Less is MOAR

  • Hello,

    Fire and Doubloons are too OP, long story short; they are causing an imbalance in the game, allow me to explain.


    After Arena was added, Adventure became barren, and you can hardly find a ship, later on, with the Dark Relics DLC. The reaper chest was added; it was an incentive for players to return to Adventure and fight over it to earn some doubloons that are needed for Black Market items.

    After Rare saw that as an auspicious thing, they added MOAR things to sell for doubloons, now you can almost sell anything in the game for doubloons, This caused Reaper Chests to lose their value. The glowy beacons in maps are nothing but a colorful glow of particles, as there are many other and easier ways to earn doubloons. I have thousands of doubloons that I do not know what to do with, just like the gold I have.

    Same goes to Fire:

    Fire is too OP, and I'm not talking about Solo Slooping or anything related to the ship. But to skeletons, skeleton Types needed some mechanic to be able to defeat them. Goldies needed Water, and Shadow skeletons required light. It's taking players half of the time necessary to finish fort of the Damned as everyone is just spamming fireballs. Fire is effective against Goldies and Shadows. This ruined the experience of skeleton types, might as well turn them all into standard bone skeletons.

    Fireballs should not affect Goldies, as they should not work on them as if you are throwing them on the floor, on the other hand, fireballs should pass through inactive shadow skeletons, bring back the purpose of skeleton types.

    Please calm down on adding more of what players like, cut down on doubloon related items. Also, apply the necessary logic to fire regarding skeletons.

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  • fire one pve(skellies) feels like it was planned from beginning.

  • @phuzzybond idk reapers chest sell for double the amount of things like ashen chests, and its way easier to get reapers chests. plus you can just ally rather than fight btw, i think around half the reapers chests i have gotten have been while i was in an alliance/ allianced just so we could share the dabloons. if you have that many dabloons just save them up and buy everything that comes in the bildge rat store.

    and i disagree with the fire on skellies, i mean you only have so many fire balls, it seems like a waste to me for someone to use them on those skellies. i would much rather one blunder them. i mean for real why waste fire balls? i will admit fire balls do make skelly ships easy pease though. i sunk a skelly sloop so fast it didnt have time to shoot me lol

    " logic to fire regarding skeletons"

    well i mean logically the fire would light up shadows, and burn them, and logically the fire should heat up the bones of the skellies and mess them up. at least i think it would, but maybe im illogical

  • Fire melts golden skeletons.
    Fire burns plant skeletons.
    Fire lights up shadow skeletons.
    Fire disintegrates regular skeletons.

    Makes sense to me.

    Also, last time I checked, dubloons weren't shared with Reaper's Chests, so if that's a new development, or if I was just mistaken, then that's good to know.

  • Do you know the definition of "OP"? means that something is way stronger than everything else and saying that doubloons are to easy to get kinda makes it the other way around, doesn't it?

    You can barely spend the doubloons anymore so most of the time they are worse than gold.

    On FotD the PvE isn't meant to be hard, just time consuming making it so other players can reach the first in an attempt to steal I from you so I really don't see an issue with fire being used against them since it barely makes It faster anyway.

  • @phuzzybond

    They’ve utterly annihilated the value of gold, reputation has been headed down the tubes for a while now. All from over-saturation of high value rewards.

    They’ve been backed into a corner where doubloons are all they have left to entice people, and now they’ll ruin doubloons through over-saturation as well.

    History repeats itself.

  • @d4m0r3d As far as I know doubloons aren't shared.

    "save them up and buy everything that comes in the bilge rat store."

    That's the problem here mate :) I don't care about everything in the bilge rat store, I don't want to get rid of my doubloons just because I have a lot, I want to buy cosmetics that I might use. You are basically agreeing that doubloons are being given too easy.

    If shadow Skellies are not physical when inactive, fireballs shouldn't affect them, same as with gold, fire doesn't burn gold, or any kind of metal, unless temperatures are extreme, (in reality) it melts metal.

  • About reaper chest. Nobody cares any more.

    You should add a legendary commendation. We all saw Arena filled again due to the new comms. So...

  • @itz-majman I saw a FoTD activate when I was in mermaid's hideaway, I was sailing in a sloop against the wind, they finished the fort before I got there, now I can finish it as fast as a normal fort with fireballs.

    A Normal Light from the fire is not a flame of fate, just like a normal lantern shouldn't light a colored skeleton, a fireball shouldn't. Maybe keeping it to default skellies, but colored ones doesn't apply.

    Eitherway, the whole sense of the game is becoming A LOT of everything all the time, Gold, Doubloons, Kill PVE way too fast and so on, you know, easy come easy go, just like the many pirate legends that left the game after getting there too fast.

  • Hey, @PhuzzyBond. I love your videos.

    Also, I know what you mean. I have everything I want and I still have this:
    alt text

  • @phuzzybond
    A FotD takes around 20-25 minutes on a sloop with a decent crew FYI if you never tried one. Without fire.

    Reaper chests sell for 25 instead of 10, they are located in shipwrecks often full of other loot and fish.

    Pirate legends who ditched the game because they were too rich did so because they were interested strictly to the PVE half of this game. Any hybrid player with pl10 and lots of G/D still plays this game because of the interaction with other crews.

