Why I unlocked the achievement Mercantile Loot of Legends but did not receive the title? What should I do?

  • I believe I met a bug. The achievement is unlocked (grade V), but I did not receieve the title as reward. I can not unlock the Ghost Wheel now because of the terrible bug!

  • 40
  • Do you also have the Explosive Loot of Legends commendation at Grade 5? You need both to unlock the wheel.

  • @d3adst1ck Sure! I have unlocked all 6 grade V commendation but only have 5 titles. I am sure that the title of Mercantile Loot of Legends is not in my bag so I can not buy the wheel.

  • @d3adst1ck these are the screenshots![alt text]([image url](link url))

  • Sorry I don't know how to post pictures but I am pretty sure I have unlocked all 6 grade V achievements but only get 5 titles of Collector.

  • I have the same problem :'( alt text
    alt text
    alt text
    alt text
    as you see, there no Mercantile Loot of Legends (Collector of Legendary Voyages ) title..

  • I have the same problem.

  • @Horusyourdad @D3ADST1CK @OORAISERR @Khaalll . i had this problem a while ago and I've already sent a support ticket to rare. they said they will look into it. stay patient for now.

  • @butterpig01 I sent the ticket yesterday but did not receive any other reply except for letting me wait.

  • @horusyourdad i receive the same answer. but i d finished the legendary mercantile 2 week ago.....

  • @khaalll so what should we do...

  • @d3adst1ck Hi! If you see our problems in reply, can u report this bug for us to the official team?

  • @horusyourdad i don't know. I completed my ticket with more information and linked this topic. Now, I m waiting for an answer.
    I wanted to put money in game for help dev and buy a ship's skin but with this problem, i m waiting for. For the moment, their answers are not satisfactory.....

  • @khaalll Did any agent reply you? My tickets have no answer or reply since 3 days ago. WT F

  • @horusyourdad i received an answer yesterday. This answer ask me to waiting 72h (time for unlock achievement....) but i finished the mercantile legendary since 2 or 3 weeks. So???
    And it s not a simply title, i don't care about this! But it s locking the ghost skin that we have farming for a long week.... I m jaded!

  • @khaalll True! What I care is the wheel. Terrible game with numerous bugs. :((( Already put negative comments on steam.

  • This is a problem which would probably require an update to the servers rather than simply giving the people the titles. so it may take longer than we would of liked as they would most likely need to schedule a maintenance period.

  • @butterpig01 L M A O OK! I decided not to touch this game any more until they fix this problem... and already left negative feedback on steam:(((((!!!!!! TERRIBLE BUG WASTING MY TIME

  • i will let you know if i get a reply to my ticket.

  • @butterpig01 all we could do is hoping they fix our problems as soon as possible :(

  • @horusyourdad yeah. look id wait until the servers are (hopefully) updated 2 days from now for the milestone event.

  • @Horusyourdad @OORAISERR @Khaalll
    UPDATE: aight lads. I've got my ticket back. They said they are working towards fixing it soon.
    "We are currently investigating this issue and will have a fix issued soon" and will " notify you once a fix is in place."

    we just need to wait a bit longer.

  • @butterpig01 They said the same thing to me.. alt text

  • Got the same exact problem. Both commendations unlocked, one title is missing, and cannot purchase the wheel.

    Received the same reply from support.

  • already left negative comments on steam

  • @butterpig01 How long have you been waiting on your first ticket?

  • @vii-knightmare i posted on the 31st of july.

  • I think the subject is not the ticket s answers but deadlines to resolve this bug....... And I think we ll not unlock our wheel before a long time....

  • できるだけ早く問題を解決したい

  • Any update?

  • @vii-knightmare yes they have identified the issue and an update to all effected accounts should be out within 24 hours.
    @Horusyourdad @OORAISERR @Khaalll i would also like to confirm that you both have gotten the wheel yet? i am too busy at the moment to check.

  • @butterpig01 I got the same reply from support a couple of days back regarding the patch, however, It’s been more than 24 now, no title received, and still can’t purchase the wheel.

  • @vii-knightmare have you tried handing in one more crate? in similar cases this usually fixed it. i havent tested it yet

  • any fix?

  • @butterpig01 My title still missing so cannot buy the Ghost Wheel yet..

24 out of 40