AFK Times

  • I am just gonna put this out there so that it may get seen by Devs. I solo sloop to get commendations for Tall Tales. Not everyone wants to do Tall tales. Anyways, the afk timer ruins my runs and whatever loot I do get. I cant even get up to use the restroom or make me something quick for a bite to eat. just hoping the afk times get raised. even if it is by a couple minutes. I will take anything at this point.

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  • @darrksnype All you have to do is take the controller with you and jump or run around every few minutes, go into the bottom of your ship and rubber band the joystick or lay the controller upside down so you continuously move or I do believe you can go to the ferry and stay as long as you like. Although the ferry option won't allow you to hear if something is happening at your ship. Plenty of ways around the AFK timer though.

  • I agree, it can be annoying at times eg when you get called to the phone or need the can.

  • I swear I’ve seen this word for word complaint.

    You do know what’s worse? Being afk for 30seconds and a galleon shows up :p
    So...even with an increase timer, there always be away to lose everything when your...away

    Sorry. But you could plan ahead. Bring a snack? And it can’t take that long to use a restroom.
    Timer I think is 10min?

  • @venomous-sloth7 I guess I can put a rock on my keyboard.

  • @darrksnype If you can set up a macro that can press the Esc key over and over that will extend the timer to 30 minutes.

  • @darrksnype said in AFK Times:

    I am just gonna put this out there so that it may get seen by Devs. I solo sloop to get commendations for Tall Tales. Not everyone wants to do Tall tales. Anyways, the afk timer ruins my runs and whatever loot I do get. I cant even get up to use the restroom or make me something quick for a bite to eat. just hoping the afk times get raised. even if it is by a couple minutes. I will take anything at this point.

    Ive found a little life hack that will allow you to remain AFK.

    If you are on xbox turn your controller upside down and then push it into the ground.

    Both sticks will be at an angle causing your pirate to run around and look around in circles. Just make sure you are inside your lower deck first.

    Do this, you can remain AFK for as long as your controller stays alive. The game thinks you are active.
    Ive even dropped my partner off at work and picked her up and been afk for up to 30 mins. More than enough time.

    Its inportant that you are moving though as you will still get disconnected if only camera moves. But physical movement, there is no way to know whether its a real player or not.

    This works well. Give it a try.

  • @daringclarky I've done that too. The old rubber band/duct tape/setting the controller upside down/using heavier objects to keep the joystick in a position that causes movement.

  • @mferr11 said in AFK Times:

    @darrksnype If you can set up a macro that can press the Esc key over and over that will extend the timer to 30 minutes.

    I had a macro to step forward and then backward and got disconnected anyway. It might have been 30 minutes, or it might have been the normal 10, I’m not sure.

    Weird that they have some kind of afk-busting system but it only kicks in after a while.

    Maybe the mouse has to move, too?

  • @puggins7318 said in AFK Times:

    @mferr11 said in AFK Times:

    @darrksnype If you can set up a macro that can press the Esc key over and over that will extend the timer to 30 minutes.

    I had a macro to step forward and then backward and got disconnected anyway. It might have been 30 minutes, or it might have been the normal 10, I’m not sure.

    Weird that they have some kind of afk-busting system but it only kicks in after a while.

    Maybe the mouse has to move, too?

    There is a timer for no physical movement.

    So if you were to emote sleep and just have the camera moving but not the player you'll get lazy bearded.

    But if you are physically moving and you don't get stuck then it's impossible to get lazy bearded.

    The only way you could be lazy bearded is if during your absence your ship got sunk and you spawned on the ferry and got stuck or something. If your pirate moves a little though it should work every time. I've been away for over 30 minutes before.

    At least that's how I think it works anyways... Bit of a mystery if your macros were making you step backwards and forwards and still get disconnected. Perhaps it could be your pirate got stuck or maybe there's some other system at play?

    Strange that though.

    It's definitely a YouTube worthy topic for somebody to investigate and cover though that's for sure :)

  • @puggins7318 @Darrksnype there is 2 afk timers, one for doing absolutely nothing for about 10 minutes (lazybeard) and one for not interacting with stuff for about 30 minutes (sleepybeard)

    If you use a rubberband or macro to keep yourself moving you Can prevent the lazybeard, the sleepybeard is harder to prevent

  • @darrksnype I feel you man. Same applies when going to the toilet and everyone knows how long it can take for men specifically to finish that dump.
    I hereby call this game out for gender discrimination and request to have both timers raised up to 1h and 1,5h.
    PS: The last sentence about discrimation was a joke as well, no need to call for the artillery.

  • @trlalon

    @darrksnype I feel you man. Same applies when going to the toilet and everyone knows how long it can take for men specifically to finish that dump.

    Man here, it shouldn't take that long. You are eating a lot of junk and your diet is poor, if we are being honest here.

