Anti Trolling messures

  • In sea of thieves the main goal to me in plunder loot and sell said loot in anyway possible which I fully enjoy doing, I don't mind if its ripped out of my hands nor do I not mind if I can't catch a sloop in the wind but what I can't stand and have been dealing with very often is people who've lost interest in loot and that seem to only want to troll due to their boredom. What I mean by this is taking loot and despawning it in anyway possible, Spawnkilling repeatedly until every barrel has been despawned. I don't see the fun in this nor the reasoning.

    Im making this post mostly bc I've encountered the same two pirate legends that have nothing better to do than this exact practice, for two days my mates and I have been plundering and these trolls have tried time and time again to perform this task. When there is the three of us they cant spawn kill us fast enough but when its only myself or 1 fellow crew mate oh then they finally have the advantage. These individuals cant use their sword worth a seadog but oh can they use blunder and quickscope with a rifle.

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  • @shadowerie said in Anti Trolling messures:

    In sea of thieves the main goal to me in plunder loot and sell said loot in anyway possible which I fully enjoy doing, I don't mind if its ripped out of my hands nor do I not mind if I can't catch a sloop in the wind but what I can't stand and have been dealing with very often is people who've lost interest in loot and that seem to only want to troll due to their boredom. What I mean by this is taking loot and despawning it in anyway possible, Spawnkilling repeatedly until every barrel has been despawned. I don't see the fun in this nor the reasoning.

    Im making this post mostly bc I've encountered the same two pirate legends that have nothing better to do than this exact practice, for two days my mates and I have been plundering and these trolls have tried time and time again to perform this task. When there is the three of us they cant spawn kill us fast enough but when its only myself or 1 fellow crew mate oh then they finally have the advantage. These individuals cant use their sword worth a seadog but oh can they use blunder and quickscope with a rifle.

    You encountered the same trolls twice in two days ? That's unlucky.
    Or do you have the streamer setting on that replaces gamertags (e.g. Little Ned, Ruby Splashtail, Captain Chicken, Captain Adelheid to name a few) ?

    [Don't post their actual gamertags - that's not allowed, check here for a list of generated gamertags] to make sure you encountered the same ones.

  • @lem0n-curry Same two, had the same tactics, did the same thing. I wouldn't care if they wanted loot, but nope they gotta just take it and dump it.

  • I don’t understand the problem here.
    Besides two pirates seem to have spawn locked you and kill you over and over.

    Now how this be trolling idk? They don’t take your loot? Idk

  • @burnbacon Read the post the issue isn't spawn locking the issue is they were trolling by despawning loot.

  • @shadowerie How do you despawn loot? 🤔

    Spawn camping is a complicated thing and depends of different factors to decide whether it’s bannable. Camping for the enjoyment of pvp and doing nothing but that is against tos and rare will take account action. Camping with the intent to sink however isn’t bannable.

    Looting your barrels is a legitimate tactic used by partners and cms have said it’s valid on the official discord. If this was happening over multiple days with the same people it’s considered which hunting and you can report them.

    Either way, if you believe someone did something wrong, you can report them here for the support team to decide.

  • @shadowerie said in Anti Trolling messures:

    Same two, had the same tactics, did the same thing. I wouldn't care if they wanted loot, but nope they gotta just take it and dump it.

    Any chance you’re on OCE servers? You basically run into the same people every day. I’ve seen someone meet the same person on OCE servers three days in a row.

    Spawn camping and double gunning is a very popular tactic. Just because they wanted your storage crates doesnt mean it’s the same people.

    Dumping loot is done so you waste time picking it back up. It gives them more time to bring their ship and sink you.

  • Welcome to SoT were you are a pirate and you can do what you want because a pirate os free.

  • @shadowerie said in Anti Trolling messures:

    In sea of thieves the main goal to me in plunder loot and sell said loot in anyway possible which I fully enjoy doing, I don't mind if its ripped out of my hands nor do I not mind if I can't catch a sloop in the wind but what I can't stand and have been dealing with very often is people who've lost interest in loot and that seem to only want to troll due to their boredom. What I mean by this is taking loot and despawning it in anyway possible, Spawnkilling repeatedly until every barrel has been despawned. I don't see the fun in this nor the reasoning.

    Im making this post mostly bc I've encountered the same two pirate legends that have nothing better to do than this exact practice, for two days my mates and I have been plundering and these trolls have tried time and time again to perform this task. When there is the three of us they cant spawn kill us fast enough but when its only myself or 1 fellow crew mate oh then they finally have the advantage. These individuals cant use their sword worth a seadog but oh can they use blunder and quickscope with a rifle.

    My comrade and I do not spawn camp so it was not us, but I can agree with the sentiment, spawn camping is kinda cancerous to the game because it drives out new players.

    We tend to only kill ships we suspect have loot, and if they look like new players we don't even bother them, we might even GIVE them treasure. The game is all about fun, and if someone is making it un-fun that's not actually a good thing.

  • @shadowerie “Spawnkilling repeatedly until every barrel has been despawned. I don’t see the fun in this nor the reasoning.” My friend, you must know by now that gold and treasure are not the only things that pirates are after. Everyone plays to have fun. Making gold is fun for some, doing tall tales is fun for some, and making memories is fun for some. However, even though it seems contradicting - stealing gold is fun for some, ruining tall tales is fun for some, and making sure you remember to fear the seas is fun for some. You might ask me: who then deserves to have fun and who then is entitled to their way? I would then answer: Anyone who has the ability to.

  • @aribalam You despawn loot by grabbing and dumping in the water after ~10 minutes it will fully sink and despawn, to dump barrels you grab a storage crate (I always keep some on board) fill the crate from the barrels and do the same as the loot.

  • @shadowerie The best way to deal with such a situation is simply to scuttle. It is a legit method and there is no shame in using it.

  • The question is not why they spawncamped you and kill you without reason,
    the question is why you LET them spawncamp and kill you without reason?

  • @mrmalfor Pay attention to the point of the post I don't care that they spawn kill I care that their goal is to remove everything on a boat and put it in the water and spawn kill to then make sure it despawns. Read the post!

  • @shadowerie You let them on board and kill you, that was the moment you no longer get to have say on what happens to your treasure and supplies on board. Pirates don't always need to sell loot and usually their goal is to make sure you don't have it/sell it. Please don't let them kill you next time.

  • Just report them to SOT, really.


    I don't see the fun in this nor the reasoning.

    You actually do

    troll due to their boredom.

  • @nex-stargaze Is this a practice you do then bc your ignoring the point, I don't care where the treasure goes what I care is they have a purpose and not to be a troll

  • @shadowerie It's a reality most players have to learn to face, loot isn't yours until you sell it, and whatever happens to that loot happens until it despawns either by being sold by another crew, or despawning on the island/under the rolling waves.

    As I said before, you let the enemy on board and you died to them, what they do with the loot is no longer your concern because you failed to guard it against the enemy. If it sinks, it sinks. If it's sold, it's sold. It's not trolling if they let loot you didn't sell despawn in the ocean.

  • Ultimately this is a matter for the Support team to decide. If you feel that an action is against the code of conduct, etc, then please send them a ticket to report it and let them decide where it lines up with their ideals for what is or isn't, should or shouldn't be, allowed within the gaming environment.

    That said, and as this has moved beyond the intended purpose, we will be dropping anchor on it here. Thank you.

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