Bugs really need to get fixed, please, stop with the updates and fix the game.

  • Stop updating the game and just fix the bugs and the game. We have been playing a buggy game for over 2 years because you keep focusing on updates. STOP IT.

    Whenever I switch weapons too quickly like from sword to gun when it pulls out the gun, the game will switch back to my sword. This happens visa versa.

    Next when I'm on a cannon and select something to load, the game loads a cannon ball instead of whatever I am selecting. That is killing me when I want to use chain shot or blunder bomb or even cursed cannon balls.

    Then theres when I'm eating food, the character eats it, goes through the animation and then no health and I check and the food has not been eaten. Doesn't happen all the time but often enough that its annoying.

    Please Rare stop updating this game and just freaking fix the game. PLEASE! So many other bugs in the game.

    QOL change - Please for the love of god fix some of the UI and make this game full screen. I hate opening a barrel trying to grab something and I end up placing items into the barrel, or when I'm trying to grab something out of a barrel or select something where my mouse is on the corner of the screen and the taskbar comes up and I have to move the mouse, tab back into the game, and then try to not die.


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  • I don’t believe me nor my four man crew I play with has ever had any of these issues before. To be honest I think this is a problem with your system or device. Not the game being bugged. And I have been playing since the beta my friend

  • They are aware of this bugs.
    They also said that the May update coming this Wednesday is going to be a "Quality of Life Improvements" patch, so expect bug fixes.

  • You can't have bug fixes without updates, so I'm going to assume that your logic here is a bit flawed.

    Bugs being introduced with new content is nothing out of the ordinary - it always happens, and with every game; no exceptions. It's just naturally occuring due to bad code and human error - that will never change.

    Even with updates featuring bug fixes, guess what? You can still get more bugs!

    Updated content is going to come to expand the game, and so will the bugs, and over time as they are discovered and reported those bugs will be drastically reduced. Even then, not all of the bugs will be squashed. Even if Rare takes a massive time-out to address all of the necessary bug-fixing, it won't prevent more from crawling out later.

    My advice to you is to not worry about all of the issues so much. If you encounter any more, feel free to do your part by reporting it so that it gets fixed. Otherwise, just enjoy the other 95% of the game that works fantastically. Trust me, you'll be glad you did.

  • @galactic-geek

    Pfffffffft. They can fix bugs by focusing on that. They don't need to release more game content. They don't even test the new content properly before releasing it.

    The game had a lot of less bugs during release then it did now. The bugs that it did have were hilarious. Like the infinite sword dash through the water lol, or the glitch that when a ship sinks sometimes it launches into the sky flying a mile away with loot just falling all over the place.

    See that stuff didn't effect normal game play. Except the bugs that I mentioned effect my game because I PvP. The game loading a cannonball when I try to load something else, the game switching my weapons back and forth, the game not registering that I ate food (which through further testing I think happens when a transition is happening. I notice it a lot when I'm about to eat something and jump into water or eat something while climbing out of water)

    I could have corrupt game files or maybe my mouse is effed. Which would be a first for me. Last mouse I had before this one I had for over 10 years and no issues EVER.

    Reported the bugs.

    The post is in hopes that they will stop with updates and just focus on bug fixing for like 2 to 3 months. Just focus on fixing the issues causing players issues.

    Like the flags not counting. The longer it takes to fix that bug, the harder it is going to be to finish that commendation legitimately.

    Can't enjoy the game when those bugs are effecting my game.

  • @mr-rattles Sometimes I fail to eat my banana. It happens when I am panic stricken and swarmed by skeletons. It turns out my pirate actually can't chew gum and walk ... well actually she does chew, whenever she's idle... can't eat bananas and run? Anyway, it's me, it's not a bug is what I'm saying.

  • @xultanis-dragon Your wish comes true on Wednesday!

  • @xultanis-dragon it’s unrealistic for them to cease adding new content for 2-3 months and focus purely on fixes. People will grow bored with the game and leave if there’s no new content (ie. the problem people first had with the game when it released).

    Not saying we don’t need bug fixes, because obviously we do, but ceasing content production to purely fix bugs isn’t a viable option.

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