
  • Does anyone know if spawncamping to steal supplies is bannable. Support wouldn't tell me.

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  • @turkaspy
    in this game spawn camping is not bannable. the only thing close would be if they were some how being toxic or greefing in the process.

    In Sea of Thieves you always have the option to scuttle your boat, so spawn camping is 100% fine. If you don't like the situation your in and want the threw in the town just scuttle.

    do you know how to scuttle (not sarcastic, just asking so we can tell you if you don't).

  • @shifty189 nah. They started banning people for it like a week ago. A couple people I know got a temp ban for spawn camping.

  • If people are getting in trouble for spawn camping as an act this game is in trouble

    My guess would be that it's what people are saying and typing while doing it that is causing the problem

    Killing pirates doesn't violate any rules
    treating people terribly on the mic or in text does

  • @turkaspy said:

    Support wouldn't tell me.

    There is no defined list of what is bannable. I suspect this is because it makes it easier for them to ban whoever for whatever.

    All you're gonna get in this thread is conflicting anecdotes. I've camped plenty of ships without lifting a single banana out of their barrels. I just keep my mouth shut while doing it, so I can't get accused of anything else lol.

  • @turkaspy said in Spawncamping:

    @shifty189 nah. They started banning people for it like a week ago. A couple people I know got a temp ban for spawn camping.

    ok 2 things. 1) if you know the answer, why did you ask? and 2) i 100% guarantee that no one has ever been banned for spawn camping. its almost required to sink a ship. what you probably seen is people being toxic while spawn camping, and getting banned for that.

    again spawn camping is 100% fine in this game. Just be respectful of your adversary while doing it.

  • My guess is this also comes down to what type of pirates you fight.

    For instance I generally only fight people around my skill or better to much better and most of us have no interest in reporting each other. I don't mess with people in general till they bring the fight to me. I fight a lot it's just people that aren't gonna be reckless with reporting for the most part.

    If people are out there to just watch the world burn they more often encounter/kill people that are just itching to put in reports that freak out when they lose. The more reports the more chance someone faces some form of consequences whether it was really justified or not just because of volume

    Mostly I think it's just behavior and people think it's gameplay related but I could see people getting nabbed if they enjoy taking out emotionally vulnerable pirates on a regular basis

  • @theblackbellamy Yeah. Support litterally told me "this would be a great question to ask on our forum" Yes because the community are the ones who decide whats bannable and what isn't not the support team.

  • @shifty189 said in Spawncamping:

    in this game spawn camping is not bannable. the only thing close would be if they were some how being toxic or greefing in the process.

    Ironically it is usually the camp-ee that becomes toxic and could be banned lol.

  • @turkaspy said in Spawncamping:

    @theblackbellamy Yeah. Support litterally told me "this would be a great question to ask on our forum" Yes because the community are the ones who decide whats bannable and what isn't not the support team.

    Nothing is absolute or consistent when it comes to discretion but most of us that have been in A LOT of combat and done and seen all sorts of things seem to generally agree that as long as you don't verbally attack them while doing so there isn't a problem.

    Just don't give anyone any mean girl recordings to use against you. Which people shouldn't be doing anyway

  • @shifty189 said in Spawncamping:

    @turkaspy said in Spawncamping:

    @shifty189 nah. They started banning people for it like a week ago. A couple people I know got a temp ban for spawn camping.

    ok 2 things. 1) if you know the answer, why did you ask? and 2) i 100% guarantee that no one has ever been banned for spawn camping. its almost required to sink a ship. what you probably seen is people being toxic while spawn camping, and getting banned for that.

    again spawn camping is 100% fine in this game. Just be respectful of your adversary while doing it.

    Nah bro I have seen the screenshots of the support team themselves saying "you were temporarily removed from our services for spawncamping"

    And I asked because I was wondering if you could be banned for spawncamping while stealing supplies. I first asked support and then they told me to come here. So I dont know the answer.

  • @turkaspy Lol wait that's actually hilarious. So you ask support, and support directs you to the forums. If you ask in the forums, the mods will say the conversation isn't productive, lock the post, and direct you to support. What? 😂

    Brings me back to the days when, if we had internet problems, my dad would bounce between calls with the ISP blaming the router, and the router company blaming the ISP. Nowadays I just have a gateway modem through my ISP. I'm digressing.

  • @turkaspy
    Nah bro I have seen the screenshots of the support team themselves saying "you were temporarily removed from our services for spawncamping"And I asked because I was wondering if you could be banned for spawncamping while stealing supplies. I first asked support and then they told me to come here. So I dont know the answer.

