A PSA for anyone who is afraid to sail without deciding on a voyage…

  • Do it! I just had a wonderful experience that pretty much changed how I view this game.

    I’m sure there are people out there who, like me, felt compelled to always start a session by deciding what company we would be doing voyages for, and sticking rigidly to those companies’ quests. Last night, for the first time, my crew and I set sail without any preconceived notions of what should happen, or what we should do. And it. Was. Fantastic.

    The overall feeling of the session was far different from what I felt in sessions past. Previously, I avoided danger at all costs for fear of losing “my” loot. This session? No. Give me that Reaper’s Bounty! Kraken? I’m here for it! Megaladon? Time for Megaladon stew! Skellie ship? Bye Skevin! Our 2 hour session involved all of this and then some, and I’ve never enjoyed it more!

    Something about not having a voyage up freed my mind a bit – instead of feeling like I needed to run toward a finish line, I was able to truly enjoy the process and not worry about the consequences. I was running on a brig with a full crew (people I know and enjoy), and that helps immensely, but not having a voyage made it feel less like “work”. It wasn’t a grind: it was a daring adventure full of fights on land and sea, explosions, and cartoonish antics.

    So if you’re like me and feel obligated to sail by a voyage, cast off those lines of safety and throw caution to the wind. Not only was it probably as productive as one of my standard sessions (perhaps more so!), it was also just plain fun.

    Fair winds and following seas. 😊

  • 3
  • Voyages are just for the miles

    we all know that

  • @enjolraw welcome to the seas

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