  • @darrksnype said in AFK Times:

    I am just gonna put this out there so that it may get seen by Devs. I solo sloop to get commendations for Tall Tales. Not everyone wants to do Tall tales. Anyways, the afk timer ruins my runs and whatever loot I do get. I cant even get up to use the restroom or make me something quick for a bite to eat. just hoping the afk times get raised. even if it is by a couple minutes. I will take anything at this point.

    The AFK timer is 10 minutes. That's more than enough time to use the restroom, grab a snack and get back to pirating. I do it all the time. If you're concerned about getting logged out, use your phone or watch to set a 9 minute timer when you get up. If the timer runs out and you need more time, just come back and move your character. Then you can reset the timer and continue whatever you were doing. It's not a big deal.

  • @mferr11 said in AFK Times:

    @darrksnype If you can set up a macro that can press the Esc key over and over that will extend the timer to 30 minutes.

    @puggins7318 said in AFK Times:

    I had a macro to step forward and then backward and got disconnected anyway. It might have been 30 minutes, or it might have been the normal 10, I’m not sure.

    Using macros like this is against the rules and can get you banned. This was confirmed by a Rare employee. There are reasons for AFK timers in the game. If you have to be away longer than 10 minutes and can't return to the game to stay active, just log out and come back when you have time to play. Nobody wants to play a game with AFK characters sitting around wasting space. 10 minutes is more than enough time.

  • @genuine-heather There is no way for a developer to actually discover you using a macro if you have one of those fancy keyboards though.

    Not unless you are streaming or something.

  • @daringclarky said in AFK Times:

    @genuine-heather There is no way for a developer to actually discover you using a macro if you have one of those fancy keyboards though.

    The unlikelihood of getting caught does not make it any less against the rules. Besides, they have ways of detecting things like this. It's really not worth it.

  • @nabberwar Bild Text

  • @genuine-heather I doubt they could detect it. They’d have to be in your crew witnessing the whole thing. They wont have some type pf program monitoring your key presses and stuff like that.

    The only likely way it would happen is if a employee witnessed it whilst playing the game.

    That being said, its not a big deal. Its not like they are using an external program or anything. So i dont think they could do much at all really. Unless you have a case study upon which somebody has been banned?

    Afterall, its rare people go afk to begin with. Having your keyboard tap now and then whilst you go to the toilet is hardly a serious breach of rules.

    Punishing this kind of stuff does more harm than good.
    Plus with the emporium open, i doubt they wanna ban players that still pick the title up over something as little as this. They’re a business afterall, the more players that play this game the more likely one of these players are the kind who spend real cash for cosmetics in their shops.

    Unless it becomes a regular gripe and thousands are abusing this nothing will happen. Its not in their interest to until it has an adverse affect on gameplay.

  • @daringclarky Listen, I'm not here to argue. I'm telling you Rare's policy. You can choose to abide by it or not. If you choose to violate the rules, you must be willing to face the consequences if/when you're caught. That could include being banned. Ten minutes is ample time to do what you need to do and get back to the game. There's no good reason to use macros or any other means to remain unattended in the game.

    Here is an exact quote from a Rare employee on this matter. "Macros as well as unattended keyboard functions are not permitted in Sea of Thieves, its a modification of intended behaviour and game-play."

    But you go ahead and do whatever you want.

  • @genuine-heather said in AFK Times:

    @daringclarky Listen, I'm not here to argue. I'm telling you Rare's policy. You can choose to abide by it or not. If you choose to violate the rules, you must be willing to face the consequences if/when you're caught. That could include being banned. Ten minutes is ample time to do what you need to do and get back to the game. There's no good reason to use macros or any other means to remain unattended in the game.

    Here is an exact quote from a Rare employee on this matter. "Macros as well as unattended keyboard functions are not permitted in Sea of Thieves, its a modification of intended behaviour and game-play."

    But you go ahead and do whatever you want.

    Im not arguing either.
    Im just stating the impossibility of ever actually being caught unless you announced it or spoke about it.

    For the record, i dont use macros as im on xbox.
    But turning your controller over isnt a breach of the rules.
    They just refer to pc macros and such.

    However they’d likely be the first company to punish somebody using macros on their gaming keyboard...afterall its the main function of a gaming keyboard besides the nice lighting. Otherwise its just a regular keyboard 😂

    No argument over here from me though.
    Just stating the reality of the situation.

  • @daringclarky said in AFK Times:

    Im just stating the impossibility of ever actually being caught unless you announced it or spoke about it.

    It's not impossible. Not at all.

    For the record, i dont use macros as im on xbox.
    But turning your controller over isnt a breach of the rules.
    They just refer to pc macros and such.

    You sound so sure of yourself. But you're wrong. Defeating the AFK timer is against the rules. It doesn't matter whether you use a programmable keyboard macro, a rubber band, or gravity. There are a number of ways you could be caught. If you're caught, you could be banned. Cheating is cheating.

    However they’d likely be the first company to punish somebody using macros on their gaming keyboard...afterall its the main function of a gaming keyboard besides the nice lighting. Otherwise its just a regular keyboard 😂

    They wouldn't be the first and they won't be the last. Just because you purchase a device that has macro functions doesn't mean using it isn't against the rules for any given game. You're using a mechanism to defeat a function of the game. It doesn't matter what the mechanism is. It's still cheating.