    Nobody is going to look into the weeds that hard to figure out why you were doing what you were doing

    if they said it's spawn camping then I guess it's from spawn camping. It could be an isolated incident with one person's discretion, could be a generic reason that also included verbal stuff, or maybe they are making a lame decision and opening that whole can of worms. We don't know

    I would just play how you want to play and don't get involved in verbal stuff and see what happens. If they start interfering with gameplay to favor one side and penalize another like that it won't be a very fun game anymore anyway.

  • As long as we don’t call people {mod edit}ing piece of {mod edit} who {mod edit}s your mom, you shouldn’t be banned. So stay silent and steal those supplies. I don’t think the camped player has anything to report you on if you don’t say anything. It’s their fault if you camp them for an hour and they can’t find the scuttle button.

  • @theblackbellamy same, one good thing about being in xbox party chat prevents you from saying or hearing anything.

  • @turkaspy said in Spawncamping:

    @theblackbellamy Yeah. Support litterally told me "this would be a great question to ask on our forum" Yes because the community are the ones who decide whats bannable and what isn't not the support team.

    LOL ok I've officially decided the Customer Support/Management of this game makes no sense.

    And since its up to us to decide, the answer is officially No. And anyone who says otherwise is toxic for trying to get people banned for trivial reasons.

  • Although Side note: actually I think a change away from letting support/cms/mods give their own narrow interpretation of the code of conduct is a postive one.

    I feel like we could have some sort of official statement about all this @xtinamcgrath. That perhaps trys to explain the reasoning and thinking behind any potential suspensions and bans.

    People in an official or semi-official capacity have been saying nearly everything is bannable for years. Nothings really been done to combat the idea that the suspensions/bans are excessive and unwarranted.

    When the reality is, any time I've looked into bans it's always actually been for some really over the line stuff. Other people I've talked to that are in a position to look into things all say suspensions/bans have been deserved. I'm really personally not worried about the enforcement team.

    But I'm not sure, "Ask on the forums" was the greatest reply either. Like if the sort of "be nice to each other" previous statements have proven not to be enough. Maybe a new statement from Rare attempting to appreciate the different sides of this, and explain more in depth the issues at hand would be a better thing Support/Mods can link to then. Just the code of conduct itself or saying "ask on the forums"

  • @turkaspy said in Spawncamping:

    @shifty189 said in Spawncamping:

    @turkaspy said in Spawncamping:

    @shifty189 nah. They started banning people for it like a week ago. A couple people I know got a temp ban for spawn camping.

    ok 2 things. 1) if you know the answer, why did you ask? and 2) i 100% guarantee that no one has ever been banned for spawn camping. its almost required to sink a ship. what you probably seen is people being toxic while spawn camping, and getting banned for that.

    again spawn camping is 100% fine in this game. Just be respectful of your adversary while doing it.

    Nah bro I have seen the screenshots of the support team themselves saying "you were temporarily removed from our services for spawncamping"

    And I asked because I was wondering if you could be banned for spawncamping while stealing supplies. I first asked support and then they told me to come here. So I dont know the answer.

    Please don't misunderstand this, I AM NOT CALLING YOU A LIAR AT ALL. but if you have this screenshot would you mind sharing it with us please? I ask because if they are now banning people for this (somehow) i need to stop telling people its ok.

  • @shifty189 said in Spawncamping:

    @turkaspy said in Spawncamping:

    @shifty189 said in Spawncamping:

    @turkaspy said in Spawncamping:

    @shifty189 nah. They started banning people for it like a week ago. A couple people I know got a temp ban for spawn camping.

    ok 2 things. 1) if you know the answer, why did you ask? and 2) i 100% guarantee that no one has ever been banned for spawn camping. its almost required to sink a ship. what you probably seen is people being toxic while spawn camping, and getting banned for that.

    again spawn camping is 100% fine in this game. Just be respectful of your adversary while doing it.

    Nah bro I have seen the screenshots of the support team themselves saying "you were temporarily removed from our services for spawncamping"

    And I asked because I was wondering if you could be banned for spawncamping while stealing supplies. I first asked support and then they told me to come here. So I dont know the answer.

    Please don't misunderstand this, I AM NOT CALLING YOU A LIAR AT ALL. but if you have this screenshot would you mind sharing it with us please? I ask because if they are now banning people for this (somehow) i need to stop telling people its ok.

    I believe the channel it was posted in was purged. Although if ask support "is spawncamping bannable" they should tell you.

