How to deal with TDM losers

  • Honestly, it seems like every Arena Match I play, I get stuck with 3 of 5 ships or more that just want to go over to the fort and TDM.
    For those of us who really wanted a PVP area to do ship to ship combat since encounters in adventure mode aren't as common as we'd all like, these people are ruining the Arena.
    So basically, if you're in a game where they're like, "Leave us alone, go get treasure and get a free win!" (Yeah, because that's fun...)
    All I do is sail up so that I'm a decent distance away, blast their ships, blunder bomb them if they get on board, and scuttle if that doesn't work. You have no idea how super unhinged they get when they no longer have the power to mass-spawn-kill you.
    If you can pull it off (unlikely, these guys to their credit are very skilled at CQC), raise their anchor, and move their ship away from the fort. Even if it doesn't sink it screws up their vibe if you can get the ship far enough away where the cannons won't reach the fort. Remember either way, once you're down, immediately scuttle. Don't give them a chance to spawn camp you.
    Repeat this process a few times and they leave your servers. If we all work at this, we can get these losers to go back to CoD where they belong.

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  • So attack ships in a mode where one of the main goals is to attack ships?

    alt text

  • @wolfmanbush IKR!?!?!?!

  • @StCyrilius
    This... just might work.
    alt text

    Fix arena? Poison the poisoners.

  • Wouldn't this qualify as griefing? You are literally saying that you're going to harass and disturb them playing, and encouraging others to do the same?

    They aren't there to mess up your game and will (usually) leave you alone as long as you let them kill each other. Why not try joining in and practicing your own skills a little bit, surely a round or two isnt that bad?

    Arena is the easiest place to set up TDM currently, and they will most likely move on once custom servers come out to the public.

  • Let everyone play like he want to .
    No griefing , or tdm is also griefing and hindering others to play like intended , No?

  • Arena was designed for fast action combat, there are no real rules besides how the game grants you points. They could have easily had different gamemodes from the start so this wouldn't be an issue at all.

    TDM is still a style of play that is not intending to hinder others, as long as they don't go around bullying/harassing others on the same server like OP is suggesting to do to them.

  • I start to like the hippocrisy and how everyone has his own PoV and defends it by heart 😆
    So what is griefing in sinking ships to get points when others play TDM?

    Should , could, would .... doesnt matter.

  • I've only just pointed out that what op suggested to do agains tdm players would be in my opinion against the code of conduct per the harrasment part. I am not defending or favoring anyone or anything beside that point.

    Harass, bully, intimidate, threaten or encourage others to do harm. None of these behaviours will be tolerated. Any activity you engage in that is solely designed to target and upset another player or crew constitutes bullying. Repeated activity designed to ruin the experience of another player or crew constitutes harassment. Not only do we take these things very seriously, many law enforcement agencies recognise online abuse as an offence. If necessary, we will report incidents to the relevant authorities to take further action.

  • @lukadra I don't understand. OP suggests to go and sink their ships. That is what Arena is about. So I don't see this as harrasment? Or am I misunderstanding sth here?

  • @lukadra sagte in How to deal with TDM losers:

    I've only just pointed out that what op suggested to do agains tdm players would be in my opinion against the code of conduct per the harrasment part. I am not defending or favoring anyone or anything beside that point.

    Harass, bully, intimidate, threaten or encourage others to do harm. None of these behaviours will be tolerated. Any activity you engage in that is solely designed to target and upset another player or crew constitutes bullying. Repeated activity designed to ruin the experience of another player or crew constitutes harassment. Not only do we take these things very seriously, many law enforcement agencies recognise online abuse as an offence. If necessary, we will report incidents to the relevant authorities to take further action.

    Why does anyone get upset because his ship was sunk, no matter if Arena or Adventure mode?
    Isn't this part of the game???
    If TDMers dont protect their ships its their fault or not?
    From your logic a PVE player could say that PvP is bullying, because he refuses to partake in PvP.
    Because TDMers refuse to partake in Ship battles, but like to CQC on islands it's not bullying, TDMers just refuse to play the Arena like intended, thats all.
    Or is there a TDM CQC only mode available? No it isnt!

    ridiculous this all becomes

  • @bummsfalleralel

    All I do is sail up so that I'm a decent distance away, blast their ships, blunder bomb them if they get on board, and scuttle if that doesn't work. You have no idea how super unhinged they get when they no longer have the power to mass-spawn-kill you

    Clearly his intention is to mess up their game and make them leave? I would say that counts as bullying.