    Take people like Pace or Shumba who own 28+ mil as an example.

  • @phuzzybond

    As far as I know doubloons aren't shared

    i think its new but yea they are. have been since the ashen update at least. at first im pretty sure it was 100% for even allies, but now it is 50% for allies.

    if dabloons are being given too easy and you have too much, why do you want to save them up. clearly you do not have enough yet to satisfy you, therefore clearly the dabloon rates are fine. if you had to many you would be fine with buying everything in the bilge rat store, even if you dont like it or care for it, cause its a limmited item, and you already have way to many dabloons to deal with right. i mean why not?

    "If shadow Skellies are not physical when inactive, fireballs shouldn't affect them"

    what do we do to make the shadow skellies vulnerable? we light them up with a lantern, what is in a lanter, a flame. therefor i believe fire working on shadow skellies is great.

    and gold skellies arent skellies whos bones are made of gold, they are skellies with gold on them. either way i dont care waht they do with gold skellies. but i think fire should damage shadow skellies, just because it makes alot of sense that it would. also dunno anyone or why anyone would waste fireballs at the fort of the damned.

    they arent hard to fight, all you gotta do is run in circles in the tower. i personally have survived over 1 hour without a boat, on there, i believe i solod it all the way to the boss wave wich is when it really started taking up most of my time.
    so i just dont see the need to waste fire on shadow skellies, the fire doesnt stay on the ground, so thats like one fire ball per maybe five skellies. thats pretty expensive

    oh and i just realised you are the YouTuber so hello, you make some pretty good content.

  • Do you guys think that maybe they added the ancient coin skellies that are really rare to find in replace of how rare dabloons used to be?

  • @xix-zeno-xix dabloons werent really like that, you could always complete commendations to get the rewards. if they added an update, that came with dabloon costing skins, then they would add ways for you to get dabloons. it wasnt really hard to get dabloons. they added ancient skellies so that they could say hey yea we are adding micro transactions (something highly frowned upon) but at least you can earn them in game

  • @d4m0r3d fair enough, I forgot to consider the commendations lol

  • So on the reality side of things fire at its normal heat cannot melt gold fire being at around 700 Celsius and the head to melt gold is around 1000 but I like the fact it kills goldies I do agree though with it passing through the night skellies if they are still in shadow form and as for the doubloons yes it is too easy to get they need to make them harder to achieve so you get a sense of accomplishment when handing in a ashen chest or reaper chest because at this moment it means nothing when you are sitting on 1000+

  • @eth4n460 why would it pass through shadow skellies, you know fire emits light, and light stops shadows. if anything makes more sense, the flames should insta kill them. im confused as to why people keep saying flames shouldnt effect shadow skellies. also do we even know if the fire actually damages them, cause we can shoot shadow skellies, and they will react to the hit, but wont take dmg. so how do we know it even damages shadow skellies. i tried it and the fire didnt kill it, i had to light it up with my lantern and shoot it still.

  • Doubloon are a currency they cant be OP and the game is not Pay to win since you can only get cosmetics.

    Fire isn't OP either cause it hardly damages the ship at all and the ammo is a rare consumable like curse balls so they are very limited in a fight. Just take the hit, put the fire out, and they're in the past.

  • @D4m0R3d because it is still in the glass container and the light would not be enough to expose them or stay there long enough

  • @eth4n460 not when you throw it and it lights them up lol.

    also do you know how a lantern works, if anything the fire balls should be brighter. btw a lantern is a metal container with glass windows, inside it is a candle.

    plus fire balls explode in fire, should be a way bigger flame than a lantern candle.

  • @D4m0R3d the fire bomb is smaller than a lantern so the flame would be smaller and yes I am aware of what a lantern is it's not a hard concept also I'm not talking about when it explodes I'm talking about when it is still in the container

  • @phuzzybond said in Less is MOAR:

    If shadow Skellies are not physical when inactive, fireballs shouldn't affect them, same as with gold, fire doesn't burn gold, or any kind of metal, unless temperatures are extreme, (in reality) it melts metal.

    I kind of get where you’re coming from with this, but SoT never really was a fan of science, so let’s not go down that path of conversation.

    1. I would be more in favour of the fireball slowly melting the gold off of them and turning them into regular full health skellies.
    2. I think that throwing one at a cloaked shadow skeleton should light them up and expose them but not do any damage.
    3. I think they should be a good counter for plant skellies, but I’m all in favour of giving them passive regen always, not just in water to balance this out a bit.
    4. I think they should be able to kill regular skellies.

    Practically speaking, the point of the fireballs is a sort of offensive utility, not a primary weapon, I would make the above changes but also give crews a small amount of fireballs when they start up a ship and make them rarer around the world. I wouldn’t let them spawn on forts at all.

  • @eth4n460

    Well, whilst I think @D4m0R3d is suggesting that you should walk around with bombs in your hand lighting them up like that (technically speaking that does sort of make sense), but doesn’t it make more sense if when the bombs explode in fire, which (last time I set a sloop on fire I seem to remember) gave off light which should expose the skellies, the lanterns can’t compare to a handheld inferno.