  • @turkaspy People have been banned for spawncamping streamers and others lately. In the recent podcast they mentioned spawncamping and briefly said they may look to fix it, i.e. somehow make it not possible. But what you are talking about sounds fine, you board, take em out, steal supplies while killing new spawns and leave. That isn't spawncamping. What is bannable is when you fix the ship, or make no attempt to sink, so they continue to spawn and keep killing over and over.

  • @cornelius-ix said in Spawncamping:

    @turkaspy People have been banned for spawncamping streamers and others lately. In the recent podcast they mentioned spawncamping and briefly said they may look to fix it, i.e. somehow make it not possible. But what you are talking about sounds fine, you board, take em out, steal supplies while killing new spawns and leave. That isn't spawncamping. What is bannable is when you fix the ship, or make no attempt to sink, so they continue to spawn and keep killing over and over.

    that is such murky water to get into who is sinking who too slow or not killing fast enough

    if they want to change how death operates or respawns or whatever that is their choice to make but any consequences for pirates killing pirates when they aren't cheating and are just playing how the game allows them to play is flat out ridiculous

    Nobody should face consequences for killing pirates if they aren't cheating and aren't personally attacking someone via mic/text

  • @cornelius-ix said:

    What is bannable is when you fix the ship, or make no attempt to sink, so they continue to spawn and keep killing over and over.

    If I'm voyaging and I get attacked by the same crew multiple times, I'll sink them once or twice, and then camp them every subsequent interaction.

    It's the easiest way to dissuade a ship from continuing to pursue you. I make no attempt to sink them, and repair them if needed. Even after I steal their supplies, I'll continue to camp them till they scuttle or leave on their own. Haven't been banned yet.

  • @shifty189 said:

    I ask because if they are now banning people for this (somehow) i need to stop telling people its ok.

    If you're genuinely concerned with giving people accurate information, then the best thing you can do is tell people that there is no list of what is bannable. This is literally all we know from the mods. It's why I keep linking to their posts in my replies to threads like this one.

    Other than that, you'd only be offering speculation, anecdotes or opinions on what should or shouldn't be banned.

  • No but there’s easier ways for supplies like forts, outposts and you know barrels in the sea

  • @cornelius-ix said in Spawncamping:

    @turkaspy People have been banned for spawncamping streamers and others lately. In the recent podcast they mentioned spawncamping and briefly said they may look to fix it, i.e. somehow make it not possible. But what you are talking about sounds fine, you board, take em out, steal supplies while killing new spawns and leave. That isn't spawncamping. What is bannable is when you fix the ship, or make no attempt to sink, so they continue to spawn and keep killing over and over.

    Except. Thats an assumption therein lies the issue with Rare Support. So we really don't know if that counts as spawncamping or not.

  • Rare is the worst company when it comes being transparent with their rules. If there's a reason to be banned outside of the Code of Conduct, they should outright tell us. Like someone else said earlier, Rare doesn't tell us what's bannable because it makes it easier for them to ban whoever for whatever without having to provide an explanation.

    "You were banned for glitching/exploiting"
    Okay, so what for exactly? Item sprinting? Double gunning? Sword Lunging? Animation Cancelling?
    All these are glitches/exploits, and aren't bannable. Can you be a bit more specific, all mighty Rare?

    "You've been banned for toxicity"
    Okay, so what was said/done that would be construed as toxic in your eyes? Can you show me the chat logs/evidence? Was what was said misconstrued into something more sinister?

    Not saying Rare isn't doing a good job with how they deal with legitimate reports, but being able to act without a clear guideline isn't a good way to handle their punishment system. It's left up to whoevers desk it falls upon and their prerogative.

    It doesn't surprise me though since people have been banned for Discord chats that happened outside of the game itself, so who knows if we'll get a definitive answer of what's bannable in the future. Great game, terrible customer service and/or security team.

  • @turkaspy True, but I think the spawncamping has to be pretty toxic to be bannable, like if it could be classified as harassment or something similar.

  • @theblackbellamy You probably won’t be because people don’t make a 10 minute video of it and report it.

  • @cornelius-ix said:

    because people don’t make a 10 minute video of it and report it.

    It rarely takes all of 10 minutes before the crew scuttles or leaves the game. Plus, if I'm not behaving toxic through voice or text, then there's not much for them to clip or report. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Whether it's 10 minutes or 1 minute, it's only their own ego keeping them in that camp. You gotta know when to hold 'em; know when to fold 'em. The game gives you the ability to walk away at any time.

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