics of how to be a pirate in this world and replaced it with who can spam cannons the best

    I don't mind just sinking people but unlimited supplies ruined arena

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