    Yes sinking ships is part of the game, I havent said otherwise. You seem to be misunderstanding something if you say my thats my logic since I haven't been saying anything like that. You also seem to be stuck in the mindset that everything is supposed to be exactly by your perspective, "as intended". The game is a sandbox, only thing intended is to play in it, and not be a big jerk.

  • @lukadra Blasting enemy ships is how you play arena. TDMers not participating and giving others the win might seem nice, but it ruins the arena match because it's not about winning but about fighting for the win...

  • @Lukadra

    @lukadra sagte in How to deal with TDM losers:

    Wouldn't this qualify as griefing?

    as i said no

    @lukadra sagte in How to deal with TDM losers:

    TDM is still a style of play that is not intending to hinder others, as long as they don't go around bullying/harassing others on the same server like OP is suggesting to do to them.

    you you are posting that the OP suggests griefing, no?

    @lukadra sagte in How to deal with TDM losers:

    I've only just pointed out that what op suggested to do agains tdm players would be in my opinion against the code of conduct per the harrasment part.

    and again...

    and now you tell me:

    @lukadra sagte in How to deal with TDM losers:

    You seem to be misunderstanding something if you say my thats my logic since I haven't been saying anything like that.

    and then become personal about me?!

    dude, i cant take you serious, sorry

    Lets make a Thread about PVP Hopping to sink PVE only players.
    Would that be me suggest griefing, although the PvE players dont want to get sunk by PvPers?

    Im not the one who is biased, its you who has some crude artifically constructed rules in your head what is griefing and what is not.
    Makes me think you are playing TDM in Arena and complain about others who want to sink your ships and then cry its griefing, because someone disturbs the playstyle you choose.
    Self inflicted problems if someone decides to TDM in Arena and not to protect the Ship.

  • I mean, I’ll just take the free wins, thank you very much. I won’t bother the people at the fort if it makes winning that much easier. Once dug up five chests in a match thanks to those TDMers.

  • @stundorn

    I don't get what your problem with me is. I just quoted some rules from the pirate code or whatever code of conduct, and what I think goes against them. Im not here complaining about getting sunk or being killed in pve or pvp, or sinking tdm players or anything else. I have no bias towards tdm or plain arena. I am only against griefing here.

  • @lukadra

    and as is said it is not griefing or anything like that!
    it was you who considered it would fit with the harassment and griefing in the CoC, or not?
    How can it be griefing if they choose their special playstyle and aproach and others just do what is perfectly normal in the game is beyond me.

    As i made the comparison i can "invent" a new playstyle and everybody disturbing it with PvP is griefing?
    How is that even a thought to you is beyond me, sorry.

  • @stundorn
    So what you're saying is that targeting a specific player/group with the specific intention to get them to leave the game is normal and okay? That's not cool man...

  • @lukadra

    I only say serverhoppers for PvP only and let everyone play like he/she want to.

    Isn't that what is argued here in these Forums all day?
    So when pure pvpers hop Servers to find PvE only Players thats completely fine is ask you?!

    Hippocrisy and doublestandards of PvP Players tdm'ing in Arena that is , nothing else.

    It's their fault to refuse to fight with ships as it is the PvE only Players fault to think nobody should attack them!

    I have a new playstyle , fishing only in Arena at an Island , take the win, but please leave me alone.
    Dont attack me , its against the CoC, because its griefing and harassing.
    Got it?

    You cannot invent your own playstyle and call everybody else playing regular a griefer, what mindset is that???

    Btw PvP only players often state they want to make the players they sink quit the session to get new ships to fight/grief on the server.
    Is this against the CoC and griefing?

  • @stundorn a dit dans How to deal with TDM losers :

    Btw PvP only players often state they want to make the players they sink quit the session to get new ships to fight/grief on the server.
    Is this against the CoC and griefing?

