Recent update changes (not the new stuff) suck!

  • 1: In the last big update the kraken rarely spawned, now it spawns too much, especially with a tiny sloop!
    2: skeleton galleons are way too overpowered when fighting in a sloop now, found it kind of odd for the AI to be that precise.
    3: this one is more of a suggestion. I think gunpowder barrels should have a glow or something when floating in the water next to other floating barrels.

  • 4
    1. Mr Kraken which spawns for the "tiny sloop" is balanced... if you know what your doing.
    2. Skelly Galleons are balanced for Brigs and Galleons and for OP Sloop Players.
    3. It would mess up the sneaky sneaks!

    Kind Regards

    (Welcome to the Sea of Thieves!)

    1. The Kraken spawns between Forts and Fleets on a random target. I imagine you may be experiencing it more due to increased Fort/Fleet activity with the Emissaries, Daily Bounties, and Fort Nights.
    2. It was my understanding that the Skelleon isn't an emergent even on a Sloop, only the Brigantine and Galleon. I could be wrong though... Regardless, I can only suggest practice here as I do not have an issue with them.
    3. That would remove too much from the experience IMO. They are an environmental hazard, and a common PvP tool so I don't think they need to be more visible.
  • @archangel-timmy said in Recent update changes (not the new stuff) suck!:

    1. The Kraken spawns between Forts and Fleets on a random target. I imagine you may be experiencing it more due to increased Fort/Fleet activity with the Emissaries, Daily Bounties, and Fort Nights.
    2. It was my understanding that the Skelleon isn't an emergent even on a Sloop, only the Brigantine and Galleon. I could be wrong though... Regardless, I can only suggest practice here as I do not have an issue with them.
    3. That would remove too much from the experience IMO. They are an environmental hazard, and a common PvP tool so I don't think they need to be more visible.

    I couldnt of said it better xD.

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