Hardcore Adventure Mode

  • Its like regular adventure mode except there is crew Permadeath.

    Your lifeforce is tied to your ship.

    If your ship is sunk and all the crew are killed they are kicked from the session and join another.

    If however a surviving crew member manages to reach a mermaid then their ship respawns as does their crew.

    Deceased players will be stranded on the ferry until somebody reaches a mermaid and respawns the ship.

  • 7
  • This mode would be pointless because it's too easy to get to a mermaid. Also, it severely punishes solo pirates compared to any other sized crew.

  • @galactic-geek Perhaps mermaids could be adjusted in this mode to accommodate. As a solo myself i would love this mode.

    It would be very punishing and unforgiving which makes me wanna play it all the more.

    Plus, you kill a crew and sink their ship you'll never see them again!

    You could break up an alliance by simply ensuring no survivors.

    Id be down for that! Haha

  • Then what happens if you all die, do you get booted from the server?

  • @stryps3071tv Only if your ship is sunk and all crew dead.

    Getting to a mermaid will respawn your ship and enable you to continue in the current server. Aswell as allow your dead crew to respawn.

    So if you sink a ship, kill the crew to eliminate them from the server.
    No more ships keep coming back again and again at your fort etc.

  • And what if the ship de-spawns because the game thinks you are stuck? There are so many things that could mess this game mechanic up.

  • @ghostfire1981 said in Hardcore Adventure Mode:

    And what if the ship de-spawns because the game thinks you are stuck? There are so many things that could mess this game mechanic up.

    You get your ship stuck often?

    You could simply get another by going to mermaid. You only get kicked to a new server if your ship sinks and you are on the ferry of the damned. So eitherway it wouldnt matter much... Unless you died then sunk.

6 out of 7