    Honestly harassing players in order to make them miserable enough for them to quit session and merge server... I don't see it respecting the CoC. If I'm server hoping and I don't feel like the server is active enough, I feel like it's on me to change server then.

    Regarding Tdmer, they are the reason for me not playing Arena. Maybe I was unlucky but I've never played a full lobby. At most 2 ships playing the actual mode and the others parked at an island, I'm planning in giving it another go when tdmer are finally out.

  • @john-arkham

    Dont get me wrong i also think its harassing , but the majority defends this and say let everybody Play like he want to blabla.
    I can name you at least 3 or more forum members and long time players that also play with streamers afaik that argue exactly this way, they play to make the other quit session to get fresh meat. Openly stated here in the forums mutliple times and defended by others.
    During the Pace and Rocco drama many said the Pirate Code is a funny guideline
    and there is nothing playfull with PvP .
    Sink or get sunk , spawnkill or get spawnkilled.
    Survival of the fittest mindest.

  • @stundorn well in this case I disagree with them.

  • @stundorn
    I am not talking about someone playing regulalry. I've been talking about a situation where someone is only trying to make others quit the game, repeatedly, a very specific scenario. Doesn't matter if its arena or adventure, pve or pvp, it's griefing at that point. That clear enough for you or do you still disagree? No reason to bring up game modes real or false, different playstyles don't matter either.

  • @stcyrilius aight so there's a lot of thigns wrong with this.

    a) yes funny cod argument haha we are all toxic people from call of duty who like tdming and that is wrong >:((( angry yes funny
    b) ok. who cares if there are tdming. like who actually cares if there are ships in your game that aren't going to attack you. yes it is arena but there is no right way to play arena. just like there is no right way to play adventure. people make fun of tdmers by having their own fun and developing their skills in their own way but tuccing is ok? they are doing something that wasn't intended by the devs and goes against what most people would do but the devs love it and it has been a common thing in the communtity. ok next point
    c) honestly, us tdmers shouldnt exactly be hard to spot, if you join a lobby, we'll either be looking very sweaty or we will type "tdm" in chat. if you see that, leave the game. if you don't want to play with tdmers then just leave, simple as that.
    d) ok so imagine this: you are in a game and everyone else is tdming, this makes you very angry because the call of duty sweaty teenagers are not playing the gamemode correctly and shouldnt punished by YOU and YOU alone!1!1. so you go over to the fort to tell them who's boss and you lie and say you will join the tdm but you dont!1!1 you sail their ships away to annoy them. yeah... why? why would you do that, what is it about people having their own fun that aggravates you so much. this is a game that is centred (less and less centred as pve takes over tho) around pvp, so why should people in their own way.
    e) this is another argument that i love. it's the classic: they only tdm because they can't do naval and their sword combat is rubbish. i personally love this because anyone who tells me my sword combat is rubbish, i just beat them in a sword 1 v 1. and it's hilarious, because for one fraction of a second they think they've outsmarted me. it's even better when someone tells me im bad at naval because for that same fraction of a second, they think they've won before i hit them with every cannonball in the game.

    don't try and call tdmers bad or breaking the rules because all you are doing is making a tiny difference to some people who dont care. lots of love