    I don’t understand why your complaining so much about a small PvE advantage, I get a PvP argument over small changes but not PvE.

  • I shoot a skeleton; they run for heals; I hit them w/FB to put a stop to it. Utility is right.

  • I agree that Rare went overboard with the doubloons and how easily they are gained. I have just under 1000 doubloons and nothing to use them on.

    But on the other hand, I personally really enjoy how fire was implemented.

  • Doubloons are absolutely becoming a commodity, which is a shame because Rare already made the mistake with gold. The issue at its heart is that there is no such thing as an impulse buy in this game, or a risky voyage for that matter. You either have way more gold and doubloons than you need, or you are pointed toward a million different voyages to get more than what you need. Where is the hidden intricacies and strategies? Where is the sense of choice on how you want to spend your money?

    I like what Rare did with ritual skulls and hope that this kind of trend continues but to even a larger degree in that I hope it is integrated into captaincy, and the next "tier" of voyages. However, there needs to be interesting / worthwhile content, cosmetics, titles, what have you locked behind collecting or buying consumables like the ritual skull. Then, players can spend frivolously to buy the "stash voyages" to save time looking for them or can just show off and buy outright. The game doesn't have that level of depth in the voyage system though to even offer shortcuts because they are so repetitive & linear. I'd love to see voyages which require a multitude of different items, even from other crews, to complete. And make the reward something besides gold and doubloons.

  • @phuzzybond I sort of disagree and agree. I think the doubloons are fine as it is. As it sits, if you want to make doubloons fast, Reapers Chests are the best way you possibly can. If you do Ashen Key voyages, the most you'll get out of them is 15 doubloons if you're lucky, and if you do Ashen Chest and Ashen Key voyages together to get the contents, you are very likely to operate at a loss after getting all the commendations. But Reapers Chests? I turned in my 5th one earlier this week, and ended up getting 75 doubloons in 1 fell swoop while keeping it away from a Reapers Mark brigantine. And even without that unlock of a commendation, you still make a profit of 25 doubloons, unlike the 5-10 you can possibly get if you get lucky from an Ashen Key + Ashen Chest voyage, assuming you're doing them when you haven't lost any doubloons yet.

    The biggest problem with the argument you made against doubloons is that you said "I have thousands of doubloons that I do not know what to do with, just like the gold I have," which may as well mean "let's also get rid of all the new ways to get gold. Fort of The Damned, Tall Tales, Hunter's Call, the treasure that skeleton ships, krakens, and megalodons drop, etc." It's an in-game currency with no real value, so inflation isn't really a problem with it. Why Rare kept it as two different currencies, I'm not sure, but it doesn't make it any worse for the game as a whole. If I had to guess, you just miss the days when people squabbled over Reapers Chests, considering the content you make, which isn't a bad thing. But the same could be said about Skeleton Forts, which have more or less been shunted to the background because they aren't as good as they used to be with the inevitable introduction of new ways of earning gold and reputation.

    As for fire... yeah, it's definitely really, really powerful in PvE. In PvP, it's more of just a nuisance. I think it should definitely do double to leafy skeletons, none to gold, and pass through shadow skeletons who haven't already been triggered like you said. It's a balance that still needs to be fixed, in my opinion.

  • @generalbuckfoi thats exactly what im saying

    it make more sense if when the bombs explode in fire, which (last time I set a sloop on fire I seem to remember) gave off light which should expose the skellies, the lanterns can’t compare to a handheld inferno.

    lol yea exactly i dunno why people seem to be more against them working on shadow skellies than metal skellies

  • @eth4n460 also the fire inside a lantern is hardly bigger than the fire inside a fire bomb, and like @GeneralBuckfoi said a fire bomb explodes in fire, = fire produce light= explosion of fire = alot more light being shined on those skellies. do ya get meh now?

  • @d4m0r3d nah i still don't understand you.... i get what you are saying im not some sort of fool you seem to think i don't understand what you mean im not talking about when it explodes im saying before it does when its still in the container it shouldn't be able to hit shadow skellies

  • and the lantern is a lot larger than the firebomb which means the lantern produces more light

  • @dislex-fx hello mate :) thank you , and yes, lots of everything everywhere.

  • @d4m0r3d You have a point :) but in that case, Fireballs should only affect standard shadow skellies, and not ones in FoTD, as they require flames of fate, a normal light doesn't work on them, so a fireball shouldn't either.

    On the other hand, the game feels like it adds features that makes older feats obsolete. That's the whole point of my post, even if they didnt do whats mentioned above, a bit of challenge to PVE would be nice, now PVE is very easy, even kraken and Meg.

    " i just realised you are the YouTuber so hello"
    And thank you :) GG

  • @wajuwanmekill In Arena, there are only a few spawn locations on the sloop, players light these areas on fire, as soon as a player spawns inside the fire, they get one shot with an eye of reach and insta dead again before the screen fully loads. It has been a meta now that keep player on a constant ferryman loop.

  • @d4m0r3d FoTD skellies require flame of fat,e the fire inside the fireball isnt a flame of fate, so technically it should only work on standard shadow skellies.

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