Meg and kraken same time

  • I feel it’s a bit redundant that every time I fight a Kraken, a megladon shows up to help him out. Attacks the ship without provocation. Even on a sloop (the lowest difficult kraken and Meg). It was way to difficult. Oh and when kraken died all I got was some meat and an ashen crate.

    It wouldn’t be so bad if it was only now and then. But it’s been consistent with every kraken fight I’ve encountered in the entire game.

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  • @originalmage57 said in Meg and kraken same time:

    I feel it’s a bit redundant that every time I fight a Kraken, a megladon shows up to help him out. Attacks the ship without provocation. Even on a sloop (the lowest difficult kraken and Meg). It was way to difficult. Oh and when kraken died all I got was some meat and an ashen crate.

    It wouldn’t be so bad if it was only now and then. But it’s been consistent with every kraken fight I’ve encountered in the entire game.

    Hardly ever happens that way for me, are you sure you're not exaggerating a tad?

  • kraken on a sloop is a few cannonballs and a meg on a sloop is just one or two small holes

    after a little experience the urgency and threat in these situations goes way down to completely manageable levels

    just take pretty screenshots when it happens

  • @wolfmanbush the Meg alone takes 18 cannons (without missing) from what I hear. And if you read my post I did kill the kraken (my lack of experience wasn’t the issue). Just found it unreasonable to fight them both EVERY time I fight a kraken. It never just the kraken alone. What would a screenshot or video do? As if me explaining it wasn’t enough lol

  • @wolfmanbush plus once the kraken sucks you off the ship (solo) and the Meg has free range of your ship what’s your “manageable solution” lol.

  • @originalmage57 don’t get sucked, you have a huge warning before it happens.

    Also had this happen to me last night while sailing on a brig, it was pretty fun. Kraken also only takes 2 tentacles on a sloop so you’re really only fighting a meg in this scenario.

  • @originalmage57 said in Meg and kraken same time:

    @wolfmanbush plus once the kraken sucks you off the ship (solo) and the Meg has free range of your ship what’s your “manageable solution” lol.

    It's not a real issue. It's something that rarely occurs because krakens rarely spawn. I'm someone that intentionally hunts these scenarios and have for a couple years and it's not common.

    some people don't like it
    some people sink to it and don't like that they ran into a bit of bad luck
    some people don't like pve in their pvp

    it's awesome the see
    it makes pve and pvp interesting which breaks up monotony
    great for screenshots
    exciting and thrilling
    feels like an actual fantasy pirate sailing experience
    much much easier on a sloop

    to me the significance of the pros far outweigh the cons

  • @originalmage57
    1 - on a sloop it takes only 2 tentacle kills to defeat the kraken.
    2 - before a kraken sucks you off the ship you hear a sucking noise plus a visual que in the form of dust flying past, just go below deck and issue averted
    3 - megalodon is laughably easy on a sloop, two hits in the face averts an attack and 15~20 cannonballs to kill the thing

  • @wolfmanbush my main con: it happens. Every. Single. Time. Is that so hard to not want to get double jumped each time? Lol. I think I actually said it once I’ll quote it again “I wouldn’t mind if it was every now and then” but this is the 3rd time I’ve fought the kraken. And the 3rd time the kraken and meg came at the same time.

    That’s not “rare” for me that’s 100% of the time lol.

  • @originalmage57 said in Meg and kraken same time:

    @wolfmanbush my main con: it happens. Every. Single. Time. Is that so hard to not want to get double jumped each time? Lol. I think I actually said it once I’ll quote it again “I wouldn’t mind if it was every now and then” but this is the 3rd time I’ve fought the kraken. And the 3rd time the kraken and meg came at the same time.

    That’s not “rare” for me that’s 100% of the time lol.

    it's a small sample size though. It feels like a lot to you and that's understandable but big picture outlook is that you're going to become more equipped to handle this and you're going to see how easy it will be for you after it clicks for you

    When you're solo and starting out everything feels like a lot but if you keep playing and figuring out how you're going to handle these situations you not only handle them but begin to appreciate them. It's useful for loot and emissary rep, it helps your commendations, and it becomes something that is fun to see

    every server is different and rng makes a lot of situations different. You're going to see a lot of different things it's not always gonna be this or that.

  • @originalmage57 Thats pretty awful. I've had a skelly ship spawn as I got krakened, however you can avoid getting krakened. Look in the sky for world events. If you don't see one, stay near an island. Krakens only spawn when there is no world event.

  • @originalmage57 That is some extremely unlucky RNG you've run across! I can most assuredly tell you that it's not always like that. I personally rarely run across two events at once. (Then again, I can't remember the last time my ship was krakened...) But as others have said, there are ways of mitigating the challenge and it's not so dire as it has been portrayed. (Even while solo.) When the kraken is going to pull you from your ship, you'll see high wind gusts and you'll want to get below decks until that graphic has ended. When the meg bites, it'll usually only be a couple of holes. And lastly, when the kraken wraps your ship, watch for the little tentacle mouth that pops up next to your ship. You'll be wanting to hit that one with your cannon to make her disengage and let go. With the proper patience and not letting yourself descend in to the chaos, you'll be seeing yourself to clearer waters in no time!

  • If the purpose of your post was to get Rare to nerf such scenarios, I hope they don’t. They’ve already nerfed the Sloop Kraken to the point of being laughably easy (I have a clip of me vanquishing one in 11 seconds).

    Adding a Meg, again laughably easy on a Sloop, creates a little bit of a challenge, but still far from insurmountable. It just takes practice, knowledge {of how each attacks}, and staying focused.

    The other option is turn your ship 180° and sail out of the Kraken.

    You want a real challenge though, throw in a Skelly Ship and a storm with the Kraken and Meg... Had that twice, overcame it once, and wish I could get it more!

  • @originalmage57 sagte in Meg and kraken same time:

    @wolfmanbush the Meg alone takes 18 cannons (without missing) from what I hear. And if you read my post I did kill the kraken (my lack of experience wasn’t the issue). Just found it unreasonable to fight them both EVERY time I fight a kraken. It never just the kraken alone. What would a screenshot or video do? As if me explaining it wasn’t enough lol

    18? On a sloop? I don't think so...
    Kraken on a sloop needs just 6(!) cannonballs...2 tentacles each 3 shots...
    By the time the meg attacks the first time, the kraken should be killed already...

  • @originalmage57 sagte in Meg and kraken same time:

    @wolfmanbush plus once the kraken sucks you off the ship (solo) and the Meg has free range of your ship what’s your “manageable solution” lol.

    If you got sucked up by the kraken, it's your own obviously see it, when it tries to suck you up

  • Meg and Kraken at this same time is an interesting encounter as I see it. I don't see it often since the Kraken is so easy to avoid that I don't have it happen often unless I'm allowing it to happen. I quite enjoy that encounters out there aren't limited to a "this or that" kind of setup, but can be mix and matched in every way giving the most possible kinds of outcomes you can potentially run into. Just keep at it and you'll soon see other variations of encounters (including the solo Kraken, all the way up to a Kraken/Meg/Skellie Ship/Player Ship/Other all at once).

    Variety is the spice of life. You're only 3 encounters deep so far, give yourself more time and you'll see more encounters.

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