  • Just play galleon there is like noooo tdms in galleon. What most people do is if they want wins in a tdm lobby and still want to PvP is just to join the tdm then through blunder bombs at the end. That was like a third of my wins and honestly, some people say it's cheating doing it that way but you actually get better instead of just shooting cannons because at least in sloop you learn how to aim the cannons and steer, and then it's down to rng and waves. But if all you do is naval you'er not gonna get very good at fighting borders and bordering other ships. I have met so many people like you and this "method" never works cause you just have to trash talk a tiny bit and their ego is too shattered to scuttle and then you just camp them for a match get some camp kills in then you switch servers. You get camped the whole match and we continue the tdm on a different server and we get boats again which only takes like 1 maybe 2 attempts and you got a tdm going. OR we could just skip the whole equation you can join the lobby see that there is a tdm and leave BOOM whole thing fixed. I know it's crazy but maybe you're exaggerating how many tdm servers there are. And honestly, it's kinda pathetic to see people stop trying to fight the other teams because they know they can't beat them so they go over to the boats with no people on them and shoot them for easy wins. People use exactly what your saying for just that "I don't want to just dig up chests" then don't just fight the other teams and get cannon points. I have met brand new players who understand these simple ideas more than veterans. A duo of new players joined our tdm and we let them win and when a new team joined the lobby they just fought them the whole match. Unless your a naval master i doubt you will be able to stay at a distance where we can't board you and you can hit cannon shots cause unless you hit more than 50% of the cannons we just keep tdming and go for buckets when we respawn. I understand your going out of your way to ruin other's enjoyment for no real valid reason and I understand doing so when I do the same joining alliance server just to blow up mega kegs and just troll. Tdmers and alliance servers have the same solution which is to spawn kill until you leave but alliance servers can't actually pull that off even when it's two guys trolling on a boat but we have fun because they get extremely mad. But for tdmers it's a mild annoyance fixed in 10 min when for them it could take hours to respike a full galleon server (in adventure mode). But this isn't about me getting cannon spammed its about you not getting to do naval so let's fix your problem. First getting spawn camped then scuttling then sailing back isn't very fun (I tried it once to my friends once when I was trolling) so first, even if there is 1 other ship in the server who wants wins you should go naval them. Part 2 just tdm(It's fun) Part 3 go find another lobby. There I fixed your issue for you and completely debugged your flawed guide. If there is any issues with the solutions I will be happy to hear and fix them.

  • I’d love to hear someone explain how this post isn’t trying to organise targeted harassment?? And surely calling TDMers ‘losers’ could be classed as bullying???

  • @pvekilla420 sagte in How to deal with TDM losers:

    I’d love to hear someone explain how this post isn’t trying to organise targeted harassment?? And surely calling TDMers ‘losers’ could be classed as bullying???

    would you say people serverhopping to find active FotD or emissarys or ships at all are organized targeted harassment?
    would you say streamers who have lots of fans hopping for good lobbys are organized targeted harassment?

    If it is Rare need to be fair and treat all the same.
    As i said above i invented a new playstyle, called fishing Arena, i go fishing in Arena and make it a challenge how many fish until it ends.
    Get the Arena win, not interested and leave me alone, dont kill me, dont sink my ship, it would be organized harassement, right?!

    have you ever called PVE players PVE Lords or Noobs, cowards, sour loosers?

  • @stundorn

    From rares own code of conduct...

    ‘Any activity you engage in that is solely designed to target and upset another player or crew constitutes bullying. Repeated activity designed to ruin the experience of another player or crew constitutes harassment.’

    Now let’s look at a quote from the OP

    Even if it doesn't sink it screws up their vibe if you can get the ship far enough away where the cannons won't reach the fort. Remember either way, once you're down, immediately scuttle. Don't give them a chance to spawn camp you.

    He is actively encouraging players to ‘screw up the vibe’ of the tdmers minding their own business... he is actively trying to ruin the experience of the TDM players...

    Repeat this process a few times and they leave your servers. If we all work at this, we can get these losers to go back to CoD where they belong.

    Now with the last part he is actually trying to mass organise targeted harassment to get players to leave the game... how can this post be even allowed to stay up?

  • @pvekilla420

    doesnt answer my questions - doublestandards i say.
    If they do so, they need to punish Streamers organizing PvP Hopping etc. the same, or not?
    they organize for targeted "harrassment" of PVE only players.

    The question is if it really is harassment or just playing the game and using tools not rules?

    does anyone need to cater to self invented playstyles that dont harmonize with the gamemechanics?

  • @stundorn people who server jump looking for FOTD’s goal is to steal loot in order to gain rewards like rep and gold... they had no intention of bullying the PVEers off the game...

    This guy is wanting to harass tdmers simply because he doesn’t like the way they play the game... he isn’t doing it for any in game reward. He is solely doing it to ruin the experience for the tdmers and in his own words ‘get these losers to go back to cod’ ....