  • @genuine-heather said in AFK Times:

    @daringclarky said in AFK Times:

    Im just stating the impossibility of ever actually being caught unless you announced it or spoke about it.

    It's not impossible. Not at all.

    For the record, i dont use macros as im on xbox.
    But turning your controller over isnt a breach of the rules.
    They just refer to pc macros and such.

    You sound so sure of yourself. But you're wrong. Defeating the AFK timer is against the rules. It doesn't matter whether you use a programmable keyboard macro, a rubber band, or gravity. There are a number of ways you could be caught. If you're caught, you could be banned. Cheating is cheating.

    However they’d likely be the first company to punish somebody using macros on their gaming keyboard...afterall its the main function of a gaming keyboard besides the nice lighting. Otherwise its just a regular keyboard 😂

    They wouldn't be the first and they won't be the last. Just because you purchase a device that has macro functions doesn't mean using it isn't against the rules for any given game. You're using a mechanism to defeat a function of the game. It doesn't matter what the mechanism is. It's still cheating.

    So are you saying they can monitor your key presses and determine the difference between somebody tapping the keyboard intermittently and someone using a keyboard function macro?

    Well the only realistic way i imagine this could do that is if they are monitoring key presses and timing. Even then they would need proof and the only real proof would be watching you through a webcam.

    Sounds a bit sketchy.
    Take off your tin foil hat haha 😂

  • @daringclarky said in AFK Times:

    Take off your tin foil hat haha 😂

    I've told you that defeating the AFK timer is against the rules. I've provided a direct quote from a Rare employee stating that macro use is against the rules. You seem to be of the opinion that if you don't believe you can get caught, then it must be okay. You are mistaken. If you have a problem with the rules, take it up with Rare.

    Since you've now abandoned any modicum of civility, I suggest this discussion has run its course. @Deckhands

  • @genuine-heather said in AFK Times:

    @daringclarky said in AFK Times:

    Take off your tin foil hat haha 😂

    I've told you that defeating the AFK timer is against the rules. I've provided a direct quote from a Rare employee stating that macro use is against the rules. You seem to be of the opinion that if you don't believe you can get caught, then it must be okay. You are mistaken. If you have a problem with the rules, take it up with Rare.

    Since you've now abandoned any modicum of civility, I suggest this discussion has run its course. @Deckhands

    I dont disagree it is against the rules.
    You misunderstand me if i said it was.

    I am just stating how difficult it is to police.
    Its like trying to accuse somebody of not wearing a mask in a shop but with no photographic or video evidence of the event taking place.
    It wouldnt hold up.

    Same as monitoring key strokes without footage of the person clearly being afk or some other incriminating evidence

    Its really hard to enforce without evidence and getting evidence would be challenging.

    What is difficult to understand about this?

    I dont disagree it is against the rules, but to it being detectable.
    You said its possible for them to detect it. But you are incorrect there. Unless they announce it there is no way to know whether its a madro or their friend or even them, running back occasionally to tap a button to stay active.

    Its not detectable. Use your fancy vocabulary all you want it doesnt make you any less incorrect 😂

    For the record, being straight with someone doesnt mean they’re not being civil. You may just feel i am not being civil with you simply because we have a difference of opinion. That couldnt be further from the truth.
    As i stated earlier i was just discussing the reality of the situation.
    If anybody is abandoning ‘civility’ it is you, throwing the forum mods into the mix over a simple friendly discussion.

    Forums are for debates and to shoot the breeze.
    With your fancy vocabulary i thought you of all people would know this but i guess not. I agree that this discussion certainly has ran its course. Eitherway you have a nice day.

  • @daringclarky they actually been doing this in mmos for years. They look for repetitive key strokes and the duration of the stroke and the time between them. Most people will build some randomness into those number to avoid detection.

  • @captain-coel said in AFK Times:

    @daringclarky they actually been doing this in mmos for years. They look for repetitive key strokes and the duration of the stroke and the time between them. Most people will build some randomness into those number to avoid detection.

    It would make sense having such a system for a large MMO.

    Afterall i played an MMO called pirate king online and you could repeatedly grind hitting this enchanted chinese tree to get items and stuff.
    But you could only usually grind for as long as your patience allowed...however if you had macros, you could stay on indefinitely and I did. I remained on for over a week as i went to work etc and was very wealthy. I was glad they didnt have this detection in place.

    It would make sense to have that in such a game as i am clearly profiting and exploiting. An afk player grinding resources has a clear advantage to somebody only able to grind when physically at their pc.

    Would a player be profiting to this extend in Sea of Thueve?
    Beating a 15 minute AFK timer to receive loot they already worked for?

    Not likely.

    Never knew they had this in MMOs though, thats pretty cool and makes sense though. But it would probably not be worth the effort to have this in a game of this size.

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