Brightness Problem

  • I'm not good in english so im going to post two pictures of the game.
    It's about 3-4 months that im having issues with game's brightness, especially in the night and when I'm inside buildings or inside ships. I know that there are no brighness options but I never had this kind of problem (im playing from D1).
    As you can see if im outside a tavern I can se clearly inside, every detail, even of the floor, table etc...but if I move a little inside everything become dark, very very dark, I can barly distinguish shapes of tables, chairs and other objects. This issue repeat when I'm inside a ship and I cant see where players are (only tags can help me) and cant see anything.
    I dont really know how to go back!
    ps: Monitor and GPU settings NEVER changed as Im not good with this things.!!!
    PPS: How in hell i put images in my post?!

  • 8
  • link text inside the tavern

  • Outside a tavern: link text

  • @cezzaneo you may have to change the settings on your monitor

  • @captain-coel really?! I never changed them. I have a LG w2363d that have an OSD menu, but I never change anything. Do I really try something in there?

  • @cezzaneo it has to be worth trying

  • Well, Im going try something, I hope dont mess it up more than it is.

  • I want the game to be darker. I want to need the lantern at night. A gamma slider would be nice

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