  • @pvekilla420

    yeah thats not ok, but i can search you a couple of well known pvpirates here who state they want to make others quit session and dont care about loot. Isn't that a thing?
    And do PvPers also PvP for the sake of it and not only for loot and isn't that just how the game works?

    If he would have been more smart he would have invented a playstyle called sink ships at Arena Islands for points, but he wasn't and called it what it is.
    Same is true for dozens of PvP only serverhoppers ans popular streamers etc...

    but in the end it's doublestandards only and self inflicted problems i dont have.

    edit: @PVEkilla420 since when are you are interested in beeing fair or something like that ???

    My entire game play style is server hopping looking for people who have been grinding for hours and hours just for me to take away their loot in seconds while spamming 'Rolls on deck laughing' using every exploit I can and enjoying every single second of it.... I DONT CARE about being a 'good sport' in fact I think the idea of being one in a pirate game is actually hilarious.... If someone said to be in game I wasn't being a good sport because I used an exploit on them i'd clip it for memes and me and all my SOT friends would laugh over how native they are.

    And guess what... there are THOSANDS of people on this game who think exactly the same as me... So yeah... get over it and don't be so native to think a lil post on the forums will change any of this... If it's in the game then i'm using it

    kids these days - lol

  • Yes Sir,

    Be a pirate in a pirate game, absolute genius !
    As a former member of the TDM community
    And still an active arena player.

    (note: i just quit tdms as i dont find it appealing anymore because of hitreg and you often just have a team camping the keep.. and that kinda ruins the fun for me but hey thats a different story)

    I am of the opinion that TDM doesn't disturd anyone, and usually if you join a tdm lobby, it is clearly always said in the lobby its a tdm lobby.

    Ofcourse if you decide to go an attack them, they will attack you
    Or do you expect them to just stand there on the fort watching you shoot cannons?
    A lot of TDM players i know are also pretty good at naval combat so..

    So heres the kicker:
    If you land in a TDM lobby, go find another lobby if you dont want to be there?
    Problem solved. Right?

  • @stundorn What does being a good sport have to do with harassment?

    Also you say kids these days but don't understand sarcasm...

    Rare pick and choose as to what they class as harassment and if this was a post about trying to get rid of 'loser PVERS' it would of been instantly removed but because it's about PVPers they let it slip...

  • From rares own code of conduct...

    ‘Any activity you engage in that is solely designed to target and upset another player or crew constitutes bullying. Repeated activity designed to ruin the experience of another player or crew constitutes harassment.’

    Couldn’t this be said for stealing loot and playing the game as a “pirate”?

  • @stcyrilius said in How to deal with TDM losers:

    Honestly, it seems like every Arena Match I play, I get stuck with 3 of 5 ships or more that just want to go over to the fort and TDM.
    For those of us who really wanted a PVP area to do ship to ship combat since encounters in adventure mode aren't as common as we'd all like, these people are ruining the Arena.
    So basically, if you're in a game where they're like, "Leave us alone, go get treasure and get a free win!" (Yeah, because that's fun...)
    All I do is sail up so that I'm a decent distance away, blast their ships, blunder bomb them if they get on board, and scuttle if that doesn't work. You have no idea how super unhinged they get when they no longer have the power to mass-spawn-kill you.
    If you can pull it off (unlikely, these guys to their credit are very skilled at CQC), raise their anchor, and move their ship away from the fort. Even if it doesn't sink it screws up their vibe if you can get the ship far enough away where the cannons won't reach the fort. Remember either way, once you're down, immediately scuttle. Don't give them a chance to spawn camp you.
    Repeat this process a few times and they leave your servers. If we all work at this, we can get these losers to go back to CoD where they belong.

    There is a major fault in this strategy, if people can not play TDM they will be on your ship very quickly. In fact you can guarantee to do nothing but scuttle the rest of the round.
    Like you said majority of TDM crowd are skilled at PVP (TDM builds experience) and everybody needs kills for commendations. I play TDM when there is opportunity of it even so I am pretty mediocre at it. I am Better at PVP thanks to TDM so I am grateful that there are people willing to do that form in Arena. TDM ships go to location immediately at the start, and don't bother anybody. So simply let them be.

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